The 1975
中 文 名 The 1975
成立时间 2004年
性 质 独立/另类摇滚乐队
代 表 作《Chocolate》《Girls》《Sex》
类 型 组合
国 籍 英国
Matthew Healy(主唱、吉他手)
全名:Matthew Timothy Healy
Matthew出生于伦敦,父母(Tim Healy和Denise Welch)都是当地有名气的演员。10岁前,Matthew在诺森伯兰郡的首府纽卡斯尔生活,之后他和父母搬到曼切斯菲尔德。他16岁离开学校,在呼叫中心和咖啡馆工作。Matthew是一位无神论者和人道主义,英国人文主义协会的一位著名的支持者。Matthew有一个弟弟,Louis Healy(出生于2001年),Louis还在乐队的《Heart Out》MV中扮演年轻的Matthew。
George Daniel(鼓手)
全名:George Bedford Daniel
身高:193cm (6'4)
George是Matthew最好的朋友,别名Bedford Danes。George是乐队歌曲的主要创作者,有人说"he's a stellar in the 1975 songs"。
Adam Hann(吉他手)
全名:Adam Brian Thomas Hann
Adam是一个十分安静、话不多的人。他视他的Fano JM6吉他为他的宝贝。Adam拥有非常可爱的笑容,并喜欢把TimTams饼干和牛奶放在一起吃。
Ross MacDonald(贝斯手)
一支来自英国曼彻斯特的独立/另类摇滚乐队。The 1975已经发布了一张同名专辑和四张EP。他们的首张专辑是在2013年9月2日发布的,六天后专辑就在“the UK Albums Chart”上位列第一。在2014年,The 1975已经取得了巨大的成功,拥有了自己的白金唱片并开始了国际上的巡回演出。2016年2月26日发布了第二张专辑"I like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it",首周全美销售10万8千张,成功拿下billboard 200冠军。
英国曼彻斯特的一支来自柴郡马格斯菲特的独立/另类摇滚乐队。由Matthew Healy(主唱、吉他手),Adam Hann(吉他手),George Daniel (鼓手), and Ross MacDonald(贝斯手) 组成。截止2016年2月他们已经发行了七张EP:Facedown, Sex, Music forCars, IV,Chocolate (Jonas LR Remix), Medicine,Love Me和两张乐队专辑《The 1975》《I like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it》。
尽管被公认是一支另类的摇滚乐队,他们一直受到不同流派包括electro-pop、电子音乐、吉他流行和R&B的影响。特别是Matthew受到Talking Heads、Prince、My Bloody Valentine和Michael Jackson等人音乐的影响;Matthew认为对他影响最大的是制片人约翰·休斯的作品。Matthew还说,the 1975的灵感来自于上世纪80年代,特别是80年代的青少年电影。他们的歌曲主要是围绕爱、毒品、希望、死亡和恐惧等主题。
在2013年9月东约克郡金斯顿赫尔河畔举办的的Free festival上,他们直击头条。Hull DailyMail 写到“这是英国最热的乐队之一”。很多批评家将其定位为新生代前沿的吉他乐队,将把另类摇滚揽回主流。
2001年,在曼彻斯特的Wilmslow高中,吉他手Adam遇见乐队现任主唱Matthew,鼓手George和贝斯手Ross。正当组织"Hippy Council Worker"对青少年组织演出时,Adam向Matthew和Ross提出组建乐队的建议。他们开始玩了朋克摇滚和流行音乐,直到他们写了一首歌。Matthew最初是乐队的鼓手,但乐队的原主唱退出并加入另一个乐队,他就接管了主唱的位置。后来George被招募成为乐队的鼓手,形成当前的阵容。乐队一直持续演出,并使用了许多不同的名字,如Drive Like I Do、The Slowdown、TALKHOUSE!和The Big Sleep,直到他们确定乐队名字为The 1975。
在采访中他们常会被问到乐队名字的来源。在Matthew19岁的时候,有人送了他一本曾被用来写日记的古老节拍诗书,而在这本书中有一个涂鸦为1 June The 1975。Matthew认为用了"The”这个单词十分地有趣。起初他并不认为这是他的乐队的名字,但当他们想到一个新的名字,他意识到"and it was just perfect"。“The 1975”这个名字被坚持沿用至今。
The 1975 are an English rock band originating from Wilmslow, Cheshire.The group consists of Matthew Healy (lead vocals, rhythm guitar), Adam Hann (lead guitar), Ross MacDonald (bass), and George Daniel (drums).
The band's origins trace to them attending Wilmslow High School and playing together as teenagers in 2002. Gigs organized by a council worker led band formally signed as ‘The 1975’, finding the name from a posthumous Jack Kerouac Beat poetry book. They eventually signed record deals after success with Dirty Hit and Polydor.
They have released four EPs and two albums. Their self-titled debut was released on 2 September 2013 through Dirty Hit and Polydor, topping the UK Albums Chart on 8 September. Their sophomore album ‘I like it when you sleep’, ‘for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it’ was released on 26 February 2016, topping both the UK Chart and the US ‘Billboard’ 200.
On 1 June 2015, the band's social accounts were terminated, which caused intense speculation. A comic strip was posted on Healy's Twitter a day prior but is now on their manager's account, which suggested the band's break-up. The next day, the accounts were reinstated, but the cover images and profile photos were white and light pink, instead of the usual black and white, revealing it to be a publicity stunt.
On 8 October, the band announced ‘I like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it’. They premiered the lead single, "Love Me", simultaneously scheduling a support tour in Europe, North America, and Asia.They premiered the second single, "UGH!", on 10 December on Beats 1. The album's third single, "The Sound" debuted on BBC Radio 1 on 14 January 2016. The 1975 released the fourth single "Somebody Else" on 15 February on Beats 1before the album's release. "A Change of Heart", albeit a song, premiered on Radio 1 on 22 February.
The album was released on 26 February and topped the UK Albums Chart and the US ‘Billboard’ 200.The band released a free download of "How to Draw" on Twitter and through Target Exclusive.It has been shortlisted for the Mercury Music Prize.
中 文 名 The 1975
成立时间 2004年
性 质 独立/另类摇滚乐队
代 表 作《Chocolate》《Girls》《Sex》
类 型 组合
国 籍 英国
Matthew Healy(主唱、吉他手)
全名:Matthew Timothy Healy
Matthew出生于伦敦,父母(Tim Healy和Denise Welch)都是当地有名气的演员。10岁前,Matthew在诺森伯兰郡的首府纽卡斯尔生活,之后他和父母搬到曼切斯菲尔德。他16岁离开学校,在呼叫中心和咖啡馆工作。Matthew是一位无神论者和人道主义,英国人文主义协会的一位著名的支持者。Matthew有一个弟弟,Louis Healy(出生于2001年),Louis还在乐队的《Heart Out》MV中扮演年轻的Matthew。
George Daniel(鼓手)
全名:George Bedford Daniel
身高:193cm (6'4)
George是Matthew最好的朋友,别名Bedford Danes。George是乐队歌曲的主要创作者,有人说"he's a stellar in the 1975 songs"。
Adam Hann(吉他手)
全名:Adam Brian Thomas Hann
Adam是一个十分安静、话不多的人。他视他的Fano JM6吉他为他的宝贝。Adam拥有非常可爱的笑容,并喜欢把TimTams饼干和牛奶放在一起吃。
Ross MacDonald(贝斯手)
一支来自英国曼彻斯特的独立/另类摇滚乐队。The 1975已经发布了一张同名专辑和四张EP。他们的首张专辑是在2013年9月2日发布的,六天后专辑就在“the UK Albums Chart”上位列第一。在2014年,The 1975已经取得了巨大的成功,拥有了自己的白金唱片并开始了国际上的巡回演出。2016年2月26日发布了第二张专辑"I like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it",首周全美销售10万8千张,成功拿下billboard 200冠军。
英国曼彻斯特的一支来自柴郡马格斯菲特的独立/另类摇滚乐队。由Matthew Healy(主唱、吉他手),Adam Hann(吉他手),George Daniel (鼓手), and Ross MacDonald(贝斯手) 组成。截止2016年2月他们已经发行了七张EP:Facedown, Sex, Music forCars, IV,Chocolate (Jonas LR Remix), Medicine,Love Me和两张乐队专辑《The 1975》《I like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it》。
尽管被公认是一支另类的摇滚乐队,他们一直受到不同流派包括electro-pop、电子音乐、吉他流行和R&B的影响。特别是Matthew受到Talking Heads、Prince、My Bloody Valentine和Michael Jackson等人音乐的影响;Matthew认为对他影响最大的是制片人约翰·休斯的作品。Matthew还说,the 1975的灵感来自于上世纪80年代,特别是80年代的青少年电影。他们的歌曲主要是围绕爱、毒品、希望、死亡和恐惧等主题。
在2013年9月东约克郡金斯顿赫尔河畔举办的的Free festival上,他们直击头条。Hull DailyMail 写到“这是英国最热的乐队之一”。很多批评家将其定位为新生代前沿的吉他乐队,将把另类摇滚揽回主流。
2001年,在曼彻斯特的Wilmslow高中,吉他手Adam遇见乐队现任主唱Matthew,鼓手George和贝斯手Ross。正当组织"Hippy Council Worker"对青少年组织演出时,Adam向Matthew和Ross提出组建乐队的建议。他们开始玩了朋克摇滚和流行音乐,直到他们写了一首歌。Matthew最初是乐队的鼓手,但乐队的原主唱退出并加入另一个乐队,他就接管了主唱的位置。后来George被招募成为乐队的鼓手,形成当前的阵容。乐队一直持续演出,并使用了许多不同的名字,如Drive Like I Do、The Slowdown、TALKHOUSE!和The Big Sleep,直到他们确定乐队名字为The 1975。
在采访中他们常会被问到乐队名字的来源。在Matthew19岁的时候,有人送了他一本曾被用来写日记的古老节拍诗书,而在这本书中有一个涂鸦为1 June The 1975。Matthew认为用了"The”这个单词十分地有趣。起初他并不认为这是他的乐队的名字,但当他们想到一个新的名字,他意识到"and it was just perfect"。“The 1975”这个名字被坚持沿用至今。
The 1975 are an English rock band originating from Wilmslow, Cheshire.The group consists of Matthew Healy (lead vocals, rhythm guitar), Adam Hann (lead guitar), Ross MacDonald (bass), and George Daniel (drums).
The band's origins trace to them attending Wilmslow High School and playing together as teenagers in 2002. Gigs organized by a council worker led band formally signed as ‘The 1975’, finding the name from a posthumous Jack Kerouac Beat poetry book. They eventually signed record deals after success with Dirty Hit and Polydor.
They have released four EPs and two albums. Their self-titled debut was released on 2 September 2013 through Dirty Hit and Polydor, topping the UK Albums Chart on 8 September. Their sophomore album ‘I like it when you sleep’, ‘for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it’ was released on 26 February 2016, topping both the UK Chart and the US ‘Billboard’ 200.
On 1 June 2015, the band's social accounts were terminated, which caused intense speculation. A comic strip was posted on Healy's Twitter a day prior but is now on their manager's account, which suggested the band's break-up. The next day, the accounts were reinstated, but the cover images and profile photos were white and light pink, instead of the usual black and white, revealing it to be a publicity stunt.
On 8 October, the band announced ‘I like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it’. They premiered the lead single, "Love Me", simultaneously scheduling a support tour in Europe, North America, and Asia.They premiered the second single, "UGH!", on 10 December on Beats 1. The album's third single, "The Sound" debuted on BBC Radio 1 on 14 January 2016. The 1975 released the fourth single "Somebody Else" on 15 February on Beats 1before the album's release. "A Change of Heart", albeit a song, premiered on Radio 1 on 22 February.
The album was released on 26 February and topped the UK Albums Chart and the US ‘Billboard’ 200.The band released a free download of "How to Draw" on Twitter and through Target Exclusive.It has been shortlisted for the Mercury Music Prize.