主唱松散又柔软的声音,似乎是Chris Martin和Damon的合体。有一次和一个朋友聊天,他说好的音乐很多,但是有一些是冷的,比如说potishead,有一些则是一听就能罩住很多人的,比如说coldplay。第一次听到mellowdrone的时候我觉得它应该是靠后者的,应该是能笼络很多人的,只是遗憾制作和录音起到了减分的作用。新的专辑,封面是一个赤裸的女人,她站在红色的幕布前,用双手抱住自己,黑色的凌乱头发遮住了面容。
by Marisa Brown
Though the Venezuelan-born, Miami-bred guitarist and lead singer of Mellowdrone, Jonathan Bates, had been playing the instrument since a child, it wasn't until he got to Berklee School of Music that he realized he was simply a technically proficient guitar player, and didn't actually know much about music. At age 20, and a year before graduating, Bates left Boston and moved to Los Angeles to begin seriously composing and recording his own music. His 2003 self-released EPs, A Demonstration of Intellectual Property and Go Get 'Em Tiger, the latter recorded with Tony DeMatteo on guitar, Scott Ellis on drums, and Greg Griffith on bass, caught the attention of former Smiths guitarist Johnny Marr, who invited Bates, under the name Mellowdrone, to open for him during his upcoming tour. When Bates had finished playing with Marr, Tony DeMatteo rejoined Mellowdrone, and after a hectic touring schedule with bands like the Killers, Elbow, and Secret Machines, the group signed to 3 Records/Red Ink in 2005. Their first full-length album, Box, came out the following year.
主唱松散又柔软的声音,似乎是Chris Martin和Damon的合体。有一次和一个朋友聊天,他说好的音乐很多,但是有一些是冷的,比如说potishead,有一些则是一听就能罩住很多人的,比如说coldplay。第一次听到mellowdrone的时候我觉得它应该是靠后者的,应该是能笼络很多人的,只是遗憾制作和录音起到了减分的作用。新的专辑,封面是一个赤裸的女人,她站在红色的幕布前,用双手抱住自己,黑色的凌乱头发遮住了面容。
by Marisa Brown
Though the Venezuelan-born, Miami-bred guitarist and lead singer of Mellowdrone, Jonathan Bates, had been playing the instrument since a child, it wasn't until he got to Berklee School of Music that he realized he was simply a technically proficient guitar player, and didn't actually know much about music. At age 20, and a year before graduating, Bates left Boston and moved to Los Angeles to begin seriously composing and recording his own music. His 2003 self-released EPs, A Demonstration of Intellectual Property and Go Get 'Em Tiger, the latter recorded with Tony DeMatteo on guitar, Scott Ellis on drums, and Greg Griffith on bass, caught the attention of former Smiths guitarist Johnny Marr, who invited Bates, under the name Mellowdrone, to open for him during his upcoming tour. When Bates had finished playing with Marr, Tony DeMatteo rejoined Mellowdrone, and after a hectic touring schedule with bands like the Killers, Elbow, and Secret Machines, the group signed to 3 Records/Red Ink in 2005. Their first full-length album, Box, came out the following year.