Moto Boy is Oskar Humlebo, born august 2nd 1980 in mid-east swedish village Färila. At the age of eight he experienced a boys choir rehearsal in a London cathedral and was forever turned on to music. At arrival back in sweden he signed up to a swedish boysquire in wich he sang for a couple of years until the discovery of the guitar.
At the age of 16 he left home to study music in a neighboring city, and the years of late teenage was spent at jazz and experimental music. Over the years leading up to the emergence of Moto Boy in 2006, a pattern of seeking through various forms of music and living can be seen, including truck driving, photo modeling, royal friends, music for modern dance, pikko, law-studies, and always with a longing for pure romance.
In late 2006, one final concert was to take place before quitting artistry, and there in the audience was Martin of songs I wish I had written. The concert became instead of the last one, the first one, followed by a year of appearances cementing a new form of artist, and a new sort of audience, both humble and glamourous. And in January
2008 the Moto Boy debut album was released in Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway.
Moto Boy has been described as a one mans choir with a magnificent operaesque voice accompanied by high lonely tones on a hard rock guitar with the distortion pedal well hidden in the basement. A young beautiful man with rough jacket where fragile is confronted by hard and brutal. Nothing is as expected. Everything collide. The result is the same kind of hair-raising feelings that a Jeff Buckley song or a movie by David Lynch is able to produce.
Before the debut year was over Moto Boy was, a little bit unexpected and unplanned, back with a mini album. The idea was to maximize the boy’s choir feeling and bring tones to solemn thoughtful moments like christmas. “For Martha” is five songs that are a perfect Christmas gift. There is no direct christmas song, but it is perfect for this time of year when families are gathered. Perfect for the times of the year when there is time to sit back and share a moment with yourself.