Chris Barber
Chris Barber:将源自美国的爵士与Blues带进英国的重要人物之一。他自己的乐队吸引了许多早期的Blues艺人一起与他回到英国演出,从而带动了Jazz Blues在英国的流行,而Chris Barber的伸缩号的演奏技巧也是非同一般,不过在他的乐队中,在演出上,他经常处于配角的地位,而Blues歌手才是真正的表演者。
One of the leaders of Englands early-60s trad jazz movement, Chris Barber (a solid trombonist) began leading his own bands in 1948. In 1954, trumpeter Pat Halcox joined Barber, and with the later additions of clarinetist Monty Sunshine, banjoist/singer Lonnie Donegan, and blues singer Ottilie Patterson, Barber had an all-star crew. Sunshines hit version of Petite Fleur made both Barber and the clarinetist into big names. Although his group was based in Dixieland, Barber has long been open-minded towards ragtime, swing, mainstream, blues, R&B, and rock. He has collaborated with many artists including Louis Jordan, Russell Procope, Wild Bill Davis, and Dr. John, and has toured the U.S. several times since 1959.
Chris Barber:将源自美国的爵士与Blues带进英国的重要人物之一。他自己的乐队吸引了许多早期的Blues艺人一起与他回到英国演出,从而带动了Jazz Blues在英国的流行,而Chris Barber的伸缩号的演奏技巧也是非同一般,不过在他的乐队中,在演出上,他经常处于配角的地位,而Blues歌手才是真正的表演者。
One of the leaders of Englands early-60s trad jazz movement, Chris Barber (a solid trombonist) began leading his own bands in 1948. In 1954, trumpeter Pat Halcox joined Barber, and with the later additions of clarinetist Monty Sunshine, banjoist/singer Lonnie Donegan, and blues singer Ottilie Patterson, Barber had an all-star crew. Sunshines hit version of Petite Fleur made both Barber and the clarinetist into big names. Although his group was based in Dixieland, Barber has long been open-minded towards ragtime, swing, mainstream, blues, R&B, and rock. He has collaborated with many artists including Louis Jordan, Russell Procope, Wild Bill Davis, and Dr. John, and has toured the U.S. several times since 1959.