Better Than Ezra
出道过程及音乐转型历程颇为崎岖的Better Than Ezra,却仍在90年中期以后大为走红至今的Post-Grunge乐派,划下一道绚烂的音乐足迹!来自美国纽奥良,1988年组军而成的Better Than Ezra,融合乡村音韵及庞克声响,两种落差极大的乐种作为其音乐主轴,创始团员包括主唱/吉他手Kevin Griffin、吉他手Joel Rundell、贝斯手Tom Drummond及鼓手Cary Bonnecaze等四名大将,他们在同一所大学就读时相识,彼此共通怀抱摇滚音乐之梦,一拍即合的顺势组团,并在课余空闲时寻找公开表演机会,搭着现场演出之势,Better Than Ezra同时推销着自己录制的DEMO卡带。
1990年8月团中的吉他手Joel Rundell选择自杀结束一生,这带给乐团相当大的冲击,随后选择乐团解散,各自寻求其他的发展空间,虽然这哀痛仍然缠绕着他们,但是其他三名团员回想当初的志向与出发点,Kevin、Tom及Cary经过数月分开与思考后,决定再次聚首,实现仍未完成的音乐梦想,他们到了洛杉矶,藉由朋友简单的录音器材录下“Deluxe”专辑,辗转获得Elektra大厂的青睐签入旗下,两年后再度重新发行“Deluxe”,靠着电台点播率超高的单曲 &Good& ,冲入摇滚榜冠军 主流榜Top30,全球累积百万销售量,终于打响Better Than Ezra的知名度,此时鼓手Cary却离团换上Travis McNabb入替,陆续发行“Friction, Baby”(1996)、“How Does Your Garden Grow?”(1998)、及转换独立厂旗下推出的“Closer”(2001)等录音室作品。
New Orleans trio Better than Ezra began their life as a Dinosaur Jr.-influenced combo in the late '80s, yet they were sidetracked by the accidental death of their lead guitarist. Deciding to continue life as a trio, the band eventually released their first album in 1994 on their own label. It was picked up the following year by Elektra. After MTV and alternative radio picked up the single &Good,& Deluxe became a national hit. 1996's Friction Baby featured the single &Desperately Wanted; & How Does Your Garden Grow followed two years later.
1990年8月团中的吉他手Joel Rundell选择自杀结束一生,这带给乐团相当大的冲击,随后选择乐团解散,各自寻求其他的发展空间,虽然这哀痛仍然缠绕着他们,但是其他三名团员回想当初的志向与出发点,Kevin、Tom及Cary经过数月分开与思考后,决定再次聚首,实现仍未完成的音乐梦想,他们到了洛杉矶,藉由朋友简单的录音器材录下“Deluxe”专辑,辗转获得Elektra大厂的青睐签入旗下,两年后再度重新发行“Deluxe”,靠着电台点播率超高的单曲 &Good& ,冲入摇滚榜冠军 主流榜Top30,全球累积百万销售量,终于打响Better Than Ezra的知名度,此时鼓手Cary却离团换上Travis McNabb入替,陆续发行“Friction, Baby”(1996)、“How Does Your Garden Grow?”(1998)、及转换独立厂旗下推出的“Closer”(2001)等录音室作品。
New Orleans trio Better than Ezra began their life as a Dinosaur Jr.-influenced combo in the late '80s, yet they were sidetracked by the accidental death of their lead guitarist. Deciding to continue life as a trio, the band eventually released their first album in 1994 on their own label. It was picked up the following year by Elektra. After MTV and alternative radio picked up the single &Good,& Deluxe became a national hit. 1996's Friction Baby featured the single &Desperately Wanted; & How Does Your Garden Grow followed two years later.