The Primitives
The Primitives是来自英国考文垂(英国中部城市)的一个乐队。组建于1985年的夏天(七月),由Kieron (主唱), Paul Court (配音、吉他狮子座), Steve Dullaghan (贝斯射手座) 和 Pete Tweedie (鼓手星座不明).但Kieron的主唱位置没多久就被Tracy Tracy(狮子座)所取代。
The Primitives乐队是当时80年代最令人发狂的乐队之一.乐队竖立了他们自己的音乐标志,Lazy Records。然后成功的完成了他们第一支单曲"Thru The Flowers"(是混合了泡泡糖摇滚舞曲流行的反应)在英国的巡回演出。紧随着,另一支单曲"Really Stupid",很快又在中学生和高中生中广受欢迎。而且帮助了他们在独立音乐领域里面独树一帜,也使更多人喜欢上了他们的音乐。像个惯性,第三支单曲 "Stop Killing Me",他们就已经确立在英国独立摇滚中的地位。
1987年The Primitives签约了RCA唱片公司,但是他们仍然保持着庸懒的音乐风格和态度。
1988年早期,The Primitives吵嚷的吉他,盛传遍了整个英国。当由RCA唱片公司首次为The Primitives推出了单曲"Crash",著名的“独立流行单曲”。很快成为当时的 UK Top 5。附随着,很快单曲"Lovely",也为了 UK Top 10。但是这样的形式被一些偶然的事情所暂停,1987年RCA唱片公司的Tig Williams严厉的趋走了鼓手Pete Tweedie(也有些说是因为Tracey的猫,太多的猫烦到了Tweedie!当然,也许并没有谁知道原因).然后1988年Steve Dullaghan坚决的说他已经弹够了贝斯(原话是'enough was enough of playing bass')他要求弹吉他. ..1989年Pete Tweedie又回到了乐队,但仅仅是为了一起拍广告片Sick of it而已啦..同一年Andy Hobson加入了乐队,代替了原来的贝斯手Dullaghan..
后来的单曲,仿效了成功的"Crash",但是遭失败,专辑里也只少有一些纯粹的音乐部分成功。The Primitives乐队在八十年代末期到美国发展,但很快又返回了英国,并为第二张专辑创作,希望着有一天能重新有那些brief glory days。 Dullahan和 Tweedie当时都已经加入了 Hate乐队。然后Hobson担任了短暂的贝斯的位置,1989年又被Paul Sampson所取代。后来,当销售量彻底地失败,1991年the Primitives解散了。
British indie pop band the Primitives was formed in Coventry, England in mid-1985 by singer Kieron, guitarist Paul Court, bassist Steve Dullaghan, and drummer Pete Tweedie; after a handful of gigs Kieron was replaced by vocalist Tracy Tracy, a peroxide-blonde bombshell whose presence inspired a more melodic approach, which earned the group inevitable comparisons to Blondie. The Primitives debut single Thru the Flowers appeared on their own Lazy label in 1986 and was quickly followed by radio sessions for Janice Long, Andy Kershaw, and John Peel. Their second effort, Really Stupid, preceded the bands first European tour, with Stop Killing Me appearing in early 1987. Tweedie was dismissed from the group (allegedly for mistreating Tracys cats) prior to the Primitives signing to major label RCA, and with new drummer Tig Williams the group recorded their 1988 debut LP, Lovely, scoring a major UK pop hit with the masterful Crash. After completing an American tour, Dullaghan exited the lineup, with bassist Paul Sampson stepping in for 1989s Pure; the album failed to recreate the success and excitement of its predecessor, however, and when 1991s Ian Broudie-produced Galore met a similar fate, the Primitives disbanded.
The Primitives乐队是当时80年代最令人发狂的乐队之一.乐队竖立了他们自己的音乐标志,Lazy Records。然后成功的完成了他们第一支单曲"Thru The Flowers"(是混合了泡泡糖摇滚舞曲流行的反应)在英国的巡回演出。紧随着,另一支单曲"Really Stupid",很快又在中学生和高中生中广受欢迎。而且帮助了他们在独立音乐领域里面独树一帜,也使更多人喜欢上了他们的音乐。像个惯性,第三支单曲 "Stop Killing Me",他们就已经确立在英国独立摇滚中的地位。
1987年The Primitives签约了RCA唱片公司,但是他们仍然保持着庸懒的音乐风格和态度。
1988年早期,The Primitives吵嚷的吉他,盛传遍了整个英国。当由RCA唱片公司首次为The Primitives推出了单曲"Crash",著名的“独立流行单曲”。很快成为当时的 UK Top 5。附随着,很快单曲"Lovely",也为了 UK Top 10。但是这样的形式被一些偶然的事情所暂停,1987年RCA唱片公司的Tig Williams严厉的趋走了鼓手Pete Tweedie(也有些说是因为Tracey的猫,太多的猫烦到了Tweedie!当然,也许并没有谁知道原因).然后1988年Steve Dullaghan坚决的说他已经弹够了贝斯(原话是'enough was enough of playing bass')他要求弹吉他. ..1989年Pete Tweedie又回到了乐队,但仅仅是为了一起拍广告片Sick of it而已啦..同一年Andy Hobson加入了乐队,代替了原来的贝斯手Dullaghan..
后来的单曲,仿效了成功的"Crash",但是遭失败,专辑里也只少有一些纯粹的音乐部分成功。The Primitives乐队在八十年代末期到美国发展,但很快又返回了英国,并为第二张专辑创作,希望着有一天能重新有那些brief glory days。 Dullahan和 Tweedie当时都已经加入了 Hate乐队。然后Hobson担任了短暂的贝斯的位置,1989年又被Paul Sampson所取代。后来,当销售量彻底地失败,1991年the Primitives解散了。
British indie pop band the Primitives was formed in Coventry, England in mid-1985 by singer Kieron, guitarist Paul Court, bassist Steve Dullaghan, and drummer Pete Tweedie; after a handful of gigs Kieron was replaced by vocalist Tracy Tracy, a peroxide-blonde bombshell whose presence inspired a more melodic approach, which earned the group inevitable comparisons to Blondie. The Primitives debut single Thru the Flowers appeared on their own Lazy label in 1986 and was quickly followed by radio sessions for Janice Long, Andy Kershaw, and John Peel. Their second effort, Really Stupid, preceded the bands first European tour, with Stop Killing Me appearing in early 1987. Tweedie was dismissed from the group (allegedly for mistreating Tracys cats) prior to the Primitives signing to major label RCA, and with new drummer Tig Williams the group recorded their 1988 debut LP, Lovely, scoring a major UK pop hit with the masterful Crash. After completing an American tour, Dullaghan exited the lineup, with bassist Paul Sampson stepping in for 1989s Pure; the album failed to recreate the success and excitement of its predecessor, however, and when 1991s Ian Broudie-produced Galore met a similar fate, the Primitives disbanded.