Amália Rodrigues
葡萄牙最出色的法朵皇后,歌手Amalia Rodrigues,1920年出生在里斯本的 Alfama区,她有10个兄妹,在她1岁的时候就被母亲抛弃,由祖母抚养长大,小时候做过缝纫工,并沿街兜售水果蔬菜。她小时候苦难的经历使她日后演唱贫苦大众的心声提供了良好的创作基础。
长大后,她违背家族的意愿,成为一个探戈舞蹈演员,在19岁时,她跟随她的姐姐 Celeste在里斯本当地非常时髦的夜总会Retiro da Severa. 参加了第一次唱歌演出,一年之内,她就成了当地的明星,每个晚上的演出都是观众爆满,1944年,她到巴西Copacabana Casino演出时,引起了极大的轰动,此后不久,她回到Rio de Janeiero 录制了她的第一张唱片。Rodrigues 不仅在整个南美国家宣传Fado,她最杰出的成就是:对传统的Fado进行了革新—把乡村来自贫民区形式的里斯本Fado(生命的哀调)和城市里的 Coibmra(葡萄牙一所非常着名和古老的大学)Fado(学术形、讲究技术的浪漫Fado)完美地融合起来,并且她还把以往的Fado只从传统的失恋歌谣寻找素材转为探索人们内心深处的焦虑与忧愁,以这种歌唱形式和内容来传颂人们生活中宿命的力量和所有难以忘却的美丽。
由于Rodrigues的经理人认为她的国内歌迷如果买了她的唱片,将不会再去观看她的演出,因此1951年以前Rodregues都没有在葡萄牙录制唱片,在转到Valentim DE Carvalho公司以前她只在Melodia厂牌录制很少一部分唱片,随后二战期间,她开始在南美洲以外的国家巡回演出,1955年以专辑 Coimbra进入国际畅销专辑排行榜,并录制了法国奥林匹亚剧院的现场专辑等,在她的一生中,Rodrigues录制了超过170张专辑并出演了一些电影,即使在60年代Fado已经开始日渐甚微时,Rodrigues依然是一个非常有影响力的艺人。在她70岁生日的时候她还继续巡回演出,在一次手术后她才开始正式退休,在她生命中的最后几年Rodregues过着隐者一样低调的生活,1998年她在里斯本博览会的开幕式上最后一次出现在公众面前以后, 1999年10月6日Amalia Rodrigues去世,去世时79岁,一接到Rodrigues去世的消息,葡萄牙的前首相Antonio Guterres宣布全国哀悼三天,赞美她是“葡萄牙的声音”。
The unrivaled queen of the Portuguese fado, singer Amália Rodrigues was born in Lisbons Alfama district in 1920; one of ten children, she was abandoned by her mother at the age of one and raised by her grandmother, spending her formative years selling produce on the streets and working as a seamstress. Against the wishes of her family, as a teen Rodrigues performed as a tango dancer, and at 19 she made her professional singing debut alongside her sister, Celeste, at the fashionable Lisbon nightspot Retiro da Severa.
Within a year she was a star, selling out clubs every night; in 1944, she traveled to Brazil, drawing huge crowds during her stay at the Copacabana Casino and later returning to Rio de Janeiro to make her first recordings. Rodrigues not only popularized the fado throughout South America, she reinvented it — brilliantly fusing the urban and rural styles of Lisbon and Coimbra, she also sought out material that moved far beyond the traditional tales of failed romance to explore instead the deepest crises of the soul and spirit, delivering performances unmatched in their fatalistic power and haunting beauty.
Because Rodrigues manager, José de Melo, believed her native fans would stop attending her live appearances if they could buy her recordings, she did not enter a Portuguese recording studio until 1951, issuing a handful of sides on the Melodia label before moving to the Valentim de Carvalho imprint the following year. In the wake of World War II she began touring outside of South America, and scored an international hit in 1956 with Coimbra, recorded live at Paris Olympia Theatre.
In all, Rodrigues recorded upwards of 170 albums and even appeared in a number of feature films, retaining her drawing power even after the popularity of fado itself began to dissipate during the 1960s. She continued touring well past her 70th birthday, entering retirement only after undergoing surgery; she spent the final years of her life as a recluse, making her final public appearance at the opening of Lisbons Expo in 1998. Rodrigues died October 6, 1999, at the age of 79; upon receiving news of her passing, Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Guterres ordered three days of national mourning, declaring her the Voice of Portugal.
葡萄牙最出色的法朵皇后,歌手Amalia Rodrigues,1920年出生在里斯本的 Alfama区,她有10个兄妹,在她1岁的时候就被母亲抛弃,由祖母抚养长大,小时候做过缝纫工,并沿街兜售水果蔬菜。她小时候苦难的经历使她日后演唱贫苦大众的心声提供了良好的创作基础。
长大后,她违背家族的意愿,成为一个探戈舞蹈演员,在19岁时,她跟随她的姐姐 Celeste在里斯本当地非常时髦的夜总会Retiro da Severa. 参加了第一次唱歌演出,一年之内,她就成了当地的明星,每个晚上的演出都是观众爆满,1944年,她到巴西Copacabana Casino演出时,引起了极大的轰动,此后不久,她回到Rio de Janeiero 录制了她的第一张唱片。Rodrigues 不仅在整个南美国家宣传Fado,她最杰出的成就是:对传统的Fado进行了革新—把乡村来自贫民区形式的里斯本Fado(生命的哀调)和城市里的 Coibmra(葡萄牙一所非常着名和古老的大学)Fado(学术形、讲究技术的浪漫Fado)完美地融合起来,并且她还把以往的Fado只从传统的失恋歌谣寻找素材转为探索人们内心深处的焦虑与忧愁,以这种歌唱形式和内容来传颂人们生活中宿命的力量和所有难以忘却的美丽。
由于Rodrigues的经理人认为她的国内歌迷如果买了她的唱片,将不会再去观看她的演出,因此1951年以前Rodregues都没有在葡萄牙录制唱片,在转到Valentim DE Carvalho公司以前她只在Melodia厂牌录制很少一部分唱片,随后二战期间,她开始在南美洲以外的国家巡回演出,1955年以专辑 Coimbra进入国际畅销专辑排行榜,并录制了法国奥林匹亚剧院的现场专辑等,在她的一生中,Rodrigues录制了超过170张专辑并出演了一些电影,即使在60年代Fado已经开始日渐甚微时,Rodrigues依然是一个非常有影响力的艺人。在她70岁生日的时候她还继续巡回演出,在一次手术后她才开始正式退休,在她生命中的最后几年Rodregues过着隐者一样低调的生活,1998年她在里斯本博览会的开幕式上最后一次出现在公众面前以后, 1999年10月6日Amalia Rodrigues去世,去世时79岁,一接到Rodrigues去世的消息,葡萄牙的前首相Antonio Guterres宣布全国哀悼三天,赞美她是“葡萄牙的声音”。
The unrivaled queen of the Portuguese fado, singer Amália Rodrigues was born in Lisbons Alfama district in 1920; one of ten children, she was abandoned by her mother at the age of one and raised by her grandmother, spending her formative years selling produce on the streets and working as a seamstress. Against the wishes of her family, as a teen Rodrigues performed as a tango dancer, and at 19 she made her professional singing debut alongside her sister, Celeste, at the fashionable Lisbon nightspot Retiro da Severa.
Within a year she was a star, selling out clubs every night; in 1944, she traveled to Brazil, drawing huge crowds during her stay at the Copacabana Casino and later returning to Rio de Janeiro to make her first recordings. Rodrigues not only popularized the fado throughout South America, she reinvented it — brilliantly fusing the urban and rural styles of Lisbon and Coimbra, she also sought out material that moved far beyond the traditional tales of failed romance to explore instead the deepest crises of the soul and spirit, delivering performances unmatched in their fatalistic power and haunting beauty.
Because Rodrigues manager, José de Melo, believed her native fans would stop attending her live appearances if they could buy her recordings, she did not enter a Portuguese recording studio until 1951, issuing a handful of sides on the Melodia label before moving to the Valentim de Carvalho imprint the following year. In the wake of World War II she began touring outside of South America, and scored an international hit in 1956 with Coimbra, recorded live at Paris Olympia Theatre.
In all, Rodrigues recorded upwards of 170 albums and even appeared in a number of feature films, retaining her drawing power even after the popularity of fado itself began to dissipate during the 1960s. She continued touring well past her 70th birthday, entering retirement only after undergoing surgery; she spent the final years of her life as a recluse, making her final public appearance at the opening of Lisbons Expo in 1998. Rodrigues died October 6, 1999, at the age of 79; upon receiving news of her passing, Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Guterres ordered three days of national mourning, declaring her the Voice of Portugal.