Brian Byrne
Brian Byren是金球奖候选作曲家,也是指挥家、作曲家、乐曲改编者、钢琴师。生于爱尔兰,生活在洛杉矶。他的工作主要集中在美国和欧洲,与Katy Perry,Van Morrison,The corrs,Sinead o'connor,一类的名星共事。Barbra Streisand 最近录制了一首Brian的作品,为了她的新专辑“放了我”。他最近因在电影“Albert Nobb's"的工作获得了两项大奖,分别是在年度电影配音颁奖典礼和根特国际电影节。
Brian Byrne (born January 13, 1975 in Steady Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador) is a Canadian singer-songwriter and musician, best recognized as the second vocalist for I Mother Earth.
Brian Byrne (born January 13, 1975 in Steady Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador) is a Canadian singer-songwriter and musician, best recognized as the second vocalist for I Mother Earth.