来自Montreal的传奇人物Tiga为Teutonic最起初的制作DJ,从那里他开始将事业延申至无情纷乱的东部,而1980年代在印度的俱乐部音乐界里是数一数二恶名昭彰的环境。他描述了奢侈淫逸的夜生活:“ 真的不敢相信自己的眼睛,那里的世界肮脏又堕落的景象全都显露出来了,像我就很确定的是有些俱乐部的老板对那些自己带板凳的人态度非常恶劣,我真的立刻感到很吃惊并呆住了,从那时我就感觉就完全麻痹了。”
到了1990年,Tiga返回Montreal,他对夜生活及现存的俱乐部环境非常不满意(就像是全身长满美丽羽毛的鸟不能飞到自己想到达的地方) 。因为有他的朋友们一起合作,便开始从小的派对著手来鼓舞那些睡眼惺忪的人们,并丢弃他在印度的坏印象。另一个由Tiga所引进来为Montreal派对文化改革的包括代班DJ们,他强力的在街头广告徵求特技演员,帮派,加上彩色宣传单,多样的djsets,并打从内心深处恳求他们。
这让人兴奋到头晕目眩的改革及对性爱的贪婪达到最高点时,1993年的﹝ Solstic ﹞就这样产生了,渐渐的便为Montreal名副其实的第一波rave文化。(一年前,这个超级先知Tiga第一次在rave台上演出了﹝ Electricity ﹞,计划完全的失败并产生了许多阻碍:“它真的让我的心都碎了,与我的观点变的有所差异,我是..我感觉..一个非常有相互作用的人”) 。从那时Tiga便帮忙精心安排许多不只十场盛大的活动,包括﹝ The Orb Live ﹞,﹝ Pure ﹞及第一个北美洲出现在欧洲大陆的幻觉派艺术家Jean-There。
在1994年,Tiga买下了有些许医疗味道的DNA Records,他连本带利的下了赌注进军Montreal,并首次上演电子音乐的精髓。Tiga说:“我们一直相信顾客至上的道理,从帮助你艰辛的找到一些极少量的house音乐之外,还让你发现你是否是因为先天疾病造成了让你积压了太多的折磨。”
到了1996年,Tiga因为Tupac Shakur的去世而感到哀痛,Tupac是个演员也是个诗人。
同年,Montreal的舞蹈群发现了最活跃的舞蹈天堂,那里有许多傻瓜爱上了神秘及勇猛的性,这比任何事都好。Sona (照字面是指 《说谎的舞者》)最初被Tiga及另外二个伙伴认为是 《邪恶并嘲笑别人的庞然大物,因为没有任何事是神圣的 但背后的故事有更多。市区除了被万神殿包围以外,在工作日都可在那里租到便宜的设施,在那里可以教当地的无居游民如可正确的跳舞。(Tiga当时说: 我只是觉的这是件重要的方案) 。
在1998年,Tiga成立了Turbo Recordings来作为恶作剧组织的销路,但很快的他找到其他愿意付费请他录音的艺术家。Turbo发行了超过20张专辑,2张样本及12张12吋的黑胶,并与Prime,Intergroove及Caroline稳固的销售到全球。值得一提的发行包括Peter Benisch的 ﹝ Soundtrack Saga ﹞,Christopher Handlebar的﹝ To a Time of Asia ﹞及Tiga自己的﹝ Mixed Emotions ﹞和﹝ American Gigolo ﹞。
在去年,然而过度的劳累及媒体的饱和开始让他们倍感压力,因此Tiga在一场时尚摄影师于电视节目广告的现场歇斯底里的爆发了自己的情绪。Tiga说:“我会让坐给你那腐败的香菸图样,但我不会迁就你眼睛! 谎言! 惊动的游戏,我不怕你们这些懦夫去找那些保镳,你们在等什么? 事实吗?!”
在花了一个月的时间骑马及照顾他的喉咙后,Tiga与制作Zyntherius Jori Hulkonnen带著卓越眼光的一起回到录音室:“电子,但主要的还是我的双眼。”所得的结果是他剧烈的演出了之前在Mother Mio团体里Corey Hart的个人作品﹝ Sunglasses at Night ﹞。不但让舞者们接受到了挑战,也好像诱惑了那些评论家,然而Tiga依然为这件事不愿直言,尤其在德国:“Sunglasses是个发光的纯洁小孩。但也是个戏法,一个记忆里的戏法。你必须了解- 在一念之间,我们便揭露了欧洲的神秘之火。”
他极妙的﹝ Sunglasses at Night ﹞让他成功的获得国际电子音乐市场一小部分的地位。Tiga也为Martini Bros.,Alpinestars,Linda Lamb,Crossover,FC Kahuna,Cabaret Voltaire,Telepopmusik,Felix da Housecat,Fisherspooner,FPU,The Devils (Nick Rhodes)及Danni Minogue等人混音。如果觉得还不够,他也为City Rockers及Trubo Recordings的单曲,Intec,Drumcode及Electrix所有他以TGV (与Mateo Murphy合作的)为名的创作制作混音。
2003年Tiga在!K7发行了自己为DJKicks系列创作的作品。他将Nelly的﹝ Hot in Here ﹞发行于DJKicks的编辑里,且有非常成功的结果,并由Skint于英国注册,还有Warner Music的GAS。内容是一些聪明的玩偶以冷嘲的角度看hip-hop的圈子,Tiga的兄弟Thomas (又名Lord of the Marionette)也跨刀相助。
Tiga在Richard X首张专辑里的﹝ You (Better Let Me Love You X 4) Tonight ﹞将主唱借给他。最近,Tiga也为Alix Kidd的 ﹝ Come With Me ﹞,Neon Judgement的﹝ TV Treated ﹞混音,还有Scissor Sister封面Pink Floyd的﹝ Comfortably Numb ﹞,Junior Jack (feat. Robert Smith)的﹝ Da Hype ﹞及Peaches的﹝ Shake Yer Dix ﹞。他也获得了许多俱乐部DJ们的赞赏,Tiga最近的单曲﹝ Pleasure from the Bass ﹞已由Belgian发行,并加注PIAS。他的个人首张原始专辑将会在一年内发行。
Based in Montreal, Tiga is a DJ/producer who has effectively worked the underground and the mainstream with his wry brand of campy electro and stark techno. Born in Montreal, Canada, Tiga's first exposure to his future came from touring the Goa area of India with his DJ father throughout the '80s. Following in his father's footsteps, Tiga began spinning in Montreal's cooler clubs in the early '90s, bringing the acid house sound to Canada. Seeing as how there weren't any events like the Goa parties he had attended, the DJ made his own and later was credited with throwing Canada's first proper rave. The events continued as Tiga opened one of the earliest techno-only record stores, DNA, and he also started the Turbo label with fellow DJ Mark Dillon. The DJ was comfortable playing and releasing other people's music and didn't seriously concentrate on creating his own tunes until the 2000s. After spinning Miss Kittin & the Hacker's version of Eurythmics' &Sweet Dreams& at a club, Tiga had the idea to record some kind of cover version with Finnish DJ and friend Jori Hulkkonen. A day in the studio yielded a disappointing version of Prince's &When Doves Cry& and a better version of U2's &New Years Day,& but it was their version of fellow Montreal resident Corey Hart's &Sunglasses at Night& that the duo decided to release in 2001 under the name Tiga & Zyntherius. It was a huge hit and Tiga rounded out the year with two successful mix CDs, American Gigolo and Mixed Emotions. Interviews, remixes, and touring kept the DJ busy until he helmed an edition of K7's successful mix CD series DJ Kicks. In the DJ Kicks tradition, he recorded one new track, &Man Hrdina,& for the album, which the label released as a single. Most DJs chose the single's B-side, an electro version of Nelly's &Hot in Herre,& and both the single and the mix CD were re-released to feature the surprise smash hit.
来自Montreal的传奇人物Tiga为Teutonic最起初的制作DJ,从那里他开始将事业延申至无情纷乱的东部,而1980年代在印度的俱乐部音乐界里是数一数二恶名昭彰的环境。他描述了奢侈淫逸的夜生活:“ 真的不敢相信自己的眼睛,那里的世界肮脏又堕落的景象全都显露出来了,像我就很确定的是有些俱乐部的老板对那些自己带板凳的人态度非常恶劣,我真的立刻感到很吃惊并呆住了,从那时我就感觉就完全麻痹了。”
到了1990年,Tiga返回Montreal,他对夜生活及现存的俱乐部环境非常不满意(就像是全身长满美丽羽毛的鸟不能飞到自己想到达的地方) 。因为有他的朋友们一起合作,便开始从小的派对著手来鼓舞那些睡眼惺忪的人们,并丢弃他在印度的坏印象。另一个由Tiga所引进来为Montreal派对文化改革的包括代班DJ们,他强力的在街头广告徵求特技演员,帮派,加上彩色宣传单,多样的djsets,并打从内心深处恳求他们。
这让人兴奋到头晕目眩的改革及对性爱的贪婪达到最高点时,1993年的﹝ Solstic ﹞就这样产生了,渐渐的便为Montreal名副其实的第一波rave文化。(一年前,这个超级先知Tiga第一次在rave台上演出了﹝ Electricity ﹞,计划完全的失败并产生了许多阻碍:“它真的让我的心都碎了,与我的观点变的有所差异,我是..我感觉..一个非常有相互作用的人”) 。从那时Tiga便帮忙精心安排许多不只十场盛大的活动,包括﹝ The Orb Live ﹞,﹝ Pure ﹞及第一个北美洲出现在欧洲大陆的幻觉派艺术家Jean-There。
在1994年,Tiga买下了有些许医疗味道的DNA Records,他连本带利的下了赌注进军Montreal,并首次上演电子音乐的精髓。Tiga说:“我们一直相信顾客至上的道理,从帮助你艰辛的找到一些极少量的house音乐之外,还让你发现你是否是因为先天疾病造成了让你积压了太多的折磨。”
到了1996年,Tiga因为Tupac Shakur的去世而感到哀痛,Tupac是个演员也是个诗人。
同年,Montreal的舞蹈群发现了最活跃的舞蹈天堂,那里有许多傻瓜爱上了神秘及勇猛的性,这比任何事都好。Sona (照字面是指 《说谎的舞者》)最初被Tiga及另外二个伙伴认为是 《邪恶并嘲笑别人的庞然大物,因为没有任何事是神圣的 但背后的故事有更多。市区除了被万神殿包围以外,在工作日都可在那里租到便宜的设施,在那里可以教当地的无居游民如可正确的跳舞。(Tiga当时说: 我只是觉的这是件重要的方案) 。
在1998年,Tiga成立了Turbo Recordings来作为恶作剧组织的销路,但很快的他找到其他愿意付费请他录音的艺术家。Turbo发行了超过20张专辑,2张样本及12张12吋的黑胶,并与Prime,Intergroove及Caroline稳固的销售到全球。值得一提的发行包括Peter Benisch的 ﹝ Soundtrack Saga ﹞,Christopher Handlebar的﹝ To a Time of Asia ﹞及Tiga自己的﹝ Mixed Emotions ﹞和﹝ American Gigolo ﹞。
在去年,然而过度的劳累及媒体的饱和开始让他们倍感压力,因此Tiga在一场时尚摄影师于电视节目广告的现场歇斯底里的爆发了自己的情绪。Tiga说:“我会让坐给你那腐败的香菸图样,但我不会迁就你眼睛! 谎言! 惊动的游戏,我不怕你们这些懦夫去找那些保镳,你们在等什么? 事实吗?!”
在花了一个月的时间骑马及照顾他的喉咙后,Tiga与制作Zyntherius Jori Hulkonnen带著卓越眼光的一起回到录音室:“电子,但主要的还是我的双眼。”所得的结果是他剧烈的演出了之前在Mother Mio团体里Corey Hart的个人作品﹝ Sunglasses at Night ﹞。不但让舞者们接受到了挑战,也好像诱惑了那些评论家,然而Tiga依然为这件事不愿直言,尤其在德国:“Sunglasses是个发光的纯洁小孩。但也是个戏法,一个记忆里的戏法。你必须了解- 在一念之间,我们便揭露了欧洲的神秘之火。”
他极妙的﹝ Sunglasses at Night ﹞让他成功的获得国际电子音乐市场一小部分的地位。Tiga也为Martini Bros.,Alpinestars,Linda Lamb,Crossover,FC Kahuna,Cabaret Voltaire,Telepopmusik,Felix da Housecat,Fisherspooner,FPU,The Devils (Nick Rhodes)及Danni Minogue等人混音。如果觉得还不够,他也为City Rockers及Trubo Recordings的单曲,Intec,Drumcode及Electrix所有他以TGV (与Mateo Murphy合作的)为名的创作制作混音。
2003年Tiga在!K7发行了自己为DJKicks系列创作的作品。他将Nelly的﹝ Hot in Here ﹞发行于DJKicks的编辑里,且有非常成功的结果,并由Skint于英国注册,还有Warner Music的GAS。内容是一些聪明的玩偶以冷嘲的角度看hip-hop的圈子,Tiga的兄弟Thomas (又名Lord of the Marionette)也跨刀相助。
Tiga在Richard X首张专辑里的﹝ You (Better Let Me Love You X 4) Tonight ﹞将主唱借给他。最近,Tiga也为Alix Kidd的 ﹝ Come With Me ﹞,Neon Judgement的﹝ TV Treated ﹞混音,还有Scissor Sister封面Pink Floyd的﹝ Comfortably Numb ﹞,Junior Jack (feat. Robert Smith)的﹝ Da Hype ﹞及Peaches的﹝ Shake Yer Dix ﹞。他也获得了许多俱乐部DJ们的赞赏,Tiga最近的单曲﹝ Pleasure from the Bass ﹞已由Belgian发行,并加注PIAS。他的个人首张原始专辑将会在一年内发行。
Based in Montreal, Tiga is a DJ/producer who has effectively worked the underground and the mainstream with his wry brand of campy electro and stark techno. Born in Montreal, Canada, Tiga's first exposure to his future came from touring the Goa area of India with his DJ father throughout the '80s. Following in his father's footsteps, Tiga began spinning in Montreal's cooler clubs in the early '90s, bringing the acid house sound to Canada. Seeing as how there weren't any events like the Goa parties he had attended, the DJ made his own and later was credited with throwing Canada's first proper rave. The events continued as Tiga opened one of the earliest techno-only record stores, DNA, and he also started the Turbo label with fellow DJ Mark Dillon. The DJ was comfortable playing and releasing other people's music and didn't seriously concentrate on creating his own tunes until the 2000s. After spinning Miss Kittin & the Hacker's version of Eurythmics' &Sweet Dreams& at a club, Tiga had the idea to record some kind of cover version with Finnish DJ and friend Jori Hulkkonen. A day in the studio yielded a disappointing version of Prince's &When Doves Cry& and a better version of U2's &New Years Day,& but it was their version of fellow Montreal resident Corey Hart's &Sunglasses at Night& that the duo decided to release in 2001 under the name Tiga & Zyntherius. It was a huge hit and Tiga rounded out the year with two successful mix CDs, American Gigolo and Mixed Emotions. Interviews, remixes, and touring kept the DJ busy until he helmed an edition of K7's successful mix CD series DJ Kicks. In the DJ Kicks tradition, he recorded one new track, &Man Hrdina,& for the album, which the label released as a single. Most DJs chose the single's B-side, an electro version of Nelly's &Hot in Herre,& and both the single and the mix CD were re-released to feature the surprise smash hit.