Broken Little Sister
shinji horiuchi : guitar, synthesizer, vox
keiko sakurada : guitar, synthesizer, vox
takeshi kato (of Planets Groove) : bass, synthesizer
broken little sister started in Yokohama, Japan on 2005. Their music is just like the normal temperature and has the feel like floating. Fusing shoegazer, electronica, ambient, folk and psychedelic music, they create their own unique music. They had supported Ulrich Schnauss, Pia Fraus, Sportsday Megaphone and Anderson during 2008-2009. Ulrich Schnauss often play their song called “silence” as a DJ. That is well known to Club AC30 and Sonic Cathedral in UK. bls spreads the original sounds from Japan to the world. Their first full-length album and first physical release “memories, violet & demons” is released from Happy Prince on November 2010.
shinji horiuchi : guitar, synthesizer, vox
keiko sakurada : guitar, synthesizer, vox
takeshi kato (of Planets Groove) : bass, synthesizer
broken little sister started in Yokohama, Japan on 2005. Their music is just like the normal temperature and has the feel like floating. Fusing shoegazer, electronica, ambient, folk and psychedelic music, they create their own unique music. They had supported Ulrich Schnauss, Pia Fraus, Sportsday Megaphone and Anderson during 2008-2009. Ulrich Schnauss often play their song called “silence” as a DJ. That is well known to Club AC30 and Sonic Cathedral in UK. bls spreads the original sounds from Japan to the world. Their first full-length album and first physical release “memories, violet & demons” is released from Happy Prince on November 2010.