Francis Goya
弗兰西斯·戈雅(Francis Goya),本名魏尔·戈雅(Weyer Goya),1946年5月16日出生于比利时列日,比利时吉他音乐大师、作曲家。戈雅最早与帕特里克·鲁伊曼(Patrick Ruyman)一起在“加勒比群岛”组合进行音乐表演,后二人离开,于1965年自行组建了摇滚乐队“Liberty Six”,但只发行了一首单曲就分道扬镳了。此后,戈雅先后加入了J.J.乐队和Plus组合,直至20世纪70年代以弗兰西斯·戈雅为艺名成为独立吉他音乐家。早期他的个人专辑以西班牙吉他和曼陀林琴为主。戈雅之后的专辑风格转换为拉美音乐风格居多,至今他已发行了40张专辑。
Francis Goya (born Francis Weyer on 16 May 1946) is a Belgian guitarist born in Liege.
Weyer first played with Patrick Ruymen in the group Les Caraïbes, a Belgian cover group. The two then formed the rock group Liberty Six in 1965, which had a proto-psychedelic stage show and released only one single before disbanding. Weyer then moved on to the J.J. Band and Plus.
In the 1970s, Weyer started using the name Francis Goya and released solo albums of romantic Spanish guitar and mandolin music. His 1975 single &Nostalgia&, a tune written by his father and arranged for guitar by Goya, became an international hit, reaching #1 in Belgium, Holland, Germany, Norway, and Brazil. Later albums saw Goya moving more into a Latin American-influenced style, including three albums recorded with Bolivian singer Carmina Cabrera.
Francis Goya (born Francis Weyer on 16 May 1946) is a Belgian guitarist born in Liege.
Weyer first played with Patrick Ruymen in the group Les Caraïbes, a Belgian cover group. The two then formed the rock group Liberty Six in 1965, which had a proto-psychedelic stage show and released only one single before disbanding. Weyer then moved on to the J.J. Band and Plus.
In the 1970s, Weyer started using the name Francis Goya and released solo albums of romantic Spanish guitar and mandolin music. His 1975 single &Nostalgia&, a tune written by his father and arranged for guitar by Goya, became an international hit, reaching #1 in Belgium, Holland, Germany, Norway, and Brazil. Later albums saw Goya moving more into a Latin American-influenced style, including three albums recorded with Bolivian singer Carmina Cabrera.