来自丹麦的新维京团体Svartsot组建于2005年,2006年及07年初发过两张小样,现签约于Napalm Records。曲风受死亡,黑金影响比较重,双腔黑死嗓缠绕,另外加入了丹麦传统民谣元素。使用的传统乐器有爱尔兰哨子,宝蓝鼓及曼陀铃等,歌曲一般取材自北欧神话
Thor Bager - Vocals (2009-) (Disintegrated (Dnk))
Cris J.S. Frederiksen - Lead Guitar (2005-)
Cliff Nemanim - Rhythm Guitar (2009-)
James Atkin - Bass (2009-) (Feverfew)
Stewart Lewis - Flutes, Whistles, Bodhran (2005-)
Hans-Jørgen Martinus Hansen - Flutes, Whistles, Mandolin, Accordion (2008-)
Danni Jelsgaard - Drums (2009-) (Illnath, Fairytale Abuse)
Additional notes
The band was founded on the ruins of a band named "Skoll". Svartsot means "black sickness" in older Danish. It is the name of a type of jaundice that causes a person's skin to turn black.
Stewart Lewis was forced to sit out touring activities in late 2008 due to his wife's ill health. Hans-Jørgen Martinus Hansen filled in for some shows, and Christopher Bowes of Alestorm made a few brief appearances when the bands were on tour together. Lewis eventually announced he was taking a break from Svartsot for the forseeable future.
Due to different views on the direction of the band, all active members except Cris Frederiksen quit the band in December 2008. Hans-Jørgen Martinus Hansen joined full time at this point, but Stewart Lewis is also still considered a band member despite his absence.
Thor Bager - Vocals (2009-) (Disintegrated (Dnk))
Cris J.S. Frederiksen - Lead Guitar (2005-)
Cliff Nemanim - Rhythm Guitar (2009-)
James Atkin - Bass (2009-) (Feverfew)
Stewart Lewis - Flutes, Whistles, Bodhran (2005-)
Hans-Jørgen Martinus Hansen - Flutes, Whistles, Mandolin, Accordion (2008-)
Danni Jelsgaard - Drums (2009-) (Illnath, Fairytale Abuse)
Additional notes
The band was founded on the ruins of a band named "Skoll". Svartsot means "black sickness" in older Danish. It is the name of a type of jaundice that causes a person's skin to turn black.
Stewart Lewis was forced to sit out touring activities in late 2008 due to his wife's ill health. Hans-Jørgen Martinus Hansen filled in for some shows, and Christopher Bowes of Alestorm made a few brief appearances when the bands were on tour together. Lewis eventually announced he was taking a break from Svartsot for the forseeable future.
Due to different views on the direction of the band, all active members except Cris Frederiksen quit the band in December 2008. Hans-Jørgen Martinus Hansen joined full time at this point, but Stewart Lewis is also still considered a band member despite his absence.