成立于2004年2月,Havok就像一座鞭击金属发电厂输出不竭的能源。由科罗拉多为起点,陆续征服来自世界各地成千上万的球迷。阵容包括主唱兼吉他手David Sanchez,主奏吉他手Shawn Chavez,鼓手Ryan Bloom(现已离团)和贝斯手Jesse de Los Santos。融合猛烈快速的吉他连复段、机关枪式的快鼓、经典老式的贝斯声线,及硬汉式的强力烧嗓主唱;Havok继承了这种有如*砍劈喉头*般的必杀乐风。
虽然四处遍布着自诩为鞭金乐团;实则仅是趁鞭金觉醒风潮,搭复古之便车的团体。 Havok音乐上细腻且对味编曲外,导入更多扎实却又不过份花俏技巧的演奏技巧。像印记般烙出个人特色,如鹤立鸡群引人注目;同时还保有了畅快听觉感受。随着两张自制的『Murder By Metal』及『PWN 'Em All』迷你专辑畅销,听众群跨出地域界线。不断攀升乐迷人数,开始引来舆论界与唱片公司的注意。 Havok的现场演出正是使其跃上台面的关键。无止尽的能量由他们精纯的体力不停递出,台下观众随着节拍点头如捣蒜
陆续已有不少乐评将他们的名字与80年代鞭团先锋相提并论。玩起Thrash Metal,他们没有照本宣科的清涩感,取而代之是自有独到的诠释。这正是延续鞭金风潮所迫切需要的新元素。
09年初,Candlelight发布正式新闻稿证实与丹佛鞭团Havok签约的消息。 Candlelight Records早年以发行北欧黑金属扬名;近年更积极拓展北美的音乐版图。继Abigail Williams、Obituary、Absu、Averse Sefira、The Living Fields、Sourvein等成名乐团陆续加入。该英国金属厂相中Havok,成为旗下北美鞭团的重要布局
专辑由主唱/吉他手David Sanchez于Dirty D录音室制作完成。混音后制则交由Motaland Studio的录音工程师Bart McCrorey。 『Havok – Burn』更是Candlelight扩张版图的重点发行。
HAVOK the thrash metal powerhouse reigning from Colorado formed in 2004. After two self-released albums, the band caught the attention of England’s Candlelight Records. Burn was released in early spring of 2009. Incorporating blisteringly fast guitar riffs, machine-like drumming, groovy bass lines, searing leads, and hard-hitting vocals, HAVOK is able to maintain that *punch-you-in-the-throat* style of music. Fast forward to 2011 and the Denver-based thrashers return with their second album. The band turns the heat up with new thrash anthems. Time Is Up immediately showcases the band’s highly skilled musicianship.Blistering guitar work once again highlights the album. Song standouts include album opener “Prepare for Attack,” “Fatal Intervention,” “Covering Fire,” and“Scumbag in Disguise.”
Although there are many other thrash bands out there, there is one thing that sets HAVOK apart from the others. This band puts their own stamp on the genre by employing a more technical side of music, while maintaining the feel. HAVOK’s live show is where the band really catches peoples’ attention, with their non-stop energy level and their ability to get the audience involved. They are a must-see for any fan of live music! HAVOK has received tons of positive feedback for their efforts to make thrash a mainstay in modern music: and they will continue to spread the intensity until they decide the job is done! Given their talent, determination, and constantly growing fan base, HAVOK is destined to become a mainstay in this scene!
虽然四处遍布着自诩为鞭金乐团;实则仅是趁鞭金觉醒风潮,搭复古之便车的团体。 Havok音乐上细腻且对味编曲外,导入更多扎实却又不过份花俏技巧的演奏技巧。像印记般烙出个人特色,如鹤立鸡群引人注目;同时还保有了畅快听觉感受。随着两张自制的『Murder By Metal』及『PWN 'Em All』迷你专辑畅销,听众群跨出地域界线。不断攀升乐迷人数,开始引来舆论界与唱片公司的注意。 Havok的现场演出正是使其跃上台面的关键。无止尽的能量由他们精纯的体力不停递出,台下观众随着节拍点头如捣蒜
陆续已有不少乐评将他们的名字与80年代鞭团先锋相提并论。玩起Thrash Metal,他们没有照本宣科的清涩感,取而代之是自有独到的诠释。这正是延续鞭金风潮所迫切需要的新元素。
09年初,Candlelight发布正式新闻稿证实与丹佛鞭团Havok签约的消息。 Candlelight Records早年以发行北欧黑金属扬名;近年更积极拓展北美的音乐版图。继Abigail Williams、Obituary、Absu、Averse Sefira、The Living Fields、Sourvein等成名乐团陆续加入。该英国金属厂相中Havok,成为旗下北美鞭团的重要布局
专辑由主唱/吉他手David Sanchez于Dirty D录音室制作完成。混音后制则交由Motaland Studio的录音工程师Bart McCrorey。 『Havok – Burn』更是Candlelight扩张版图的重点发行。
HAVOK the thrash metal powerhouse reigning from Colorado formed in 2004. After two self-released albums, the band caught the attention of England’s Candlelight Records. Burn was released in early spring of 2009. Incorporating blisteringly fast guitar riffs, machine-like drumming, groovy bass lines, searing leads, and hard-hitting vocals, HAVOK is able to maintain that *punch-you-in-the-throat* style of music. Fast forward to 2011 and the Denver-based thrashers return with their second album. The band turns the heat up with new thrash anthems. Time Is Up immediately showcases the band’s highly skilled musicianship.Blistering guitar work once again highlights the album. Song standouts include album opener “Prepare for Attack,” “Fatal Intervention,” “Covering Fire,” and“Scumbag in Disguise.”
Although there are many other thrash bands out there, there is one thing that sets HAVOK apart from the others. This band puts their own stamp on the genre by employing a more technical side of music, while maintaining the feel. HAVOK’s live show is where the band really catches peoples’ attention, with their non-stop energy level and their ability to get the audience involved. They are a must-see for any fan of live music! HAVOK has received tons of positive feedback for their efforts to make thrash a mainstay in modern music: and they will continue to spread the intensity until they decide the job is done! Given their talent, determination, and constantly growing fan base, HAVOK is destined to become a mainstay in this scene!