The Toxic Avenger
The Toxic Avenger,本名Simon Delacroix, 来自法国巴黎的Electro Thrash风格的电子音乐制作人。他的创作灵感来源于多元化的音乐元素,从硬核,朋克到六十年代的流行乐,The Toxic Avenger的音乐混杂着猛烈的旋律和压倒性的合成器音色,席卷而来的宏大音浪足以将整个舞池引入无尽的骚乱.
被《滚石》杂志誉为“年度五大最具影响力电子艺人”之一 (与Justice, Simian Mobile Disco, Digitalism和LCD Soundsystem并列上榜),The Toxic Avenger已稳坐世界顶尖电子乐制作人的席位,与一系列音乐人包括Ladytron, Late of the Pier, Chromeo以及同门旗下的Heartsrevolution的remix合作,使他的音乐才华更加锋芒毕露。The Toxic Avenger频繁现身在全世界大大小小的舞台上,与MSTRKRFT, Late of the Pier, Black Lips, Yelle, The Teenagers, Crystal Castles,Vitallic,以及Public Enemy等高水准的艺人同台演出.
The Toxic Avenger的最新EP于9月15日发行,这支单曲也将收录于他2010年初发行的未命名专辑。使这位隐藏在面具后的神秘男子更为难以琢磨,但是有一点是肯定的,the Toxic Avenger是“死不了”的,他鬼斧神工的编曲和精准流畅的律动,外加具有致命杀伤力的bass lines能将人深陷“置之死地而后生”的境界。
The Toxic Avenger, a.k.a. Simon Delacroix, is an electro thrash producer hailing from Paris, France. Taking cues from intelligent hardcore and punk, all the way to 60’s pop, The Toxic Avenger brings us a unique blend of melodic rage and screaming synths that create a sonic epic audiences can lose their minds to.
Toxic has come a long way since 2007’s Superheroes release. Where we last left off, our hero’s shimmering, distortioned riffs called for a new generation of dance staples. The colorful and hopeful single became the theme to Toxic’s rise to power, and helped shape the standards to which we have come to know in the electro community.
Toxic is Dead, the first single from the currently untitled full length, continues to propel the ever-growing mystique of the man behind the mask. Far from deceased, the Toxic Avenger’s ghostly orchestrations and pulsating rhythms, not to mention his colossal bass lines combine for a dangerous and deadly etherealness that is sure to slay dancefloors around the world straight into the afterlife. Additionally, eccentrics Drop the Lime and heavy hitters South Central provide their talents on remixes that further project the dark evolution of our once Superhero turned sinister.
Previously hailed as one of Rolling Stone’s Artists To Watch, The Toxic Avenger has secured a place as one of the top electro producers, and has provided his signature touch on a number of remixes for artists such as Ladytron, Late of the Pier, Chromeo, and IHC labelmates Heartsrevolution. Additionally, he has performed worldwide with a slew of respectable artists including MSTRKRFT, Late of the Pier, Black Lips, Yelle, The Teenagers, Vitallic, and the infamous Public Enemy.
The Toxic Avenger is currently on tour worldwide, playing in clubs and at festivals from Paris to Melbourne. Additionally, Scion will be releasing an upcoming sampler that features our new anti-hero’s latest hair-raising club offerings. Be sure to check out Toxic is Dead, the next IHEARTCOMIX release set for September 15, and stay tuned for more thrilling adventures of…
…The Toxic Avenger.
被《滚石》杂志誉为“年度五大最具影响力电子艺人”之一 (与Justice, Simian Mobile Disco, Digitalism和LCD Soundsystem并列上榜),The Toxic Avenger已稳坐世界顶尖电子乐制作人的席位,与一系列音乐人包括Ladytron, Late of the Pier, Chromeo以及同门旗下的Heartsrevolution的remix合作,使他的音乐才华更加锋芒毕露。The Toxic Avenger频繁现身在全世界大大小小的舞台上,与MSTRKRFT, Late of the Pier, Black Lips, Yelle, The Teenagers, Crystal Castles,Vitallic,以及Public Enemy等高水准的艺人同台演出.
The Toxic Avenger的最新EP于9月15日发行,这支单曲也将收录于他2010年初发行的未命名专辑。使这位隐藏在面具后的神秘男子更为难以琢磨,但是有一点是肯定的,the Toxic Avenger是“死不了”的,他鬼斧神工的编曲和精准流畅的律动,外加具有致命杀伤力的bass lines能将人深陷“置之死地而后生”的境界。
The Toxic Avenger, a.k.a. Simon Delacroix, is an electro thrash producer hailing from Paris, France. Taking cues from intelligent hardcore and punk, all the way to 60’s pop, The Toxic Avenger brings us a unique blend of melodic rage and screaming synths that create a sonic epic audiences can lose their minds to.
Toxic has come a long way since 2007’s Superheroes release. Where we last left off, our hero’s shimmering, distortioned riffs called for a new generation of dance staples. The colorful and hopeful single became the theme to Toxic’s rise to power, and helped shape the standards to which we have come to know in the electro community.
Toxic is Dead, the first single from the currently untitled full length, continues to propel the ever-growing mystique of the man behind the mask. Far from deceased, the Toxic Avenger’s ghostly orchestrations and pulsating rhythms, not to mention his colossal bass lines combine for a dangerous and deadly etherealness that is sure to slay dancefloors around the world straight into the afterlife. Additionally, eccentrics Drop the Lime and heavy hitters South Central provide their talents on remixes that further project the dark evolution of our once Superhero turned sinister.
Previously hailed as one of Rolling Stone’s Artists To Watch, The Toxic Avenger has secured a place as one of the top electro producers, and has provided his signature touch on a number of remixes for artists such as Ladytron, Late of the Pier, Chromeo, and IHC labelmates Heartsrevolution. Additionally, he has performed worldwide with a slew of respectable artists including MSTRKRFT, Late of the Pier, Black Lips, Yelle, The Teenagers, Vitallic, and the infamous Public Enemy.
The Toxic Avenger is currently on tour worldwide, playing in clubs and at festivals from Paris to Melbourne. Additionally, Scion will be releasing an upcoming sampler that features our new anti-hero’s latest hair-raising club offerings. Be sure to check out Toxic is Dead, the next IHEARTCOMIX release set for September 15, and stay tuned for more thrilling adventures of…
…The Toxic Avenger.