Chris Isaak
具有猫王忧郁音质的男歌手Chris Isaak,拥有歌手\作曲家\电视明星\电影演员多种头衔的Chris Isaak1956年出生于加州,大学毕业后曾经组团Silvertone在1985年发行同名专辑,1987年才以个人名义发行。接下来Chris Isaak转往电影发展。在《沉默的羔羊》、《双峰:与火同行》都可以看到他的演出,1993年的《小活佛》则是他和基努里维主演的电影Chris有着一副电影明星的面孔,冷峻深沉中透出桀骜不驯,而他和蔼的性格又使他得到了许多女明星的青睐,这似乎很难想象他会是情场中一个永久的失意人,但我们听到的还是他那些伤感的情歌。在他89年的一张专辑“Heart Shaped World”(1989),其中有首单曲"Wicked Game"就是 Nicolas Cage主演的电影《Wild At Heart》里的插曲,于是在1990年底发行成单曲,最高得到第六名并获颁金唱片,于是成为Chris Isaak的代表作品。90年代Chris Isaak共发行四张专辑与一张精选。 Chris Isaak嗓音浑厚、深沉、飘乎,浑厚的嗓音和清洌的吉他声浑为一体,深沉含蓄,温柔地向你倾诉衷情,拨动着你的心弦! Chris Isaak 克里斯·艾塞克是横跨乐坛20载的忧郁气质男歌手,也被人誉为90年代Roy Orbison的忧郁蓝调诗人。 在1990被People Magezine选为世界50大最美的人,他的歌因为风格独特被收录在不少电影中,也在不少电影中客串演出。 Chris Isaak 原名Christopher Joseph Isaak,出生于1956年,一个堆高机操作员的儿子, 在1976-80年间曾是业余的拳击手, 在San Francisco的俱乐部中演出并发掘。 Chris Isaak的音乐清一色以吉他为主旋律,时而阳光浪漫,时而轻柔舒缓。歌曲中融合了蓝调、民谣、西部乡村、南方摇滚等多种音乐风格,加上他那柔和感性的歌声把一股淡淡的忧郁气息悄悄地在每一个音符中漫延,一步步将听者从金黄色的夏日午后引领到深蓝色的宁静夏夜,进而陷入无尽的沉思。
Songwriter Chris Isaak clearly loves the reverb-laden rockabilly and country of Sun Studios. In particular, he transfers the sweeping melancholy of Roy Orbison's classic Monument singles ("Crying," "Oh, Pretty Woman," "In Dreams") to the more stripped-down, rootsy sound of Sun, resulting in a stylized take on '50s and '60s rock & roll that made him into a star in the early '90s, propelled to a great degree by the hit single "Wicked Game."
Isaak began performing after he graduated from college, forming the rockabilly band Silvertone. The group, which featured guitarist James Calvin Wilsey, bassist Rowland Salley, and drummer Kenney Dale Johnson, would become the singer/guitarist's permanent supporting band. Isaak released his first album, Silvertone, on Warner Bros. in 1985. It was critically well received yet failed to sell well. Two years later, he released the self-titled Chris Isaak, which managed to scrape into the Top 200 album charts. After its release, the singer began an acting career with a bit part in Jonathan Demme's 1988 film Married to the Mob; he would later have parts in Wild at Heart, The Silence of the Lambs, and A Dirty Shame, as well as starring in his own situation comedy series for the Showtime cable network.
Released in 1989, Heart Shaped World initially sold more than Chris Isaak, yet it didn't manage to break big until late 1990, when the single "Wicked Game" was featured in David Lynch's Wild at Heart. Soon, the single became a Top Ten hit; the album also made it into the Top Ten and sold over a million copies. Both 1993's San Francisco Days and 1995's Forever Blue mined essentially the same vein as Heart Shaped World, yet both went gold and spawned a handful of hits. In 1996, Isaak released The Baja Sessions; Speak of the Devil followed two years later. Isaak's busy touring schedule and growing visibility as an actor kept him out of the recording studio until 2002, when he released Always Got Tonight, though in 2004 he did find time to cut his first seasonal album, Chris Isaak Christmas, which featured five new Yuletide tunes along with a batch of holiday favorites. The musician once again flexed his TV muscles in 2009 with The Chris Isaak Hour, whose debut on The Biography Channel was promoted in part by Mr. Lucky, his first album of original material in seven years.
Songwriter Chris Isaak clearly loves the reverb-laden rockabilly and country of Sun Studios. In particular, he transfers the sweeping melancholy of Roy Orbison's classic Monument singles ("Crying," "Oh, Pretty Woman," "In Dreams") to the more stripped-down, rootsy sound of Sun, resulting in a stylized take on '50s and '60s rock & roll that made him into a star in the early '90s, propelled to a great degree by the hit single "Wicked Game."
Isaak began performing after he graduated from college, forming the rockabilly band Silvertone. The group, which featured guitarist James Calvin Wilsey, bassist Rowland Salley, and drummer Kenney Dale Johnson, would become the singer/guitarist's permanent supporting band. Isaak released his first album, Silvertone, on Warner Bros. in 1985. It was critically well received yet failed to sell well. Two years later, he released the self-titled Chris Isaak, which managed to scrape into the Top 200 album charts. After its release, the singer began an acting career with a bit part in Jonathan Demme's 1988 film Married to the Mob; he would later have parts in Wild at Heart, The Silence of the Lambs, and A Dirty Shame, as well as starring in his own situation comedy series for the Showtime cable network.
Released in 1989, Heart Shaped World initially sold more than Chris Isaak, yet it didn't manage to break big until late 1990, when the single "Wicked Game" was featured in David Lynch's Wild at Heart. Soon, the single became a Top Ten hit; the album also made it into the Top Ten and sold over a million copies. Both 1993's San Francisco Days and 1995's Forever Blue mined essentially the same vein as Heart Shaped World, yet both went gold and spawned a handful of hits. In 1996, Isaak released The Baja Sessions; Speak of the Devil followed two years later. Isaak's busy touring schedule and growing visibility as an actor kept him out of the recording studio until 2002, when he released Always Got Tonight, though in 2004 he did find time to cut his first seasonal album, Chris Isaak Christmas, which featured five new Yuletide tunes along with a batch of holiday favorites. The musician once again flexed his TV muscles in 2009 with The Chris Isaak Hour, whose debut on The Biography Channel was promoted in part by Mr. Lucky, his first album of original material in seven years.