Escape the Day
Escape the Day 是一个来自德国柏林的后摇乐队。
Escape the Day 创作的音乐阴冷而舒缓,偶尔的爆发也携带着死亡的气息,呢喃的人声为他们黑暗的世界添上了一盏孤独而温暖的灯。Escape the Day 可谓是 Post-Rock 的躯壳,Sadcore 的灵魂。不像某些严肃得近乎麻木的传统德国人,他们对情感和旋律的把握是绝对的细腻,所有忧伤的情绪都巧妙地掩藏在了那些灰暗的音符中。这样的躯壳与灵魂却结合得如此纯粹,纯粹得让人恍惚间就会迷失。
Escape the Day 的首张录音室专辑《Ghostless》曾一度由于乐队成员 Florian Rehse (1979 - 2005) 的自杀而暂时搁浅,后来已辗转于 2005 年 7 月正式发行。Florian 离开人世时仅有 26 岁,这不禁让人联想到摇滚史上那些加入“27 岁俱乐部”的成员,他们各个才华横溢,却都选择了离开,只留给乐迷和其他成员们无尽的哀伤与思念。若干年后的你,听着 Florian 留下的唯一一张专辑,不知能否体会到他心中的泥沼与郁结,感受到音乐背后蔓延的悲伤与黑暗,Days 最后那令人窒息的沉默,又是否早已预知了 Florian 的离去……
音乐风格: Downtempo, Post-rock, Sadcore, Slowcore
Great music for lonely walks, hangovers or just falling asleep.
Our debut album "Ghostless" was supposed to come out at the end of last year... but due to certain circumstances and the sad happening of Florian's death this wasn't possible. Chances are good though that "Ghostless" will see a release this year! So, keep checking back for latest updates on that. And thanks for all the support and your nice comments!
It is with great sorrow that I announce the tragic loss of band member Florian who decided to end his life at the age of 26. We are all still unable to really comprehend his decision, but we deeply respect and accept it. I thank everyone of you who has supported us along our way. All your warm words are so well appreciated. Special thanks go out to Justyna, Don Anderson and Isabel.
This project is forever dedicated to the love and memory of Christoph Florian Rehse (1979 - 2005).
~ By Lars Pätz
Escape the Day 创作的音乐阴冷而舒缓,偶尔的爆发也携带着死亡的气息,呢喃的人声为他们黑暗的世界添上了一盏孤独而温暖的灯。Escape the Day 可谓是 Post-Rock 的躯壳,Sadcore 的灵魂。不像某些严肃得近乎麻木的传统德国人,他们对情感和旋律的把握是绝对的细腻,所有忧伤的情绪都巧妙地掩藏在了那些灰暗的音符中。这样的躯壳与灵魂却结合得如此纯粹,纯粹得让人恍惚间就会迷失。
Escape the Day 的首张录音室专辑《Ghostless》曾一度由于乐队成员 Florian Rehse (1979 - 2005) 的自杀而暂时搁浅,后来已辗转于 2005 年 7 月正式发行。Florian 离开人世时仅有 26 岁,这不禁让人联想到摇滚史上那些加入“27 岁俱乐部”的成员,他们各个才华横溢,却都选择了离开,只留给乐迷和其他成员们无尽的哀伤与思念。若干年后的你,听着 Florian 留下的唯一一张专辑,不知能否体会到他心中的泥沼与郁结,感受到音乐背后蔓延的悲伤与黑暗,Days 最后那令人窒息的沉默,又是否早已预知了 Florian 的离去……
音乐风格: Downtempo, Post-rock, Sadcore, Slowcore
Great music for lonely walks, hangovers or just falling asleep.
Our debut album "Ghostless" was supposed to come out at the end of last year... but due to certain circumstances and the sad happening of Florian's death this wasn't possible. Chances are good though that "Ghostless" will see a release this year! So, keep checking back for latest updates on that. And thanks for all the support and your nice comments!
It is with great sorrow that I announce the tragic loss of band member Florian who decided to end his life at the age of 26. We are all still unable to really comprehend his decision, but we deeply respect and accept it. I thank everyone of you who has supported us along our way. All your warm words are so well appreciated. Special thanks go out to Justyna, Don Anderson and Isabel.
This project is forever dedicated to the love and memory of Christoph Florian Rehse (1979 - 2005).
~ By Lars Pätz