The Angels of Venice
威尼斯天使乐队(Angels Of Venice)
Angels Of Venice是Windham Hill唱片公司旗下的三女一男新世纪音乐团体,由Carol Tatum、Cathy Biagini、Susan Craig Winsberg和Christopher Pellani这位男士组成。才女Carol Tatum是这个团体的灵魂,是她的才华让Angels Of Venice一鸣惊人。 Angels Of Venice营造的音乐背景拥抱着你的感官跳舞,或激发你兴奋的情绪,或让你沉静如水。如禅宗一般,神游于躯体之外的一种超脱。有时候我很怀疑她们是不是真的... 全部内容»
Angels Of Venice是Windham Hill唱片公司旗下的三女一男新世纪音乐团体,由Carol Tatum、Cathy Biagini、Susan Craig Winsberg和Christopher Pellani这位男士组成。才女Carol Tatum是这个团体的灵魂,是她的才华让Angels Of Venice一鸣惊人。 Angels Of Venice营造的音乐背景拥抱着你的感官跳舞,或激发你兴奋的情绪,或让你沉静如水。如禅宗一般,神游于躯体之外的一种超脱。有时候我很怀疑她们是不是真的天使,手执竖琴降落到人间,那一尘不染的音符绝非人间之声,仿佛就是来自天堂。
by Jason Ankeny
New Age trio Angels of Venice comprised harpist Carol Tatum, keyboardist Joanne Paratore and flutist Laura Halladay, backed by percussionists Christopher Pellani and Derek Zimmerman. The group made its debut performing along the boardwalk in Venice Beach, CA, quickly earning a devoted local following; after independently releasing the albums Music for Harp, Flute and Cello and Awake Inside a Dream, the Angels of Venice signed to Windham Hill, following a series of compilation appearances with their 1999 self-titled label debut.
Angels Of Venice是Windham Hill唱片公司旗下的三女一男新世纪音乐团体,由Carol Tatum、Cathy Biagini、Susan Craig Winsberg和Christopher Pellani这位男士组成。才女Carol Tatum是这个团体的灵魂,是她的才华让Angels Of Venice一鸣惊人。 Angels Of Venice营造的音乐背景拥抱着你的感官跳舞,或激发你兴奋的情绪,或让你沉静如水。如禅宗一般,神游于躯体之外的一种超脱。有时候我很怀疑她们是不是真的... 全部内容»
Angels Of Venice是Windham Hill唱片公司旗下的三女一男新世纪音乐团体,由Carol Tatum、Cathy Biagini、Susan Craig Winsberg和Christopher Pellani这位男士组成。才女Carol Tatum是这个团体的灵魂,是她的才华让Angels Of Venice一鸣惊人。 Angels Of Venice营造的音乐背景拥抱着你的感官跳舞,或激发你兴奋的情绪,或让你沉静如水。如禅宗一般,神游于躯体之外的一种超脱。有时候我很怀疑她们是不是真的天使,手执竖琴降落到人间,那一尘不染的音符绝非人间之声,仿佛就是来自天堂。
by Jason Ankeny
New Age trio Angels of Venice comprised harpist Carol Tatum, keyboardist Joanne Paratore and flutist Laura Halladay, backed by percussionists Christopher Pellani and Derek Zimmerman. The group made its debut performing along the boardwalk in Venice Beach, CA, quickly earning a devoted local following; after independently releasing the albums Music for Harp, Flute and Cello and Awake Inside a Dream, the Angels of Venice signed to Windham Hill, following a series of compilation appearances with their 1999 self-titled label debut.