在1996年,著名的图瓦呼麦团队huun-huur-tu的创建人Alexander Bapa聚集图瓦的音乐新生代,成立了Chirgilchin 乐队。用本民族的语言演唱,弹奏的乐器是图瓦萨满巫师在仪式上使用的Dungur鼓,还有一种二弦琵琶 Doshpuluur和二弦琴 Igil。其成员中的Igor Koshkendey 是图瓦呼麦唱法的最好的艺人之一,他会六种呼麦唱法,包括只有两个图瓦人Oidupaa 和Koshkende唱过的独特的Oidupaa呼麦。
Chirgilchin, meaning &dance of the air in the heat of the day& or &miracle& in Tuvan, is a group of Tuvan musicians performing traditional Tuvan music. It was established in 1996.
The group consists of Igor Koshkendey, Mongun-ool Ondar, Aldar Tamdyn, and Aidysmaa Koshkendey. Igor Koshkendey won the Grand Prix of the International Throat Singing Competition in 1998, 2000, and 2002. He is an expert in the Oidupaa style, a type of kargyraa unique to the singer Vladimir Oidupaa. Mongun-ool Ondar won the Grand Prix in the 1992 International Throat Singing Competition at age 16. He is recognized as having mastered six different throat-singing styles and is working on inventing his own. Mongun-ool is a student of Oleg Kuular. Aldar Tamdyn is a renowned instrument maker and makes all the instruments the band uses. Aldar won Best Instrumentalist at the International Folk Music Festival in Tuva. He is the current director of the National Tuvan Orchestra of Traditional Instruments. Aidysmaa is the only female member of Chirgilchin and has won many different vocal competitions in Tuva. Their manager is Alexander Bapa, former member of another Tuvan music group, Huun-Huur-Tu, and brother of Sayan Bapa of this group.
Chirgilchin, meaning &dance of the air in the heat of the day& or &miracle& in Tuvan, is a group of Tuvan musicians performing traditional Tuvan music. It was established in 1996.
The group consists of Igor Koshkendey, Mongun-ool Ondar, Aldar Tamdyn, and Aidysmaa Koshkendey. Igor Koshkendey won the Grand Prix of the International Throat Singing Competition in 1998, 2000, and 2002. He is an expert in the Oidupaa style, a type of kargyraa unique to the singer Vladimir Oidupaa. Mongun-ool Ondar won the Grand Prix in the 1992 International Throat Singing Competition at age 16. He is recognized as having mastered six different throat-singing styles and is working on inventing his own. Mongun-ool is a student of Oleg Kuular. Aldar Tamdyn is a renowned instrument maker and makes all the instruments the band uses. Aldar won Best Instrumentalist at the International Folk Music Festival in Tuva. He is the current director of the National Tuvan Orchestra of Traditional Instruments. Aidysmaa is the only female member of Chirgilchin and has won many different vocal competitions in Tuva. Their manager is Alexander Bapa, former member of another Tuvan music group, Huun-Huur-Tu, and brother of Sayan Bapa of this group.