美丽谣曲乐队 蒙古团队Egschiglen(为“美丽的歌谣”),是蒙古一支盛名远播的乐队,始建于1991年。核心成员由4个乌兰巴托音乐学院的学生组成,近年在欧洲疯狂走红。西方世界对这支发声独特,韵律幽远的蒙古团队极为关注。 乐队尝试新的声音实验,比如马头琴、扬琴、贝司和二弦乐器的运用,试图在多样的音乐文化中找到一种独特的平衡。乐队男主唱阿木图辛·巴萨多吉乃是当代乐坛第一呼麦男歌者。其吐呐、中气、神韵、双声换轨、音高幻变,是真正属于蒙古利亚的人声,足以唱穿西伯利亚、中亚大草原,飞跃里海、黑海、高加索,直达中欧的阿尔卑斯山。无怪乎数年前跨欧亚大陆的天山─瑞士特快车也计划力邀他们参与演出。 蒙古国幅员辽阔,从南部的茫茫草原岛戈壁沙漠,从白雪皑皑的阿拉泰河和杭盖流出的清澈河水穿越森林注入平原,他们的歌声正是赞美他们的渊源流长的游牧文化及其与自然的和谐关系,赞美他们的马匹、骆驼和牛羊。蒙古音乐的呼吸深长悠远,是他们从自然中获得的生命力量。
Egschiglen are a Mongolian Folk band, formed in Ulan Bator in 1991. In English Egschiglen means "Beautiful Melody", and they are one of very few traditional Mongolian bands to have become popular in the rest of the World. Right from the beginning, Egschiglen set the focus of their artistic work on contemporary music. They systematically explored the sound dimensions of works by classical-modernist Mongolian composers, using traditional instruments from Mongolia and Central Asian including the morin khuur (a violin with two strings made of horse hair), tobshuur (a lute symbolizing a swan's throat as neck), joochin, bass, percussion and singing techniques like khöömii throat singing. Their music is characterized by the delicacy and transparency of chamber music, but also by its deeply natural, compelling force. In Egschiglen’s performances, tunes from shamanist or Buddhist tradition, which are common in Central Asia, impress through their diversity of expression and their intricate arrangements. The musicians also experiment with balancing acts between diverse cultures: in the course of the years, Egschiglen participated in a number of cooperation projects with musicians from various cultural areas. Furthermore, in a relaxed attitude, they present the latest finds from their adopted home, Franconia: traditional song material from the Altmühl valley, arranged as a Mongolian khoomii / morin khuur crossover, which the band has released on their recent album Gereg. Members of the band are: Tumenbayar Migdorj, Tumursaihan Yanlav, Uuganbaatar Tsend-Ochir, Amartuwshin Baasandorj, Sarangerel Tserevsamba, who are accompanied for live concerts by the female dancer Ariuanaa Tserendavaa.
Egschiglen are a Mongolian Folk band, formed in Ulan Bator in 1991. In English Egschiglen means "Beautiful Melody", and they are one of very few traditional Mongolian bands to have become popular in the rest of the World. Right from the beginning, Egschiglen set the focus of their artistic work on contemporary music. They systematically explored the sound dimensions of works by classical-modernist Mongolian composers, using traditional instruments from Mongolia and Central Asian including the morin khuur (a violin with two strings made of horse hair), tobshuur (a lute symbolizing a swan's throat as neck), joochin, bass, percussion and singing techniques like khöömii throat singing. Their music is characterized by the delicacy and transparency of chamber music, but also by its deeply natural, compelling force. In Egschiglen’s performances, tunes from shamanist or Buddhist tradition, which are common in Central Asia, impress through their diversity of expression and their intricate arrangements. The musicians also experiment with balancing acts between diverse cultures: in the course of the years, Egschiglen participated in a number of cooperation projects with musicians from various cultural areas. Furthermore, in a relaxed attitude, they present the latest finds from their adopted home, Franconia: traditional song material from the Altmühl valley, arranged as a Mongolian khoomii / morin khuur crossover, which the band has released on their recent album Gereg. Members of the band are: Tumenbayar Migdorj, Tumursaihan Yanlav, Uuganbaatar Tsend-Ochir, Amartuwshin Baasandorj, Sarangerel Tserevsamba, who are accompanied for live concerts by the female dancer Ariuanaa Tserendavaa.