在新生代Power Metal团中包括Edguy,谁都不会否认Helloween〝七把钥匙〞的强大影响力,在成军初期Edguy有如得到Helloween真传的表现的确令人惊艳,如今Edguy已逐渐将各Metal大佬的精华融为自己的风格,在发行了三张极为成功的专辑之后,尤其是第三作〝Theater Of Salvation〞里包办大部分词曲创作的主唱Tobias Sammet,在卸下Bass演奏工作之后开始专任主唱一职,使乐团整体感提升,在获得耀眼亮丽的成绩之后,使得Edguy逐渐登上金属舞台的最高峰。
代表德国Power Melodic/Speed Metal新希望的乐团Edguy,承袭了Helloween、Heaven Gate及Blind Guardian等德国speed metal大团的优良血统,并彻底将德意志式的优美旋律发挥到极致,而令人难以置信的是,此乐团竟是由一群平均年龄还不到十九岁的年轻小伙子所组成的 (97年),实在吓人,看来speed的势力又将再度肆虐!
Edguy is a neo-classical metal band from Germany. Featuring Tobias Sammet on vocals and bass, Jens Ludwig and Dirk Sauer on guitar, and Felix Bohnke, they released their first album, Kingdom of Madness, in 1997 when all members were still in their teens. This album is good, but inconsistent. In 1998, their second album, Vain Glory Opera, took a big step forward, featuring much better and more consistent songwriting. 1999's Theater of Salvation is the band's first great album. It has consistently great songs, better vocals, and lusher production. Tobias Exxel was added on bass for the Theater of Salvation album.
代表德国Power Melodic/Speed Metal新希望的乐团Edguy,承袭了Helloween、Heaven Gate及Blind Guardian等德国speed metal大团的优良血统,并彻底将德意志式的优美旋律发挥到极致,而令人难以置信的是,此乐团竟是由一群平均年龄还不到十九岁的年轻小伙子所组成的 (97年),实在吓人,看来speed的势力又将再度肆虐!
Edguy is a neo-classical metal band from Germany. Featuring Tobias Sammet on vocals and bass, Jens Ludwig and Dirk Sauer on guitar, and Felix Bohnke, they released their first album, Kingdom of Madness, in 1997 when all members were still in their teens. This album is good, but inconsistent. In 1998, their second album, Vain Glory Opera, took a big step forward, featuring much better and more consistent songwriting. 1999's Theater of Salvation is the band's first great album. It has consistently great songs, better vocals, and lusher production. Tobias Exxel was added on bass for the Theater of Salvation album.