问尔所之,是否如适 are you going to scarborough fair?
蕙兰芫荽,郁郁香芷 parsely sage rosemary and thyme.
彼方淑女,凭君寄辞 remember me to one who lives there.
伊人曾在,与我相知 she once was a true love of mine.
嘱彼佳人,备我衣缁 tell her to make me a cambric shirt.
蕙兰芫荽,郁郁香芷 parsely sage rosemary and thyme.
勿用针砧,无隙无疵 without no seams nor needle work.
伊人何在,慰我相思 then she will be a true love of mine.
彼山之阴,深林荒址 on the side of hill in the deep forest green,
冬寻毡毯,老雀燕子 tracing of sparrow on snow crested brown.
雪覆四野,高山迟滞 blankets and bed clothiers the child of&
问尔所之,是否如适 are you going to scarborough fair?
蕙兰芫荽,郁郁香芷 parsely sage rosemary and thyme.
彼方淑女,凭君寄辞 remember me to one who lives there.
伊人曾在,与我相知 she once was a true love of mine.
嘱彼佳人,备我衣缁 tell her to make me a cambric shirt.
蕙兰芫荽,郁郁香芷 parsely sage rosemary and thyme.
勿用针砧,无隙无疵 without no seams nor needle work.
伊人何在,慰我相思 then she will be a true love of mine.
彼山之阴,深林荒址 on the side of hill in the deep forest green,
冬寻毡毯,老雀燕子 tracing of sparrow on snow crested brown.
雪覆四野,高山迟滞 blankets and bed clothiers the child of&