Someone Else - Arco
Saw an old friend
Just this evening
We go back
A real long way
Conversation kept returning
To the same old things we always say
Getting tired of myself
Wanna be someone else
And he asked me
An opinion
And I couldn't say for sure
Had a head full
Of ideas
Don't care what
I think no more
Getting tired of myself
Wanna be someone else
If only children knew
The lives their dreams eventually resolve to
I wonder what they'd do
Saw another
Perfect stranger
Would have once meant everything
Didn't even
Raise an eyebrow
It's just the way
It's always been
Getting tired of myself
Wanna b
Someone Else - Arco
Saw an old friend
Just this evening
We go back
A real long way
Conversation kept returning
To the same old things we always say
Getting tired of myself
Wanna be someone else
And he asked me
An opinion
And I couldn't say for sure
Had a head full
Of ideas
Don't care what
I think no more
Getting tired of myself
Wanna be someone else
If only children knew
The lives their dreams eventually resolve to
I wonder what they'd do
Saw another
Perfect stranger
Would have once meant everything
Didn't even
Raise an eyebrow
It's just the way
It's always been
Getting tired of myself
Wanna b