I Love You 3000 III - KnowKnow/Higher Brothers
Baby take my hand
I just want to be your husband
Cause I'm your Iron Man
And I love you three thousand
Baby take a chance
Cause I want this to be something
Straight out of a Hollywood movie
I see you standing there
And nothing compares
And all I can think
Is where is the ring
Cause I know you wanna ask
Scared the moment will pass
I can see it in your eyes
Just take me by surprise
And all my friends they tell me they see
You planning to get on one knee
But I want it to be out of the blue
So make sure I have no clue
When you ask
Baby take my hand
I just want to be your husband
Cause I'm your Iron Man
And I love you three thousand
Baby take a chance
Cause I want this to be something
Straight out of a Hollywood movie
Do it well
去年冬天 你来陪我过的圣诞节
想给你一个惊喜 站在你家楼下
你以为我不会来 所以并不在家
你拼了命的打个taxi 往回赶
你的眼泪 像颗钻石 落了一摊
把我抱在你的怀里 给我所有温暖
房间特别冷 吃你做的咖喱饭
Baby take my hand
I just want to be your husband
Cause I'm your Iron Man
And I love you three thousand
Baby take a chance
Cause I want this to be something
Straight out of a Hollywood mov
I Love You 3000 III - KnowKnow/Higher Brothers
Baby take my hand
I just want to be your husband
Cause I'm your Iron Man
And I love you three thousand
Baby take a chance
Cause I want this to be something
Straight out of a Hollywood movie
I see you standing there
And nothing compares
And all I can think
Is where is the ring
Cause I know you wanna ask
Scared the moment will pass
I can see it in your eyes
Just take me by surprise
And all my friends they tell me they see
You planning to get on one knee
But I want it to be out of the blue
So make sure I have no clue
When you ask
Baby take my hand
I just want to be your husband
Cause I'm your Iron Man
And I love you three thousand
Baby take a chance
Cause I want this to be something
Straight out of a Hollywood movie
Do it well
去年冬天 你来陪我过的圣诞节
想给你一个惊喜 站在你家楼下
你以为我不会来 所以并不在家
你拼了命的打个taxi 往回赶
你的眼泪 像颗钻石 落了一摊
把我抱在你的怀里 给我所有温暖
房间特别冷 吃你做的咖喱饭
Baby take my hand
I just want to be your husband
Cause I'm your Iron Man
And I love you three thousand
Baby take a chance
Cause I want this to be something
Straight out of a Hollywood mov