lrc 歌詞
You were perfect even then my love 即使过去了的我的爱 你依然是完美
Your little smile was so sweet.你那微妙的微笑是如此的甜美
I would sit beside your cradle.我坐在摇篮旁边
And watch you gently fall asleep.而后看着你轻轻入睡
I used to hold you in my arms my child 我的孩子 我曾拥你入怀
And marvel at your tiny hands.总会惊叹你那小小手
I would always watch in wonder.我总会那么细细地看
As you grew from boy to man.正当你由小孩成为男人
And if you were ever in tears 如果你曾落泪
I’d kiss you till the pain would disappear 我会吻你直至疼痛消失
If only I could hold you now.如果我现在可以拥有你
In my arms one last time.在我怀里最后一次
Inside my heart is breaking.我心正在破碎
Just watching you Jesus you were mine.只要看着你 Jesus曾是属于我的你
You were mine.曾是属于我的你
Your precious hands that used to hold me 你曾牵过我的那双珍贵的手
.Nailed so tightly to the cross.被紧紧地钉在十字架
You never know how much I love you Jesus.你从不知道我是如此地深爱你 Jesus
Now ever