lrc 歌詞
Three little birds, sat on my window.三只小鸟,停留在我的窗边
And they told me I don t need to worry. 它们对我诉说:"我不需要担心
Summer came like cinnamon 夏天就像肉桂一样到来(小鸟的世界中肉桂可是好东西)
So sweet,如此甜蜜
Little girls double-dutch on the concrete.小女孩在具体的问题上总是犹豫不决
Maybe sometimes, we got it wrong, but it s alright也许有的时候,我们明明觉得是错误的,但它却是正确的
The more things seems to change, the more they seem to stay the same.越多的事情看似改变,他们却越来越坚定地停留在原来的状况
Oh, don t you hesitate. 哎,难道你不犹豫
Girl, put your records on, tell me your favourite song 宝贝,播放你的唱片,告诉我你最喜欢的歌曲
You go ahead, let your hair down尽情的沉浸在这音乐中把,结下你高高盘起的长发
Saphire and faded jeans, I hope you get your dreams,破旧的牛仔裤,我希望你拥有你的梦想
Just go ahead, let your hair down.尽兴吧,结下你的发夹
You re gonna find yourself somewhere, somehow. 你会在某个地方某个时候找到真实的你,
Blue as the sky, sombre and lonely, 蓝蓝的天空,隐隐的有点孤独
Sipping tea in the bar by the road side, 坐在街边的茶馆中品尝着属于自己的浓浓的茶
(just relax, just rela