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In contrast, the researchers say holding a more prosaic view of your loved ones means you are less likely to be disappointed, and therefore more satisfied with your marriage. Writing in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, researchers led by James McNulty, professor of psychology at Ohio University, said, "In contrast to the idea that expectations in the early years of marriage exert main effects on satisfaction, the current findings suggest that the effects of expectations interact with the skills partners bring to their relationships." Previous research found that people tend to select like-minded partners who they believe will be able to maintain a stable relationship. The finding contradicts the old adage that opposites attract. Instead, the US researchers said people looking for long-term relationships should select partners who were similar to themselves, rather than seeking out the highest quality partner available. 相反,研究人员说,用平常心来看待自己的爱人就意味着你不太会失望,所以也就会对婚姻更加满意。 由俄亥俄州立大学心理学教授詹姆斯·迈克纳蒂领导的研究者们在《人格和社会心理学》杂志上发表文章说:“以往的研究表明,结婚最初几年对于婚姻的期望值会对婚姻的满意程度产生重要影响,与此形成鲜明对照的是,目前的研究表明期望值的影响力与伴侣对其婚姻关系所采用的技巧是相互作用的。” 上述研究还发现,人们倾向于选择志趣相投的伴侣,他们相信这样能够维持一份稳定的婚姻。 这一发现与过去所认为的“不同性格相互吸引”的说法截然不同。 取而代之的是,美国的研究人员说,寻找长期婚姻关系的人们应该选择与自己性格相近的伴侣而不是寻求最优秀的伴侣。