lrc 歌詞
If God could turn me into a pigeon A golden pigeon or a turtle dove I could fly to my homeland At Douwayra Back home where my folks are If God could give me everything I wish for Long life, happiness and prosperity Then I would live always beside Those who are dear to me My parents and my friends While I was in France Learning more about art and life One terrible phone call Summoned me home where I found My mother was already dead and buried Orphan, orphan, orphan Mama, mama, mama, my darling mother Papa, papa, papa, my dear father Oh Mother most kind Oh Father full of pity What sadness when they go How sacred is the family Mama, Mama, Mama Aissata Samba Boubou Yacine Wade Mother of Fatou, mother of Mama Mother of Laye Malle and of Chillo Of Ndeye Khar and of Ndeye Gaye Of Hameth Malle and Baaba Baidy Baaba Debbo Ah mama Aissata Khar Sano Saar and Nar Sarr Ah Aissata Samba Boubou Yacine, ah mama