Elena Temnikova (1985年4月18日,德国库尔干)
Olya Serebrinkya(1985年4月12日,莫斯科)
Anastasia Karpova(1984年11月2日,萨拉托夫)
Moscovite Marina Lizorkina(1984,德国)
Elena Temnikova 在团中担任的是主唱,她的形象让我想起The Corrs(可儿家族)的主唱Andrea Corr,浓浓的烟熏妆搭配超黑的头发,她的声音相当有穿透性,而且没有新人的羞涩感。从2002年参加了Star Academy选秀节目开始,Elena就活跃在音乐圈中。Elena对音乐的执着可以从她5岁开始学钢琴算起。
Olya Serebrinkya是担任合音的位子,她的长相也让我想起美国的Olsen Twins(欧森双胞胎),一头金发在团中算是抢眼了。Olya从7岁开始学芭蕾,到了17岁她原本打算变成运动员,她也参加过许多运动竞赛,但最后Olya从艺术学院的歌唱表演系毕业。
Marina Lizorkina也是合音,她是团中年纪最大的,对我来说她的样子比较像是我们比较熟悉的俄罗斯女歌手的长相,我是觉得她还挺像Nu Virgos(圣女天团)的那种美。加入Serebro前Marina 是Formula的主唱,并且在俄国影集"Obrechyonnaya stat zvezdoy"的原声带曾经献声。
Serebro (Russian: Серебро, Silver) are a Russian trio, who finished third in the Eurovision Song Contest 2007 in Helsinki with the song "Song #1". The band was formed in 2006 by Maxim Fadeev, a prominent Russian music producer, and consists of Elena Temnikova, Olga Seryabkina and Marina Lizorkina. Serebro is currently one of the most popular Russian bands; they released their debut album Opiumroz on 25 April 2009Members before Serebro
Elena Vladimirovna Temnikova (born 18 April 1985 in Kurgan, Russia) came to media prominence as a contestant on Channel One talents show Star Factory in 2003.She was spotted by Maxim Fadeev, the main producer of Star Factory, and signed with a contract with Fadeev's recording company Monolit Records.Although Temnikova released two disco singles, "Begi" and "Taina", she did not continue her solo career, but joined Serebro.
Olga Yurievna Seryabkina (born 12 April 1985 in Moscow, Russia) began to study ballet at the age of seven. The same year she got the rank of the candidate to the master of sports; she later took part in many international dancing competitions. Seryabkina graduated at the Art School, the Department for Estrada and Pop Singing, and in 2006 got the higher education diploma on specialization "Translation and Entrepreneurship". She was brought at the audition for Serebro by her friend Temnikova.
Marina Sergeevna Lizorkina (born 9 June 1983 in Moscow, Russia) entered the Contemporary Art University in Moscow at the age of sixteen. She used to sing in a choir, before she became the lead singer of the group "Formula". In 2004, they released a few singles for the series Obrechonnaya Stat Zvezdoy. Lizorkina was the last to join Serebro, after she saw an Internet announcement
Elena Temnikova (1985年4月18日,德国库尔干)
Olya Serebrinkya(1985年4月12日,莫斯科)
Anastasia Karpova(1984年11月2日,萨拉托夫)
Moscovite Marina Lizorkina(1984,德国)
Elena Temnikova 在团中担任的是主唱,她的形象让我想起The Corrs(可儿家族)的主唱Andrea Corr,浓浓的烟熏妆搭配超黑的头发,她的声音相当有穿透性,而且没有新人的羞涩感。从2002年参加了Star Academy选秀节目开始,Elena就活跃在音乐圈中。Elena对音乐的执着可以从她5岁开始学钢琴算起。
Olya Serebrinkya是担任合音的位子,她的长相也让我想起美国的Olsen Twins(欧森双胞胎),一头金发在团中算是抢眼了。Olya从7岁开始学芭蕾,到了17岁她原本打算变成运动员,她也参加过许多运动竞赛,但最后Olya从艺术学院的歌唱表演系毕业。
Marina Lizorkina也是合音,她是团中年纪最大的,对我来说她的样子比较像是我们比较熟悉的俄罗斯女歌手的长相,我是觉得她还挺像Nu Virgos(圣女天团)的那种美。加入Serebro前Marina 是Formula的主唱,并且在俄国影集"Obrechyonnaya stat zvezdoy"的原声带曾经献声。
Serebro (Russian: Серебро, Silver) are a Russian trio, who finished third in the Eurovision Song Contest 2007 in Helsinki with the song "Song #1". The band was formed in 2006 by Maxim Fadeev, a prominent Russian music producer, and consists of Elena Temnikova, Olga Seryabkina and Marina Lizorkina. Serebro is currently one of the most popular Russian bands; they released their debut album Opiumroz on 25 April 2009Members before Serebro
Elena Vladimirovna Temnikova (born 18 April 1985 in Kurgan, Russia) came to media prominence as a contestant on Channel One talents show Star Factory in 2003.She was spotted by Maxim Fadeev, the main producer of Star Factory, and signed with a contract with Fadeev's recording company Monolit Records.Although Temnikova released two disco singles, "Begi" and "Taina", she did not continue her solo career, but joined Serebro.
Olga Yurievna Seryabkina (born 12 April 1985 in Moscow, Russia) began to study ballet at the age of seven. The same year she got the rank of the candidate to the master of sports; she later took part in many international dancing competitions. Seryabkina graduated at the Art School, the Department for Estrada and Pop Singing, and in 2006 got the higher education diploma on specialization "Translation and Entrepreneurship". She was brought at the audition for Serebro by her friend Temnikova.
Marina Sergeevna Lizorkina (born 9 June 1983 in Moscow, Russia) entered the Contemporary Art University in Moscow at the age of sixteen. She used to sing in a choir, before she became the lead singer of the group "Formula". In 2004, they released a few singles for the series Obrechonnaya Stat Zvezdoy. Lizorkina was the last to join Serebro, after she saw an Internet announcement