Autumn's Grey Solace
2004年Autumn's Grey Solace这队美国Dream-Pop二人组合加盟Projekt厂牌发表了他俩的第二张专辑Over The Ocean,大概近年没有太多这类风格出尘脱俗、不吃人间烟火的音乐,故即使Autumn's Grey Solace的声音谈不上有多大新意,感觉上他们又是另一支「后Cocteau Twins」乐队,但倒有叫人听得有点称心之感。同时,也再度反映到Projekt向八十年代4AD厂牌追崇之意图。 Autumn's Grey Solace的二人阵营很简单,女生Erin Welton负责主唱与填词,而Scott Ferrell是吉他手兼音乐主脑;前者靓声飘逸,后者梦幻奏乐,合作起来总能恰到好处,宛如云顶观世的一对。如果说七年前他们自资出版的处女作Within The Depths Of A Darkened Forest是记载了其摸索阶级,而2004年的Over The Ocean看到了二人找到该走的音乐路线,那么Autumn's Grey Solace的第三张专辑Riverine,则标志着他俩的声音已趋向成熟浑圆。无疑,这次Autumn's Grey Solace的歌曲来得更见动听。Human Shell是一首百分百隽永怡人的漂亮Dream-Pop作品,好比如沐春风般美好──今趟Autumn's Grey Solace已不独属于灰色的秋日了,而Riverine正是一张为春天而设的唱片。更触动心灵,还有Erin在Sorrow Ashes里孤高得令人心碎的演绎;而Falling Sky的飞翔式结他,可让听者的情怀也不禁豁出去。今天的Autumn's Grey Solace仍不脱Cocteau Twins的影子,听A Tangle Of Scars和Cold And Empty Constellations,那简直时光倒流至Cocteau的黄金时代。论惊艳之作,是The Unshakable Demon的中古气与Gothic底蕴;而听着清爽快板的Eclipse和Cloudburst,却又别有一番情味,奏出好比凉风送爽的Dream-Pop妙韵,甚至Inward Bound更好让我联想到All About Eve来。在Autumn's Grey Solace的音乐里,Erin的歌声与Scott的结他总是互相辉映──在Riverine内便严正声明「No keyboards or synthesizers were used in the making of this recording」,以告诉大家他们的乐曲全由Scott的结他编织而成。
Autumn's Grey Solace is an ethereal wave and shoegaze band from Florida. It consists of vocalist Erin Welton and multi-instrumentalist Scott Ferrell. They have released a total of five albums since 2002.
The band began recording their first album, Within The Depths Of A Darkened Forest, in 2000, and was released in 2002. Afterwards they continued to record and write new songs, and were signed to Projekt Records in 2004. Later that year they released their second album, Over the Ocean on Projekt Records. In 2005 they released their third album, Riverine and in 2006 released their fourth, Shades of Grey. On May 6, 2008, their fifth album, Ablaze was released. This album received very positive reviews and is advertised on the front page of Projekt Records' website.
Autumn's Grey Solace contributed to Projekt Records' "Projekt Holiday Single #1" in 2004 with the song "Through The Snowy Trees". They also covered the song "Musica Eternal" by Dead Can Dance for the tribute album Summoning Of The Muse - A Tribute To Dead Can Dance in 2005.
2004年Autumn's Grey Solace这队美国Dream-Pop二人组合加盟Projekt厂牌发表了他俩的第二张专辑Over The Ocean,大概近年没有太多这类风格出尘脱俗、不吃人间烟火的音乐,故即使Autumn's Grey Solace的声音谈不上有多大新意,感觉上他们又是另一支「后Cocteau Twins」乐队,但倒有叫人听得有点称心之感。同时,也再度反映到Projekt向八十年代4AD厂牌追崇之意图。 Autumn's Grey Solace的二人阵营很简单,女生Erin Welton负责主唱与填词,而Scott Ferrell是吉他手兼音乐主脑;前者靓声飘逸,后者梦幻奏乐,合作起来总能恰到好处,宛如云顶观世的一对。如果说七年前他们自资出版的处女作Within The Depths Of A Darkened Forest是记载了其摸索阶级,而2004年的Over The Ocean看到了二人找到该走的音乐路线,那么Autumn's Grey Solace的第三张专辑Riverine,则标志着他俩的声音已趋向成熟浑圆。无疑,这次Autumn's Grey Solace的歌曲来得更见动听。Human Shell是一首百分百隽永怡人的漂亮Dream-Pop作品,好比如沐春风般美好──今趟Autumn's Grey Solace已不独属于灰色的秋日了,而Riverine正是一张为春天而设的唱片。更触动心灵,还有Erin在Sorrow Ashes里孤高得令人心碎的演绎;而Falling Sky的飞翔式结他,可让听者的情怀也不禁豁出去。今天的Autumn's Grey Solace仍不脱Cocteau Twins的影子,听A Tangle Of Scars和Cold And Empty Constellations,那简直时光倒流至Cocteau的黄金时代。论惊艳之作,是The Unshakable Demon的中古气与Gothic底蕴;而听着清爽快板的Eclipse和Cloudburst,却又别有一番情味,奏出好比凉风送爽的Dream-Pop妙韵,甚至Inward Bound更好让我联想到All About Eve来。在Autumn's Grey Solace的音乐里,Erin的歌声与Scott的结他总是互相辉映──在Riverine内便严正声明「No keyboards or synthesizers were used in the making of this recording」,以告诉大家他们的乐曲全由Scott的结他编织而成。
Autumn's Grey Solace is an ethereal wave and shoegaze band from Florida. It consists of vocalist Erin Welton and multi-instrumentalist Scott Ferrell. They have released a total of five albums since 2002.
The band began recording their first album, Within The Depths Of A Darkened Forest, in 2000, and was released in 2002. Afterwards they continued to record and write new songs, and were signed to Projekt Records in 2004. Later that year they released their second album, Over the Ocean on Projekt Records. In 2005 they released their third album, Riverine and in 2006 released their fourth, Shades of Grey. On May 6, 2008, their fifth album, Ablaze was released. This album received very positive reviews and is advertised on the front page of Projekt Records' website.
Autumn's Grey Solace contributed to Projekt Records' "Projekt Holiday Single #1" in 2004 with the song "Through The Snowy Trees". They also covered the song "Musica Eternal" by Dead Can Dance for the tribute album Summoning Of The Muse - A Tribute To Dead Can Dance in 2005.