外文名称 telepopmusik
音乐风格 电子
成立年份 1997年
国 家 法国
Telepopmusik是成立于1997年的法国3人电子乐团,灵魂人物Fabrice Dumont负责出整体音乐编排、架构及贝斯的弹奏;曾受过音乐训练的Stephan Haeri,则担任各式音效处理及混入;以Anti-Pop为名的Christophe Hetier,展现出深具架式的高超DJ刷碟技巧,他们的音乐中也经常出现一些有着迷人声音的客席歌手,将音乐中那种浪漫迷离的感觉蔓延在Genetic World这张专辑中,Telepopmusik用独特的技巧将包括 nu-jazz, hip hop, electropop 甚至是torch song融合成一种“moody and velvety”的音乐·最值得推荐的当然是那首SUV车的广告歌"BREATHE"了,全曲充满着梦幻般的电子打磨节奏,一如春天阳光照在脸上的感觉。
她们是支初登电子乐界的新贵。由三个法国TECHNO狂人所组成的(Fabrice Dumont、Stephan Haeri以及Christophe Hetier)。目前Telepopmusik几乎就是诱惑和迷人的代名词,是当前电子乐坛的新宠儿。他们的音乐挟带着一种诱死人不偿命的甜美女声向我们袭来。而其中那些悠静、冰冷、明晰的电子旋律以及仿佛来自混沌时空的微妙舞曲鼓点,更成火上浇油之势,仿佛要一下子将你带入天堂和人间的过渡层。
Telepopmusik的首张专辑《genetic world》在2002年推出时即在主流乐界博得了满堂彩,当中的一曲"Breathe"更成为Mitsubishi Outlander SUV和标致307的广告歌, 而"Breathe"中Angela Mccluskey那清冷却又感性无比的声音理所当然的迷倒了一大片乐迷。
进入2005年,他们才为苦等了几年的乐迷带来了第二张专辑《Angel Milk》,音乐中依然是冷静的电气音质透着飘逸风格,零碎的电气节拍中渗透着爵士气息,曲风隐约传递亚洲风格音乐元素,万分迷人,当然依然还有wolfham最喜爱的诱死人不偿命的那把Angela Mccluskey甜美女声,试问telepopmusik又如何舍得丢掉这块票房保证的金字招牌呢?更招多Mau和Deborah Anderson两位客座女将加强阵容,可谓鼎盛!
Da Hoola(2000)EP
Genetic World(2002)专辑
Love Can Damage Your Health(2002)EP
Smile Remixes(2003)EP
Angel Milk(2005)专辑
Into Everything(2005)EP
Don't Look Back(2006)EP
Catalog of Telepopmusik(2006)合集
Ghost Girl(2009)EP
Try Me Anyway / Fever(2013)EP
Breathe: Remix(2015)EP
Télépopmusik is a French electronic music trio, composed of Fabrice Dumont (bassist of the pop band Autour de Lucie), Stephan Haeri (also known as "2 square" for his solo projects), and Christophe Hetier.
The group's first album was ‘Genetic World’, released in 2001, with several singles from the album released subsequently. The group's second album, ‘Angel Milk’ was released in 2005.
Rapper Mau, from Earthling, appeared as guest vocalist on both ‘Genetic World’ as Soda-Pop (tracks "Genetic World", "Da Hoola" and "Trishika") and on ‘Angel Milk’ as Mau ("Anyway", "Last Train To Wherever", "Hollywood On My Toothpaste", "Tuesday" and "15 Minutes").
The track "Breathe" from the album ‘Genetic World’ was used in a Mitsubishi television commercial to launch the 2003 Outlander. It was also nominated for a Grammy Award in the category Best Dance Recording at the ceremony held in February 2004. The track peaked at #42 in the UK Singles Chart in March 2002.Angela McCluskey, the co-writer and guest vocalist on "Breathe," is from the American band Wild Colonials.
The track "Love Can Damage Your Health" gained popularity in the house music genre as a result of a remix by DJ/Producer Dennis Ferrer and Abicah Soul.
On 24 June 2013 they released Try Me Anyway / Fever EP which featured New York based vocalist Betty Black (Sylvia Gordon) and remixes from Dirty Channels, Zombie Disco Squad, Populette, Pit Spector and Pino Rastovitch.
Besides their new EP, Télépopmusik are in studio working on a new album which will be their first album release since 2005.
Genetic World (2001)
Angel Milk (2005)
Extended Plays
Ghost Girl (2009)
Try Me Anyway / Fever (2013)
Sound (2014)
Catalogue Of Telepopmusik (2003)
Damita Jo by Janet Jackson (2004)
The Things We Do by Angela McCluskey (2005)
Lost by Cool Calm Pete (2008)
Breathe on My Contacts by Jennifer Lee AKA TOKiMONSTA (2011)
5am Ant Hat by Krayze Music (2012)
外文名称 telepopmusik
音乐风格 电子
成立年份 1997年
国 家 法国
Telepopmusik是成立于1997年的法国3人电子乐团,灵魂人物Fabrice Dumont负责出整体音乐编排、架构及贝斯的弹奏;曾受过音乐训练的Stephan Haeri,则担任各式音效处理及混入;以Anti-Pop为名的Christophe Hetier,展现出深具架式的高超DJ刷碟技巧,他们的音乐中也经常出现一些有着迷人声音的客席歌手,将音乐中那种浪漫迷离的感觉蔓延在Genetic World这张专辑中,Telepopmusik用独特的技巧将包括 nu-jazz, hip hop, electropop 甚至是torch song融合成一种“moody and velvety”的音乐·最值得推荐的当然是那首SUV车的广告歌"BREATHE"了,全曲充满着梦幻般的电子打磨节奏,一如春天阳光照在脸上的感觉。
她们是支初登电子乐界的新贵。由三个法国TECHNO狂人所组成的(Fabrice Dumont、Stephan Haeri以及Christophe Hetier)。目前Telepopmusik几乎就是诱惑和迷人的代名词,是当前电子乐坛的新宠儿。他们的音乐挟带着一种诱死人不偿命的甜美女声向我们袭来。而其中那些悠静、冰冷、明晰的电子旋律以及仿佛来自混沌时空的微妙舞曲鼓点,更成火上浇油之势,仿佛要一下子将你带入天堂和人间的过渡层。
Telepopmusik的首张专辑《genetic world》在2002年推出时即在主流乐界博得了满堂彩,当中的一曲"Breathe"更成为Mitsubishi Outlander SUV和标致307的广告歌, 而"Breathe"中Angela Mccluskey那清冷却又感性无比的声音理所当然的迷倒了一大片乐迷。
进入2005年,他们才为苦等了几年的乐迷带来了第二张专辑《Angel Milk》,音乐中依然是冷静的电气音质透着飘逸风格,零碎的电气节拍中渗透着爵士气息,曲风隐约传递亚洲风格音乐元素,万分迷人,当然依然还有wolfham最喜爱的诱死人不偿命的那把Angela Mccluskey甜美女声,试问telepopmusik又如何舍得丢掉这块票房保证的金字招牌呢?更招多Mau和Deborah Anderson两位客座女将加强阵容,可谓鼎盛!
Da Hoola(2000)EP
Genetic World(2002)专辑
Love Can Damage Your Health(2002)EP
Smile Remixes(2003)EP
Angel Milk(2005)专辑
Into Everything(2005)EP
Don't Look Back(2006)EP
Catalog of Telepopmusik(2006)合集
Ghost Girl(2009)EP
Try Me Anyway / Fever(2013)EP
Breathe: Remix(2015)EP
Télépopmusik is a French electronic music trio, composed of Fabrice Dumont (bassist of the pop band Autour de Lucie), Stephan Haeri (also known as "2 square" for his solo projects), and Christophe Hetier.
The group's first album was ‘Genetic World’, released in 2001, with several singles from the album released subsequently. The group's second album, ‘Angel Milk’ was released in 2005.
Rapper Mau, from Earthling, appeared as guest vocalist on both ‘Genetic World’ as Soda-Pop (tracks "Genetic World", "Da Hoola" and "Trishika") and on ‘Angel Milk’ as Mau ("Anyway", "Last Train To Wherever", "Hollywood On My Toothpaste", "Tuesday" and "15 Minutes").
The track "Breathe" from the album ‘Genetic World’ was used in a Mitsubishi television commercial to launch the 2003 Outlander. It was also nominated for a Grammy Award in the category Best Dance Recording at the ceremony held in February 2004. The track peaked at #42 in the UK Singles Chart in March 2002.Angela McCluskey, the co-writer and guest vocalist on "Breathe," is from the American band Wild Colonials.
The track "Love Can Damage Your Health" gained popularity in the house music genre as a result of a remix by DJ/Producer Dennis Ferrer and Abicah Soul.
On 24 June 2013 they released Try Me Anyway / Fever EP which featured New York based vocalist Betty Black (Sylvia Gordon) and remixes from Dirty Channels, Zombie Disco Squad, Populette, Pit Spector and Pino Rastovitch.
Besides their new EP, Télépopmusik are in studio working on a new album which will be their first album release since 2005.
Genetic World (2001)
Angel Milk (2005)
Extended Plays
Ghost Girl (2009)
Try Me Anyway / Fever (2013)
Sound (2014)
Catalogue Of Telepopmusik (2003)
Damita Jo by Janet Jackson (2004)
The Things We Do by Angela McCluskey (2005)
Lost by Cool Calm Pete (2008)
Breathe on My Contacts by Jennifer Lee AKA TOKiMONSTA (2011)
5am Ant Hat by Krayze Music (2012)