Spacemen 3
八零年代的传奇迷幻摇滚乐团,影响后世极度深远,乐团两大主脑Jason Pierce和Sonic Boom在1990年宣布理念不和而解散,从此分道扬鑣Sonic Boom组成了Spectrum,而Jason Pierce成立了几乎成为个人代名词的乐团Spiritualized。
SPACEMEN 3可能是八零年代至今把VIBRATILE GUITAR作最大胆实验创新的迷幻团体。从第一张专辑“SOUND OF CONFUSION”的封面,那种腥红昏眩直到第二张专辑“THE PERFECT PRESCRIPTION”,只见封面一圈又一圈的紫色螺旋纹便已令人目眩三分;正如SPACEMEN 3为他们自己的封面设计一样,其音乐的迷幻昏醉性更是有过之而无不及。很明显的,SPACEMEN 3为我们展现的是一个深度广度均衡而错综複杂的声音空间。曾经在他们第三张专辑“PLAYING WITH FIRE ”问世后,有乐评家将其比喻为“SPACEMEN ODYSSEY”,由这个指称上,我们不难想像,SPACEMEN 3在对於声音的迷幻创新上,心态是如何的大胆,即手法又是如何的高明。
“SOUND OF CONFUSION”为SPACEMEN 3的第一张专辑,主唱JASON 他阴鬱低沉的嗓音,以及PETER GUNN随时要与空气共振的吉他反馈,不由得使我们瞭解到SPACEMEN 3被比喻成太空奥狄赛,原来在第一张专辑中便已强烈散发出此种先知指涉。与其后两张专辑较大的不同是:SOUND OF CONFUSION的PERCUSSION佔著很重的比例,甚至可以说他是GUITAR FEEDBACK 颤抖迴旋之中的稳定因子,清晰有力,适足与电子的剽悍抗衡。TAMBOURINE的固定起伏,为音乐增添一种额外的荒谬感。
SPACEMEN 3纷扰的声音世界,在我进入之前,必经一段漫长的美感距离;工业之声带给我们心理障碍,WHITE NOISE 给人冰冷模棱的刻板印象,都是在进入SPACEMEN 3之前所要排除的阻隔。SPACEMEN 3创造的是迷幻的无穷震颤,它不是要人在它的音乐中心恍神迷,而是跟著它的奇妙音符在它自己的次元中,不断历险,与空气中的各种分子作多种可能的碰撞,在惊奇险遇之中隐含著华丽悠然。
Spacemen 3 were psychedelic in the loosest sense of the word; their guitar explorations were colorfully mind-altering, but not in the sense of the acid rock of the 60s. Instead, the band developed its own minimalistic psychedelia, relying on heavily distorted guitars to clash and produce their own harmonic overtones; frequently, they would lead up to walls of distortion with overamplified acoustic guitars and synths. Often the band would jam on one chord or play a series of songs, all in the same tempo and key. Though this approach was challenging, often bordering on the avant-garde, Spacemen 3 nevertheless gained a dedicated cult following. After releasing several albums in the late 80s, the band fell apart after in 1991.
In 1982, Sonic Boom (guitar, organ, vocals; born Pete Kember on November 19, 1965) and Jason Pierce (guitar, organ, vocals; also born November 19, 1965) formed Spacemen 3 in Rugby, Warwickshire, England. Sonic Boom and Pierce added a rhythm section comprised of Pete Baines and Rosco, and spent the next four years rehearsing and jamming. In 1986, the group released its debut album, Sound of Confusion, on Glass Records. At first the band sounded a bit like a punked-up garage rock band, but their music quickly evolved into their signature trance-like neo-psychedelia. Spacemen 3s second album, 1987s The Perfect Prescription, was the first to capture the groups distinctive style.
Following 1989s Playing With Fire, Baines and Rosco left the group to form their own band, the Darkside. They were replaced by Will Carruthers and Jon Mattock. Despite the addition of new blood to its lineup, the band was beginning to fray because of in-fighting between Sonic Boom and Pierce, as well as the formers increasing drug dependency. The new lineup struggled through a final album, 1991s Recurring, which featured Booms songs on side one and Pierces on side two. By the time of the release of Recurring, Pierce was performing with Carruthers and Mattock in a new band called Spiritualized. Shortly after the release of Recurring, Spacemen 3 split, and Spiritualized became Pierces full-time band, eventually earning a cult following of its own.
八零年代的传奇迷幻摇滚乐团,影响后世极度深远,乐团两大主脑Jason Pierce和Sonic Boom在1990年宣布理念不和而解散,从此分道扬鑣Sonic Boom组成了Spectrum,而Jason Pierce成立了几乎成为个人代名词的乐团Spiritualized。
SPACEMEN 3可能是八零年代至今把VIBRATILE GUITAR作最大胆实验创新的迷幻团体。从第一张专辑“SOUND OF CONFUSION”的封面,那种腥红昏眩直到第二张专辑“THE PERFECT PRESCRIPTION”,只见封面一圈又一圈的紫色螺旋纹便已令人目眩三分;正如SPACEMEN 3为他们自己的封面设计一样,其音乐的迷幻昏醉性更是有过之而无不及。很明显的,SPACEMEN 3为我们展现的是一个深度广度均衡而错综複杂的声音空间。曾经在他们第三张专辑“PLAYING WITH FIRE ”问世后,有乐评家将其比喻为“SPACEMEN ODYSSEY”,由这个指称上,我们不难想像,SPACEMEN 3在对於声音的迷幻创新上,心态是如何的大胆,即手法又是如何的高明。
“SOUND OF CONFUSION”为SPACEMEN 3的第一张专辑,主唱JASON 他阴鬱低沉的嗓音,以及PETER GUNN随时要与空气共振的吉他反馈,不由得使我们瞭解到SPACEMEN 3被比喻成太空奥狄赛,原来在第一张专辑中便已强烈散发出此种先知指涉。与其后两张专辑较大的不同是:SOUND OF CONFUSION的PERCUSSION佔著很重的比例,甚至可以说他是GUITAR FEEDBACK 颤抖迴旋之中的稳定因子,清晰有力,适足与电子的剽悍抗衡。TAMBOURINE的固定起伏,为音乐增添一种额外的荒谬感。
SPACEMEN 3纷扰的声音世界,在我进入之前,必经一段漫长的美感距离;工业之声带给我们心理障碍,WHITE NOISE 给人冰冷模棱的刻板印象,都是在进入SPACEMEN 3之前所要排除的阻隔。SPACEMEN 3创造的是迷幻的无穷震颤,它不是要人在它的音乐中心恍神迷,而是跟著它的奇妙音符在它自己的次元中,不断历险,与空气中的各种分子作多种可能的碰撞,在惊奇险遇之中隐含著华丽悠然。
Spacemen 3 were psychedelic in the loosest sense of the word; their guitar explorations were colorfully mind-altering, but not in the sense of the acid rock of the 60s. Instead, the band developed its own minimalistic psychedelia, relying on heavily distorted guitars to clash and produce their own harmonic overtones; frequently, they would lead up to walls of distortion with overamplified acoustic guitars and synths. Often the band would jam on one chord or play a series of songs, all in the same tempo and key. Though this approach was challenging, often bordering on the avant-garde, Spacemen 3 nevertheless gained a dedicated cult following. After releasing several albums in the late 80s, the band fell apart after in 1991.
In 1982, Sonic Boom (guitar, organ, vocals; born Pete Kember on November 19, 1965) and Jason Pierce (guitar, organ, vocals; also born November 19, 1965) formed Spacemen 3 in Rugby, Warwickshire, England. Sonic Boom and Pierce added a rhythm section comprised of Pete Baines and Rosco, and spent the next four years rehearsing and jamming. In 1986, the group released its debut album, Sound of Confusion, on Glass Records. At first the band sounded a bit like a punked-up garage rock band, but their music quickly evolved into their signature trance-like neo-psychedelia. Spacemen 3s second album, 1987s The Perfect Prescription, was the first to capture the groups distinctive style.
Following 1989s Playing With Fire, Baines and Rosco left the group to form their own band, the Darkside. They were replaced by Will Carruthers and Jon Mattock. Despite the addition of new blood to its lineup, the band was beginning to fray because of in-fighting between Sonic Boom and Pierce, as well as the formers increasing drug dependency. The new lineup struggled through a final album, 1991s Recurring, which featured Booms songs on side one and Pierces on side two. By the time of the release of Recurring, Pierce was performing with Carruthers and Mattock in a new band called Spiritualized. Shortly after the release of Recurring, Spacemen 3 split, and Spiritualized became Pierces full-time band, eventually earning a cult following of its own.