Kid Loco
原名Jean-Yves Prieur的Kid Loco深受Docteur L、Howie B等音乐先锋的启蒙,是巴黎电气乐界响叮当的DJ/制作人,他对环境音效的塑造经常被乐评人拿来跟Air、Dimitri From Paris作比较,80年代初,Kid Loco曾以Kid Bravo之名在一堆法国庞克团弹吉他,随后转投幕后制作行列,帮忙成立Bondage音乐厂牌,80年代末,Kid Bravo与Mega Reefer Scratch、Catch My Soul等乐团玩雷鬼乐与hip-hop,接着加入电子合成器组合,96年改以Kid Loco行走江湖,于法国发表《Blues Project EP》,97年续以繁复有至的取样技法与浪漫触感的专辑《A Grand Love Story》一举掳获摇滚与舞曲类型的音乐族群,音乐刊物NME更给予8分(满分10分)的鉴赏佳评,Kid Loco也在98年跃身为NME、Mixmag、The Face等刊物圈选为年度最佳新进,Kid Loco瞬间成为最抢手的DJ,更获邀为Pulp、St Etienne、Stereolab、Mogwai、Talvin Singh等人制作混音,另外也组了乐团跟Massive Attack在欧洲各场子互飙,创设Royal Belleville Music音乐厂牌,发表混音作品辑。 Kid Loco摒弃传统DJ的束缚,绽放他在当代电气风暴中超凡入圣的奇招,环境声效、欧美灵魂乐、庞克摇滚搭配药物、色诱等意涵,突显潜意识,对和平的迷幻与对情欲主义的遐思。 地铁站交收。
by John Bush
An easy-listening trip-hopster similar in style and intent to his countrymen Air and Dimitri from Paris, Kid Loco has an even stronger kinship with the long tradition of French pop characterized by Serge Gainsbourg. Otherwise known as Jean-Yves Prieur, he began playing the guitar at the age of 13 and played in several French punk groups during the early 80s. He moved on to production as well by the end of the decade, and moved on to reggae and hip-hop with a band named Mega Reefer Scratch. By 1996, Prieur had built his own studio, christened himself Kid Loco and released the Blues Project EP for Yellow Productions. The full-length A Grand Love Story appeared one year later, earning praise from many in the indie-rock and electronica community. A remix album was released in 1998. Prieur also accompanied St. Etiennes Sarah Cracknell for a rendition of The Man I Love from the Gershwin tribute Red Hot + Rhapsody, and has remixed Stereolab, Pulp, Mogwai, the High Llamas, Dimitri from Paris and Talvin Singh. The reconfigured Prelude to a Grand Love Story appeared in 1999 as Locos US full-length debut, and the remix album Jesus Life for Children Under 12 Inches followed later that same year. Kid Loco moved up to the majors with his second full-length, 2001s Kill Your Darlings.
原名Jean-Yves Prieur的Kid Loco深受Docteur L、Howie B等音乐先锋的启蒙,是巴黎电气乐界响叮当的DJ/制作人,他对环境音效的塑造经常被乐评人拿来跟Air、Dimitri From Paris作比较,80年代初,Kid Loco曾以Kid Bravo之名在一堆法国庞克团弹吉他,随后转投幕后制作行列,帮忙成立Bondage音乐厂牌,80年代末,Kid Bravo与Mega Reefer Scratch、Catch My Soul等乐团玩雷鬼乐与hip-hop,接着加入电子合成器组合,96年改以Kid Loco行走江湖,于法国发表《Blues Project EP》,97年续以繁复有至的取样技法与浪漫触感的专辑《A Grand Love Story》一举掳获摇滚与舞曲类型的音乐族群,音乐刊物NME更给予8分(满分10分)的鉴赏佳评,Kid Loco也在98年跃身为NME、Mixmag、The Face等刊物圈选为年度最佳新进,Kid Loco瞬间成为最抢手的DJ,更获邀为Pulp、St Etienne、Stereolab、Mogwai、Talvin Singh等人制作混音,另外也组了乐团跟Massive Attack在欧洲各场子互飙,创设Royal Belleville Music音乐厂牌,发表混音作品辑。 Kid Loco摒弃传统DJ的束缚,绽放他在当代电气风暴中超凡入圣的奇招,环境声效、欧美灵魂乐、庞克摇滚搭配药物、色诱等意涵,突显潜意识,对和平的迷幻与对情欲主义的遐思。 地铁站交收。
by John Bush
An easy-listening trip-hopster similar in style and intent to his countrymen Air and Dimitri from Paris, Kid Loco has an even stronger kinship with the long tradition of French pop characterized by Serge Gainsbourg. Otherwise known as Jean-Yves Prieur, he began playing the guitar at the age of 13 and played in several French punk groups during the early 80s. He moved on to production as well by the end of the decade, and moved on to reggae and hip-hop with a band named Mega Reefer Scratch. By 1996, Prieur had built his own studio, christened himself Kid Loco and released the Blues Project EP for Yellow Productions. The full-length A Grand Love Story appeared one year later, earning praise from many in the indie-rock and electronica community. A remix album was released in 1998. Prieur also accompanied St. Etiennes Sarah Cracknell for a rendition of The Man I Love from the Gershwin tribute Red Hot + Rhapsody, and has remixed Stereolab, Pulp, Mogwai, the High Llamas, Dimitri from Paris and Talvin Singh. The reconfigured Prelude to a Grand Love Story appeared in 1999 as Locos US full-length debut, and the remix album Jesus Life for Children Under 12 Inches followed later that same year. Kid Loco moved up to the majors with his second full-length, 2001s Kill Your Darlings.