Thomas Newman
中 文 名 托马斯·纽曼
外 文 名 Thomas Newman
国 籍 美国
出 生 地 美国加州洛杉矶
出生日期 1955-10-20
职 业 作曲家,配乐师
代表作品 《海底总动员》主题曲《Beyond The Sea》
托马斯·纽曼生于一个音乐世家。纽曼家族成员里有相当一部分是作曲家。他的父亲阿尔弗莱德·纽曼、大叔埃米尔·纽曼(Emil Newman)、二叔莱昂奈尔·纽曼(Lionel Newman)、哥哥戴维·纽曼(David Newman),堂兄兰迪·纽曼(Randy Newman)和堂弟乔伊·纽曼(Joey Newman)都是作曲家。音乐是长在托马斯·纽曼的血液,甚至基因里的。他自小接受丰富的音乐熏陶与完整扎实的音乐教育,儿时托马斯·纽曼就时常在片场游晃,看着自己的父亲叔伯制作电影音乐,不过子承父业对当时年幼的托马斯·纽曼来说,是几乎没有考虑过的事,托马斯·纽曼回忆时说:那时家人和我常去看父亲工作,那真的是很有趣神奇的感觉,不过对我来说,那只是”我父亲的工作”,我并不会真的想投入这样的行业。托马斯·纽曼 十四岁时父亲过世,一两年后,托马斯·纽曼 才开始渐渐对电影音乐发生兴趣,说起来让托马斯·纽曼走上电影配乐创作的关键人物并不是他著名的父亲Alfred Newman,而是银河帝国的黑暗武士Darth Vader,这要从何说起呢?这得回到托马斯·纽曼的学生时期,当时他的叔叔Lionel担任福斯电影音乐部门总裁的职位。托马斯·纽曼常常到福斯片场观摩电影音乐的制作情形,特别是John Williams的一些早期作品如《火烧摩天楼》等,也由于Lionel Newman与John Williams私交甚笃,因此在1983年,托马斯·纽曼得到了第一次为电影写音乐的机会,当时他为《绝地大反攻》中,Darth Vader在路克怀中死去的配乐做管弦编曲,他回忆时说:其实Williams已经为这段戏写了一个十分完整的音乐大纲,几乎不只是大纲了。但不管如何,能为这段音乐作细部编曲的工作,对Thomas Newman来说是一次印象十分深刻的经验。另一位叔叔Emil Newman,在Thomas Newman开始对电影音乐发生兴趣时,也给了Thomas Newman许多鼓励与协助,Emil Newman由电影界退休时,Thomas Newman还只是个高中生,但他教导Thomas Newman一些指挥音乐的概念,同时也鼓励Thomas Newman发展自己的音乐,后来Thomas Newman进入南加大学习音乐并取得耶鲁音乐硕士的学位,毕业之后游走于舞台剧与摇滚乐团,1984年,Thomas Newman应一位好友Scott Rubin邀,为《Reckless》一片谱写歌曲,Thomas Newman开始正式走入电影音乐的领域。
不论最初Thomas Newman对自己是如何打算的,终究他还是走上电影音乐一途,只是家族的声望对他而言未必是一种助力,反而更容易成为一种压力,但Thomas Newman却勇于走出父亲的阴影,开创自已的音乐风格,虽然有时不免会在不同的作品中,看到一些一再重复使用的音乐手法,但不论是在Newman家族的成员中,或是其它的电影音乐同行间,他的作品始终保持了高度的原创性,结合了电子音乐与传统器乐,极富实验色彩和独创企图。Thomas Newman对”新声音”的开发始终不遗余力,虽然他在管弦音乐的把握上,一直有很好的水准,但实际上他更热衷于电子音乐的实验与运用,也许是身为一代配乐大师之后,对Thomas Newman而言,写传统的管弦电影配乐,不免有难以超越前人成绩的压力,也时常陷于与好莱坞管弦配乐公式对抗的挣扎,因此对Thomas Newman来说,只有在电子音乐这种充满实验性与未知性的领域中,才能真正的做属于自己的音乐,而不是做别人心目中认为应该要做的音乐。
2016《海底总动员2》(Finding Dory)
2011《帮助》(The Help)
2006《身为人母》(Little Children)、《柏林迷宫》(The Good German)
2005《铁拳男人》(Cinderella Man)、《锅盖头》(Jarhead)
2002《毁灭之路》、《白色夹竹桃》(White Oleander)
2001《不伦之恋》(In the Bedroom)
1997《红色角落》(Red Corner)、《奥斯卡与露辛达》(Oscar And Lucindas)
1996《美国野牛》(American Buffalo)、《性书大亨》(The People vs. Larry Flynt)
1995《真情赤子心》(Unstrung Heroes)、《不一样的本能》(Phenomenon)、《恋爱编制梦》(How To Make An American Quilt)
1993《无情大地有情天》(Flesh and Bone)
1992《大玩家》、《闻香识女人》(Scent of a Woman)
1991《神采飞扬》(Career Opportunities)、《油炸绿蕃茄》(Fried Green Tomatoes)
1990《男人止步》(Men Don't Leave)
1988《魔鬼小霸王》(The Prince of Pennsylvania)
1987《登龙有术》(Light of Day)、《粗野少年族》(The Lost Boys)
1986《打工好汉》(Gung Ho)、《东西战争》(Jumpin' Jack Flash)
1985《少女就爱寻开心》(Girls Just Want to Have Fun)、《穿一只红鞋的男人》(The Man with One Red Shoe)、《天才作反》(Real Genius)、《神秘约会》(Desperately Seeking Susan)
Life and career
Thomas Montgomery Newman (born October 20, 1955) is an American composer best known for his many film scores.
Newman has been nominated for thirteen Academy Awards and three Golden Globes, and has won two BAFTAs, six Grammys and an Emmy Award. Newman was honored with the Richard Kirk award at the 2000 BMI Film and TV Awards. The award is given annually to a composer who has made significant contributions to film and television music.
Born in Los Angeles, California, he is the youngest son of Mississippi-born Martha Louis Montgomery (1920–2005) and composer Alfred Newman (1900–1970), who won nine Oscars for ‘Best Film Score’.
At first, Newman was more interested in musical theater than in film composition, working with Sondheim in Broadway plays.
In 1992, Newman composed the score to Martin Brest's film ‘Scent of a Woman’.
In 1994, he got his first Academy Award nominations with the scores to ‘The Shawshank Redemption and Little Women’.
In 1996, he scored Diane Keaton's Unstrung Heroes, receiving yet another Oscar nomination.
In 1998, he scored Robert Redford's ‘The Horse Whisperer’ as well as ‘Meet Joe Black’. In 1999, Newman composed the score to Sam Mendes' first feature film American Beauty, created using mainly percussion instruments.
His critical and commercial success has continued in the following years with his scores for films such as ‘Meet Joe Black’, ‘The Green Mile’, ‘Erin Brockovich’, ‘In the Bedroom’ and ‘The Salton Sea’. He was nominated consecutively for a further three Academy Awards, for ‘Road to Perdition’ (2002), ‘Finding Nemo’ (2003), and ‘Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events’ (2004). However, he lost on each occasion to Elliot Goldenthal (for Frida), Howard Shore (for ‘The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King)’, and Jan A. P. Kaczmarek (for Finding ‘Neverland’) respectively.
He was again nominated for an Oscar for scoring Steven Soderbergh's ‘The Good German’ (2006).
In 2008, Newman scored Towelhead and Sam Mendes' ‘Revolutionary Road’ and in 2009 he scored Brothers. In 2011 he scored ‘The Help’, ‘The Debt’, ‘The Iron Lady’, and ‘The Adjustment Bureau’.
In 2012, Newman scored ‘The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel’. He also scored the 23rd James Bond movie ‘Skyfall’, directed by his longtime collaborator Sam Mendes, which celebrates the film franchise's 50th anniversary. His work on this film earned him his eleventh Oscar nomination and a second BAFTA win. During 2013, he scored Steven Soderbergh's ‘Side Effects’ and ‘Saving Mr. Banks’. The latter score was very well received by film music critics, earning Newman BAFTA and Oscar nominations for the second consecutive year, both of which he lost to Steven Price for ‘Gravity’.
Newman's 2014 projects included The Judge and Get on Up. He scored 2015's ‘The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel’, marking the first time Newman has scored a sequel to a film he also wrote the score for.
He collaborated with Andrew Stanton,produced soundtrack of film ‘Finding Dory’,which was released on June 2016.
中 文 名 托马斯·纽曼
外 文 名 Thomas Newman
国 籍 美国
出 生 地 美国加州洛杉矶
出生日期 1955-10-20
职 业 作曲家,配乐师
代表作品 《海底总动员》主题曲《Beyond The Sea》
托马斯·纽曼生于一个音乐世家。纽曼家族成员里有相当一部分是作曲家。他的父亲阿尔弗莱德·纽曼、大叔埃米尔·纽曼(Emil Newman)、二叔莱昂奈尔·纽曼(Lionel Newman)、哥哥戴维·纽曼(David Newman),堂兄兰迪·纽曼(Randy Newman)和堂弟乔伊·纽曼(Joey Newman)都是作曲家。音乐是长在托马斯·纽曼的血液,甚至基因里的。他自小接受丰富的音乐熏陶与完整扎实的音乐教育,儿时托马斯·纽曼就时常在片场游晃,看着自己的父亲叔伯制作电影音乐,不过子承父业对当时年幼的托马斯·纽曼来说,是几乎没有考虑过的事,托马斯·纽曼回忆时说:那时家人和我常去看父亲工作,那真的是很有趣神奇的感觉,不过对我来说,那只是”我父亲的工作”,我并不会真的想投入这样的行业。托马斯·纽曼 十四岁时父亲过世,一两年后,托马斯·纽曼 才开始渐渐对电影音乐发生兴趣,说起来让托马斯·纽曼走上电影配乐创作的关键人物并不是他著名的父亲Alfred Newman,而是银河帝国的黑暗武士Darth Vader,这要从何说起呢?这得回到托马斯·纽曼的学生时期,当时他的叔叔Lionel担任福斯电影音乐部门总裁的职位。托马斯·纽曼常常到福斯片场观摩电影音乐的制作情形,特别是John Williams的一些早期作品如《火烧摩天楼》等,也由于Lionel Newman与John Williams私交甚笃,因此在1983年,托马斯·纽曼得到了第一次为电影写音乐的机会,当时他为《绝地大反攻》中,Darth Vader在路克怀中死去的配乐做管弦编曲,他回忆时说:其实Williams已经为这段戏写了一个十分完整的音乐大纲,几乎不只是大纲了。但不管如何,能为这段音乐作细部编曲的工作,对Thomas Newman来说是一次印象十分深刻的经验。另一位叔叔Emil Newman,在Thomas Newman开始对电影音乐发生兴趣时,也给了Thomas Newman许多鼓励与协助,Emil Newman由电影界退休时,Thomas Newman还只是个高中生,但他教导Thomas Newman一些指挥音乐的概念,同时也鼓励Thomas Newman发展自己的音乐,后来Thomas Newman进入南加大学习音乐并取得耶鲁音乐硕士的学位,毕业之后游走于舞台剧与摇滚乐团,1984年,Thomas Newman应一位好友Scott Rubin邀,为《Reckless》一片谱写歌曲,Thomas Newman开始正式走入电影音乐的领域。
不论最初Thomas Newman对自己是如何打算的,终究他还是走上电影音乐一途,只是家族的声望对他而言未必是一种助力,反而更容易成为一种压力,但Thomas Newman却勇于走出父亲的阴影,开创自已的音乐风格,虽然有时不免会在不同的作品中,看到一些一再重复使用的音乐手法,但不论是在Newman家族的成员中,或是其它的电影音乐同行间,他的作品始终保持了高度的原创性,结合了电子音乐与传统器乐,极富实验色彩和独创企图。Thomas Newman对”新声音”的开发始终不遗余力,虽然他在管弦音乐的把握上,一直有很好的水准,但实际上他更热衷于电子音乐的实验与运用,也许是身为一代配乐大师之后,对Thomas Newman而言,写传统的管弦电影配乐,不免有难以超越前人成绩的压力,也时常陷于与好莱坞管弦配乐公式对抗的挣扎,因此对Thomas Newman来说,只有在电子音乐这种充满实验性与未知性的领域中,才能真正的做属于自己的音乐,而不是做别人心目中认为应该要做的音乐。
2016《海底总动员2》(Finding Dory)
2011《帮助》(The Help)
2006《身为人母》(Little Children)、《柏林迷宫》(The Good German)
2005《铁拳男人》(Cinderella Man)、《锅盖头》(Jarhead)
2002《毁灭之路》、《白色夹竹桃》(White Oleander)
2001《不伦之恋》(In the Bedroom)
1997《红色角落》(Red Corner)、《奥斯卡与露辛达》(Oscar And Lucindas)
1996《美国野牛》(American Buffalo)、《性书大亨》(The People vs. Larry Flynt)
1995《真情赤子心》(Unstrung Heroes)、《不一样的本能》(Phenomenon)、《恋爱编制梦》(How To Make An American Quilt)
1993《无情大地有情天》(Flesh and Bone)
1992《大玩家》、《闻香识女人》(Scent of a Woman)
1991《神采飞扬》(Career Opportunities)、《油炸绿蕃茄》(Fried Green Tomatoes)
1990《男人止步》(Men Don't Leave)
1988《魔鬼小霸王》(The Prince of Pennsylvania)
1987《登龙有术》(Light of Day)、《粗野少年族》(The Lost Boys)
1986《打工好汉》(Gung Ho)、《东西战争》(Jumpin' Jack Flash)
1985《少女就爱寻开心》(Girls Just Want to Have Fun)、《穿一只红鞋的男人》(The Man with One Red Shoe)、《天才作反》(Real Genius)、《神秘约会》(Desperately Seeking Susan)
Life and career
Thomas Montgomery Newman (born October 20, 1955) is an American composer best known for his many film scores.
Newman has been nominated for thirteen Academy Awards and three Golden Globes, and has won two BAFTAs, six Grammys and an Emmy Award. Newman was honored with the Richard Kirk award at the 2000 BMI Film and TV Awards. The award is given annually to a composer who has made significant contributions to film and television music.
Born in Los Angeles, California, he is the youngest son of Mississippi-born Martha Louis Montgomery (1920–2005) and composer Alfred Newman (1900–1970), who won nine Oscars for ‘Best Film Score’.
At first, Newman was more interested in musical theater than in film composition, working with Sondheim in Broadway plays.
In 1992, Newman composed the score to Martin Brest's film ‘Scent of a Woman’.
In 1994, he got his first Academy Award nominations with the scores to ‘The Shawshank Redemption and Little Women’.
In 1996, he scored Diane Keaton's Unstrung Heroes, receiving yet another Oscar nomination.
In 1998, he scored Robert Redford's ‘The Horse Whisperer’ as well as ‘Meet Joe Black’. In 1999, Newman composed the score to Sam Mendes' first feature film American Beauty, created using mainly percussion instruments.
His critical and commercial success has continued in the following years with his scores for films such as ‘Meet Joe Black’, ‘The Green Mile’, ‘Erin Brockovich’, ‘In the Bedroom’ and ‘The Salton Sea’. He was nominated consecutively for a further three Academy Awards, for ‘Road to Perdition’ (2002), ‘Finding Nemo’ (2003), and ‘Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events’ (2004). However, he lost on each occasion to Elliot Goldenthal (for Frida), Howard Shore (for ‘The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King)’, and Jan A. P. Kaczmarek (for Finding ‘Neverland’) respectively.
He was again nominated for an Oscar for scoring Steven Soderbergh's ‘The Good German’ (2006).
In 2008, Newman scored Towelhead and Sam Mendes' ‘Revolutionary Road’ and in 2009 he scored Brothers. In 2011 he scored ‘The Help’, ‘The Debt’, ‘The Iron Lady’, and ‘The Adjustment Bureau’.
In 2012, Newman scored ‘The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel’. He also scored the 23rd James Bond movie ‘Skyfall’, directed by his longtime collaborator Sam Mendes, which celebrates the film franchise's 50th anniversary. His work on this film earned him his eleventh Oscar nomination and a second BAFTA win. During 2013, he scored Steven Soderbergh's ‘Side Effects’ and ‘Saving Mr. Banks’. The latter score was very well received by film music critics, earning Newman BAFTA and Oscar nominations for the second consecutive year, both of which he lost to Steven Price for ‘Gravity’.
Newman's 2014 projects included The Judge and Get on Up. He scored 2015's ‘The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel’, marking the first time Newman has scored a sequel to a film he also wrote the score for.
He collaborated with Andrew Stanton,produced soundtrack of film ‘Finding Dory’,which was released on June 2016.