小意大利新世代歌神沙费纳有着一副高亢昂扬的男高音嗓子,其中所蕴藏的情绪随时等待着为动人的歌曲全然决堤。自幼沉浸于歌剧世界的他,以普契尼歌剧‘波希米亚人’(La Boheme)、柴可夫斯基作品‘尤金奥尼根’(Eugene Onegin)两出戏码于欧洲崭露头角,青少年时期偶然接触U2、The Clash、Genesis等摇滚乐团后,沙费纳决定将歌剧与摇滚凝聚成撼动人心的新乐风--"流行歌剧"(Pop Opera),90年代末期,经由意大利著名钢琴家/制作人Romano Musumarra(席琳狄翁法文专辑与男高音帕华洛帝专辑制作人)的挖掘,2001年以处女专辑【Insieme A Te】进军国际乐坛,一首融合古典咏叹调和摇滚味道的磅礴恋歌"Luna"红遍欧陆,一炮打响沙费纳的知名度,专辑销售在荷兰开出五白金红盘,分别在法国、比利时、葡萄牙、韩国获得金唱片认证,同时跃登Billboard世界音乐专辑榜季军,全球销售超过百万张,同年夏季荣膺电影‘红磨坊’原声带邀约,与该片男主角伊旺麦奎格合唱"Your Song",迅速拓展其流行音乐版图,甚至还赢得"Your Song"主唱-乐坛老将Elton John的赏识,重新与沙费纳合唱这首歌,发行首周直闯英国金榜TOP 4。
The early 21st century saw the rise of Italian singer Alessandro Safina, who has combined his opera roots with modern-day pop music, to create a striking, hard-to-categorize style. Born in 1968 in a small town of Siena, Italy, Safina became interested in opera at an early age, and sang in stage productions across Europe of such operas as Puccini's La Boheme and Tchaykovski's Eugene Onegin. It wasn't until he was late in his teens that Safina became an admirer of pop and rock music, drawing inspiration from such bands as Genesis, the Clash, Simple Minds, and U2. Shortly thereafter, he began to combine the two styles together. In the '90s, Safina was discovered by renowned Italian pianist/composer Romano Musumarra, and the pair quickly began to record together, in an attempt to bring Safina's dream of creating a "soulful new pop opera music" to fruition. The end result was Safina's self-titled debut, issued in September of 2001 (released on the Interscope label in America).