Julie Rains
Julie Rains grew up in London, Ontario. As an introverted young girl she spent her days collecting little treasures and carting them around in an assortment of bags wherever she went, earning her the name "The Little Bag Lady." Her world was tidy and generally defined by peace, order and knick-knacks. It wasn't until after university when Julie began traveling that she discovered she liked collecting words instead. She began stringing them together, to make pretty things out of them. And, in typical, make-it-happen fashion, Julie decided that while she was at this creative business she might as well sing and learn to play the guitar: a way to hold all those words together. And so now, instead of bundling knick-knacks for her private collection, she bundles songs that can be shared. Her music is honest, inspired by hope, and refreshingly simple. For this new artist inspiration for writing is found in simple things. Be it good friends in her living room or strangers on a streetcar, spending time with people plays a large part in influencing her creativity. Julie grew up playing a number of sports but over time has become especially fond of running. It not only helps clear her head, but it's most often during these times alone Julie finds herself stumbling across catchy melodies and the words to fill them. Over the last few years Julie has grown into a dreamer and her new found dreams and love for words make for a great team when it comes to song writing. She loves LOVE and enjoys finding creative ways to write about it, sing about it, and share it. Julie's other passions include a love of reading, spending time with her 5 nephews and nieces, building community, and helping those in need. She also has a mean right hook when it comes to crochet and a newly budding love for the culinary arts. Julie's debut album "In My Place" is set to be released Summer 2009. ..
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