Gaë Bolg
Gaë Bolg ,也称GAE BOLG AND THE CHURCH OF FAND,绝对的单人组合,这个组合的名字源自凯尔特神话中万物的创造者 Cuchulain(他拥有的一条神矛,战无不胜),名字释义就是 他和他情人Whilst Fand(海神之妻,也是位女神)的神庙(真够别扭的)。2001年这个组合在Cynfeirdd旗下发行了限量专辑John Barleycorn must die。长笛,钟铃,喇叭,浑重强横的打击乐敲击演绎着中世纪色彩浓郁的阴暗进行曲。2002年新专辑LA BALLADE I'ANKOU又告发行。强大的融合中世纪唱诗/工业/新古典诸多元素的尚武中古军歌。
Solo project of Sol Invictus trumpet player Eric Roger. Gaë Bolg And The Church Of Fand is a bizzare ensamble of goliardic medieval music, orchestral epics,drunk ballads and fairy tales, full of irony and sarcasm. All the music is electronically reproduced with keyboards and samples.
Solo project of Sol Invictus trumpet player Eric Roger. Gaë Bolg And The Church Of Fand is a bizzare ensamble of goliardic medieval music, orchestral epics,drunk ballads and fairy tales, full of irony and sarcasm. All the music is electronically reproduced with keyboards and samples.