又是一个低调的大胡子Folk歌手,核心人物Matthew Houck来自于美国纽约的布鲁克林,迄今为止他们已经发布了三张完整的LP,目前签约在独立厂牌Dead Oceans,他们常常被人们拿来和Iron and Wine, Will Oldham, 以及 Neil Young 做比较。提到这张专辑,首先要提到一个人,那就是活跃在60、70年代美国老牌country, folk艺术家Willie Nelson,1975年的时候Willie Nelson为了向40、50年代著名的美国country音乐家Lefty Frizzell表示敬意,发布了一张翻唱专辑《To Lefty From Willie》从新塑造了Frizzell的经典形象。而34年后,Matthew Houck为了向Willie Nelson致敬,挑选了Willie Nelson的11首他最爱的曲目,来从新诠释,就连唱片封套也和当年的《To Lefty From Willie》如出一辙。他们都用自己全新的感受去将这些风化已久的音乐从新赋予生命力,这就是经典的力量和魅力,没有人有能真正忘却那些曾经让人感慨的声音。在这张专辑中,我们能感受到Matthew Houck的自信,朴实,大方,散发出松枝的芬芳,老练,淳朴,又略带浓烈得像陈年的好酒,让人如痴如醉。《To Willie》就像当年的《To Lefty From Willie》的唱片封套里写的一样:"This album is an unabashed musical love letter. From one towering talent to another."。所以,我们不能妄加比较,需要我们干的,就是仔细凝听...
Athens, GA, resident Mathew Houck is the sole member of Phosphorescent. Houck's career began in 2000 when he released the Hipolit album under the name Fillup Shack. A tour of England and Spain followed, and while the European press drew comparisons to Bob Dylan and Will Oldham, the London Evening Standard declared him "the most significant American in his field since Kurt Cobain." Houck's first release as Phosphorescent, entitled A Hundred Times or More, appeared in 2003 on the Warm label. The 2004 EP The Weight of Flight was their last release for the label, as the 2005 full-length Aw Come Aw Wry landed on Misra. Two years later they switched to the Dead Oceans imprint and released the album Pride.
又是一个低调的大胡子Folk歌手,核心人物Matthew Houck来自于美国纽约的布鲁克林,迄今为止他们已经发布了三张完整的LP,目前签约在独立厂牌Dead Oceans,他们常常被人们拿来和Iron and Wine, Will Oldham, 以及 Neil Young 做比较。提到这张专辑,首先要提到一个人,那就是活跃在60、70年代美国老牌country, folk艺术家Willie Nelson,1975年的时候Willie Nelson为了向40、50年代著名的美国country音乐家Lefty Frizzell表示敬意,发布了一张翻唱专辑《To Lefty From Willie》从新塑造了Frizzell的经典形象。而34年后,Matthew Houck为了向Willie Nelson致敬,挑选了Willie Nelson的11首他最爱的曲目,来从新诠释,就连唱片封套也和当年的《To Lefty From Willie》如出一辙。他们都用自己全新的感受去将这些风化已久的音乐从新赋予生命力,这就是经典的力量和魅力,没有人有能真正忘却那些曾经让人感慨的声音。在这张专辑中,我们能感受到Matthew Houck的自信,朴实,大方,散发出松枝的芬芳,老练,淳朴,又略带浓烈得像陈年的好酒,让人如痴如醉。《To Willie》就像当年的《To Lefty From Willie》的唱片封套里写的一样:"This album is an unabashed musical love letter. From one towering talent to another."。所以,我们不能妄加比较,需要我们干的,就是仔细凝听...
Athens, GA, resident Mathew Houck is the sole member of Phosphorescent. Houck's career began in 2000 when he released the Hipolit album under the name Fillup Shack. A tour of England and Spain followed, and while the European press drew comparisons to Bob Dylan and Will Oldham, the London Evening Standard declared him "the most significant American in his field since Kurt Cobain." Houck's first release as Phosphorescent, entitled A Hundred Times or More, appeared in 2003 on the Warm label. The 2004 EP The Weight of Flight was their last release for the label, as the 2005 full-length Aw Come Aw Wry landed on Misra. Two years later they switched to the Dead Oceans imprint and released the album Pride.