Black Sun Aeon
厄运死亡金属团Black Sun Aeon,来自芬兰,却运用成熟的旋律死金的技巧,以慢速节奏与强调旋律性的方式来詮释毁天灭地前的绝望,并将於本月月底发行首张Full Album【Darkness Walks Beside Me】。以双电吉他与双主唱的配置强调高音调旋律与清腔死腔的交错,并运用快慢交错的鼓点辅佐悠扬缓慢的悲伤旋律,曲间参入大量厚实的riff音墙与清腔与死腔的合唱,如同用最后一曲送葬即将毁灭的世界般,又彷彿生与死之间的对话或是毁灭与新生的轮迴,以引燃最终导火线的绝望情感歌颂世界末日的悲哀与悽凉,创造出此种以末日为主轴氛围的旋律死亡金属。很难想像正在以第一章专辑闯荡欧洲旋律死金的Black Sun Aeon,展现出了过人的技巧与实力,假如对於速度性较高的Brutal或是Black没輒的,不仿来嚐试看看他们的曲风。
BLACK SUN AEON was born in the beginning of 2008 to reflect more darker personal side of the founder and sole member Tuomas Saukkonen (Before The Dawn, Dawn Of Solace, The Final Harvest).
Even after 2 written and produced album in 2008 (Before The Dawn "Soundscape Of Silence", The Final Harvest "The End") there was something stirring beneath the surface and from that abyss rised the BLACK SUN AEON debut album "DARKNESS WALKS BESIDE ME".
Beside the solo nature of the band a session live line-up is already gathered amongst the few and honoured that are giving their voice to the album as guest vocalists: Tomi Koivusaari (Amorphis), Ville Sorvali (Moonsorrow), Mynni Luukkainen (Sotajumala) and Mikko Heikkilä (Sinamore).
BLACK SUN AEON was born in the beginning of 2008 to reflect more darker personal side of the founder and sole member Tuomas Saukkonen (Before The Dawn, Dawn Of Solace, The Final Harvest).
Even after 2 written and produced album in 2008 (Before The Dawn "Soundscape Of Silence", The Final Harvest "The End") there was something stirring beneath the surface and from that abyss rised the BLACK SUN AEON debut album "DARKNESS WALKS BESIDE ME".
Beside the solo nature of the band a session live line-up is already gathered amongst the few and honoured that are giving their voice to the album as guest vocalists: Tomi Koivusaari (Amorphis), Ville Sorvali (Moonsorrow), Mynni Luukkainen (Sotajumala) and Mikko Heikkilä (Sinamore).