Shy'm原名Tamara Marthe(塔玛拉玛尔特),1985年11月28日出生于法国,父母亲均喜爱音乐。年轻时她对跳舞和唱歌产生了极大的兴趣。那时她开始接受培训,她根据自己的舞蹈为自己取了名字。, 她把它叫“Spicy Tam”(辣谭),这是她通过自己的努力得到的最大感受。 她17岁获得了在音乐方面的学术研究的文凭。在她的学习过程中,她一直在不断的展示自己。 后来,她去巴黎,在那里她发行了唱片。正是在这个时候,发现她的说唱K'Maro 。塔玛拉取了自己的艺名-Shy'm,并从此开始了她的成名之旅。关于她的艺名她说,她是害羞,但她在舞台上的表演可并不害羞,让人感到惊讶。她的热情使她克服了她的羞怯。 说唱歌手K-Maro 愿意让Shy'm演唱,并收录在他的专辑《Montréal》中。此后,她在2006年10月发行了自己的个人专辑,《Mes Fantaisies》(我的幻想) 。 Shy'm探讨了各种主题的专辑,单曲,“Femme de couleur”,最好成绩法国单曲排行榜第 4名的好成绩。
by Jason Ankeny
R&B chanteuse Shy'm vaulted to overnight success in 2006 when her debut LP, Mes Fantaisies, entered the French Top Ten. Born Tamara Marthe in Trappes on November 28, 1985, she began singing and dancing lessons as a child. After graduating at 17, she cut her first demo session and traveled to Paris, eventually befriending rapper K-Maro, who tapped her to guest on "Histoire de Luv," a single from his 2005 sophomore LP, Million Dollar Boy. Adopting the alias Shy'm -- a moniker drawn from her reserved manner combined with her father's Martinique heritage -- she completed her debut, Mes Fantaisies, in 2006, scoring a pair of Top Five singles with "Femme de Couleur" and "Victoire."
by Jason Ankeny
R&B chanteuse Shy'm vaulted to overnight success in 2006 when her debut LP, Mes Fantaisies, entered the French Top Ten. Born Tamara Marthe in Trappes on November 28, 1985, she began singing and dancing lessons as a child. After graduating at 17, she cut her first demo session and traveled to Paris, eventually befriending rapper K-Maro, who tapped her to guest on "Histoire de Luv," a single from his 2005 sophomore LP, Million Dollar Boy. Adopting the alias Shy'm -- a moniker drawn from her reserved manner combined with her father's Martinique heritage -- she completed her debut, Mes Fantaisies, in 2006, scoring a pair of Top Five singles with "Femme de Couleur" and "Victoire."