暮色号角FALKENBACH,它的意思是隼鹰的河流。一支由Vratyas Vakyas组成的单人维京/民谣乐队,他的童年曾经在冰岛度过,也许正是那段日子让Vratyas Vakyas接触到了祖先的神话。乐队的LOGO很有趣,富有很浓重的异教民族特色。在1989年,Vratyas Vakyas以FALKENBACH的名义发表了第一张DEMO TAPE“Havamal”,意为奥丁之言。这张磁带只有3首歌,仅仅发行了9张....在1991年,Vratyas Vakyas在一支叫做“Crimson Gates”的乐队中当吉他手。在发行了两张DEMO和两场LIVE后,乐队在94年解散了。在1995年,Vratyas Vakyas开始为FALKENBACH准备第一张专辑“The Fireblade”。但是因为一些录音设备上严重的问题这个计划就搁浅了,直到2005年,这张专辑才重现光明:&Heralding - The Fireblade&。1996年的3月份,Vratyas Vakyas才完成了FALKENBACH的第一张专辑:&...En Their Medh Riki Fara...& ,这张专辑中虽然仍然带有些黑金属音乐的框架,不过加入了许多民族化的乐器,并且改变了以往黑金属的音乐编排,加之键盘大气的铺垫,原声吉他的桥段,Vratyas Vakyas的清唱,让它更加的具有维京的气质。FALKENBACH的音乐是十分大气和委婉的,在细腻和宏大的编曲中你仿佛置身山林间,薄雾笼罩在那连绵的高山,层峦起伏让人心潮澎湃。在1998年,Vratyas Vakyas开始了第二张专辑的制作:&Magni Blandinn Ok Megintiri...& 这张专辑比首张专辑更加带有浓烈的维京/民谣金属的色彩,从专辑的第一首曲子:When Gjallarhorn Will Sound开始,沉缓的键盘引出悦耳的笛声,在中世纪夕阳暮色笼罩下的港口,一场伟大的战斗即将要开始它的征程。专辑中乐器的使用和配合都比上张专辑要成熟很多,这也是FALKENBACH摸索出了属于自己的音乐方式。经过6年沉寂,在03年,Vratyas Vakyas带来了FALKENBACH的第三张专辑:&Ok Nefna Tysvar Ty...&,这张专辑仍旧延续着FALKENBACH的大气,悠扬的气质。在2003年5月,Vratyas Vakyas在德国Dusseldorf成立了自己音乐公司Skaldic Art Productions,专门以发行维京/民谣金属类的音乐。在2004年,乐队迎来了它15周年的纪念日。05年,乐队那张经历了10年之久的&Heralding - The Fireblade&作品终于问世了。毫无疑问的出色,一张经典的维京/民谣作品。在06年,Skaldic Art Productions开始准备一张对FALKENBACH的致敬,分为PART I和PART II。有趣的是TRIBUTE的写法和乐队LOGO很相似,致敬乐队为Eluveitie, Folkearth, Vinterriket等等。现在Vratyas Vakyas开始筹备第五张正式专辑,在08年后将会问世。
by Eduardo Rivadavia
Falkenbach is the one-man black metal project of multi-instrumentalist Vratyas Vakyas (formerly guitarist with Crimson Gates), who is based in Düsseldorf, Germany, but reportedly hails from Iceland, and subscribes to the genre's more epic style, rife with keyboards, Viking themes, and folk music tendencies (a possible reason for making up those unconfirmed Icelandic roots). Active under the Falkenbach alias since 1995, when no less than three demos suddenly emerged (Laeknishendr, Skinn Av Sverdhi Sol Valtiva, Asynja), Vakyas recorded two albums in 1996's ...En Their Medh Riki Fara and 1997's ...Magni Blandinn Ok Megintiri, before turning his attention to his record label Skaldic Art Productions. He finally revived Falkenbach in 2003 and actually drafted other musicians (vocalist Tyrann, guitarist Hagalaz, and drummer Bolthorn) to help out with third album Ok Nefna Tysbar Ty, but he was back to his solo ways by the release of its follow-up, Heralding the Fireblade, in 2005.
by Eduardo Rivadavia
Falkenbach is the one-man black metal project of multi-instrumentalist Vratyas Vakyas (formerly guitarist with Crimson Gates), who is based in Düsseldorf, Germany, but reportedly hails from Iceland, and subscribes to the genre's more epic style, rife with keyboards, Viking themes, and folk music tendencies (a possible reason for making up those unconfirmed Icelandic roots). Active under the Falkenbach alias since 1995, when no less than three demos suddenly emerged (Laeknishendr, Skinn Av Sverdhi Sol Valtiva, Asynja), Vakyas recorded two albums in 1996's ...En Their Medh Riki Fara and 1997's ...Magni Blandinn Ok Megintiri, before turning his attention to his record label Skaldic Art Productions. He finally revived Falkenbach in 2003 and actually drafted other musicians (vocalist Tyrann, guitarist Hagalaz, and drummer Bolthorn) to help out with third album Ok Nefna Tysbar Ty, but he was back to his solo ways by the release of its follow-up, Heralding the Fireblade, in 2005.