Very successful Dutch disco act, set up in 1976 by producers Hans van Hemert and Pier Souer, and manager Han Meijer. Three singers (blond, dark and red haired) were sought and found in José Wijdeven, Patty Brard & Marga Scheide.
Initially, success was elusive but from 1979 to 1981 the group scored hit after hit, both at home and in neighbouring European countries. In 1980 Patty Brard left the group and was replaced with Ria Thielsch, but the group split up shortly after, citing exhaustion due to the demanding touring schedule.
Throughout the 1980s and 90s the group reunited occasionally for special occasions.
Initially, success was elusive but from 1979 to 1981 the group scored hit after hit, both at home and in neighbouring European countries. In 1980 Patty Brard left the group and was replaced with Ria Thielsch, but the group split up shortly after, citing exhaustion due to the demanding touring schedule.
Throughout the 1980s and 90s the group reunited occasionally for special occasions.