C君 - Good People
编曲:Randy Chow
监制:Randy Chow, C君
世界真细小 有好多嘢真搞笑
怕人教坏你个仔 自己教识佢点虚伪
每期八卦杂志一定买返嚟 睇睇
封面嘅标题负能量 等佢大个有样学样
又话锺意小动物 为只狗做乜都得
一味你讲一套 做一套 小朋友跟住做
你点样怪人哋教坏细路 点解释到 明天会更好
Where'd all the good people go
Where'd all the good people go 睇唔到你喺边度
Where'd all the good people go
Where'd all the good people go oh oh oh no
好多人支持环保 但系佢车都有几部
见到d山区儿童好惨 一个礼拜冇开过饭
你开始喊 转头埋单 又买左几千银衫
个个都谂 个个都咁 个个都好想问
Where'd all the good people go
Where'd all the good people go 睇唔到你喺边度
Where'd all the good people go
Where'd all the good people go oh oh oh no
Where'd all the good people go
Where'd all the good people go 睇唔到你喺边度
Where'd all the good people go
Where'd all the good people go oh oh oh no
Where'd all the good people go
Where'd all the good people go 睇唔到你喺边度
Where'd all the good people go
Where'd all the good people go oh oh oh no
Where'd all the good people go
Where'd all the good people go 睇唔到你喺边度
Where'd all the good people go
Where'd all the good people go oh oh oh no
C君 - Good People
编曲:Randy Chow
监制:Randy Chow, C君
世界真细小 有好多嘢真搞笑
怕人教坏你个仔 自己教识佢点虚伪
每期八卦杂志一定买返嚟 睇睇
封面嘅标题负能量 等佢大个有样学样
又话锺意小动物 为只狗做乜都得
一味你讲一套 做一套 小朋友跟住做
你点样怪人哋教坏细路 点解释到 明天会更好
Where'd all the good people go
Where'd all the good people go 睇唔到你喺边度
Where'd all the good people go
Where'd all the good people go oh oh oh no
好多人支持环保 但系佢车都有几部
见到d山区儿童好惨 一个礼拜冇开过饭
你开始喊 转头埋单 又买左几千银衫
个个都谂 个个都咁 个个都好想问
Where'd all the good people go
Where'd all the good people go 睇唔到你喺边度
Where'd all the good people go
Where'd all the good people go oh oh oh no
Where'd all the good people go
Where'd all the good people go 睇唔到你喺边度
Where'd all the good people go
Where'd all the good people go oh oh oh no
Where'd all the good people go
Where'd all the good people go 睇唔到你喺边度
Where'd all the good people go
Where'd all the good people go oh oh oh no
Where'd all the good people go
Where'd all the good people go 睇唔到你喺边度
Where'd all the good people go
Where'd all the good people go oh oh oh no