Crossroads - Marketa Irglova
It remains to be seen
To which side I'm gonna lean
Which road will I choose
What will I gain what will I lose
Am I gonna come to my senses
And see the light in letting go of what I want
In order to do what's right
Oh but right by whom
By me or by you
It's just a crossroads
Is the light red or is it green
I'm getting mixed signals
I really don't know what they mean
If I wasn't temporarily blind
If I could only take one look I know I'd find
How simple it all is
How much do I really own this
Is enough not enough Am I really in love
Or is it nothing but a test
Well if you wanna try me
Go ahead and be my guest
'Cause I myself would like to go
Which way we're to go I guess it's undecided yet
So I'll take it slow but as I regain my sight
I know I will do what's right
Indeed it's just a crossroads
Now that I'm willing to clearly see
Things for what they really are
And not what I'd like them to be
There's nothing left to think about
I know the way now I've no more doubt
I let go and release
You do the same f
Crossroads - Marketa Irglova
It remains to be seen
To which side I'm gonna lean
Which road will I choose
What will I gain what will I lose
Am I gonna come to my senses
And see the light in letting go of what I want
In order to do what's right
Oh but right by whom
By me or by you
It's just a crossroads
Is the light red or is it green
I'm getting mixed signals
I really don't know what they mean
If I wasn't temporarily blind
If I could only take one look I know I'd find
How simple it all is
How much do I really own this
Is enough not enough Am I really in love
Or is it nothing but a test
Well if you wanna try me
Go ahead and be my guest
'Cause I myself would like to go
Which way we're to go I guess it's undecided yet
So I'll take it slow but as I regain my sight
I know I will do what's right
Indeed it's just a crossroads
Now that I'm willing to clearly see
Things for what they really are
And not what I'd like them to be
There's nothing left to think about
I know the way now I've no more doubt
I let go and release
You do the same f