#Selfie (Club Mix - Clean) - The Chainsmokers/Alexis Killacam
When Jason was at the table
I kept on seeing him look
At me when he was with that other girl
Do you think he was just doing that to make me jealous
Because he was totally texting me all night last night
And I don't know if it's a booty call or not
So what what do you think
Did you think that girl was pretty
How that girl even get in here
Did you see her
She's so short and that dress is so tacky
Who wears Cheetah
It's not even Summer
Why does the DJ keep on playing
Summertime Sadness
After we go to the bathroom
Can we go smoke a cigarette I really need one
But first let me take a selfie
Let me take a selfie
Can you guys help me pick a filter
I don't know if I should go with XX Pro or Valencia
I wanna look tan
What should my caption be I want it to be clever
How about living with my LIV
I shot wait
I only got 10 likes in the last 5 minutes
Do you think I should take it down
Let me take another selfie
Selfie selfie let me take a selfie
Wait pause Jason just liked my selfie
What a creep
Is that guy sleeping over there
Yeah the one next to the girl with no shoes on
That's so ratchet
That girl is such a fake model
She definitely bought all her Instagram followers
Who goes out on Mondays
Ok let's go take some shots
Oh no I feel like I'm gonna throw up
Oh wait nevermind I'm fine
Let's go dance
There's no vodka at this table
Do you know anyone else here
Oh my God Jason just texted me
Should I go home with him
I guess I took a good selfie
Selfie selfie selfie selfie selfie selfie selfie selfie
Selfie selfie selfie selfie selfie selfie selfie selfie
Let me take a selfie
Let me take a selfie
Let me take a selfie
Let me take a self
#Selfie (Club Mix - Clean) - The Chainsmokers/Alexis Killacam
When Jason was at the table
I kept on seeing him look
At me when he was with that other girl
Do you think he was just doing that to make me jealous
Because he was totally texting me all night last night
And I don't know if it's a booty call or not
So what what do you think
Did you think that girl was pretty
How that girl even get in here
Did you see her
She's so short and that dress is so tacky
Who wears Cheetah
It's not even Summer
Why does the DJ keep on playing
Summertime Sadness
After we go to the bathroom
Can we go smoke a cigarette I really need one
But first let me take a selfie
Let me take a selfie
Can you guys help me pick a filter
I don't know if I should go with XX Pro or Valencia
I wanna look tan
What should my caption be I want it to be clever
How about living with my LIV
I shot wait
I only got 10 likes in the last 5 minutes
Do you think I should take it down
Let me take another selfie
Selfie selfie let me take a selfie
Wait pause Jason just liked my selfie
What a creep
Is that guy sleeping over there
Yeah the one next to the girl with no shoes on
That's so ratchet
That girl is such a fake model
She definitely bought all her Instagram followers
Who goes out on Mondays
Ok let's go take some shots
Oh no I feel like I'm gonna throw up
Oh wait nevermind I'm fine
Let's go dance
There's no vodka at this table
Do you know anyone else here
Oh my God Jason just texted me
Should I go home with him
I guess I took a good selfie
Selfie selfie selfie selfie selfie selfie selfie selfie
Selfie selfie selfie selfie selfie selfie selfie selfie
Let me take a selfie
Let me take a selfie
Let me take a selfie
Let me take a self