Steven Sharp Nelson
外文名 Steven Sharp Nelson
中文名 史蒂芬·夏普·尼尔森
出生地 美国犹他州盐湖城
职 业 大提琴手
史蒂芬·夏普·尼尔森(Steven Sharp Nelson),出生于美国犹他州盐湖城,大提琴手。
史蒂芬·夏普·尼尔森(Steven Sharp Nelson) 是在“大提琴,打击乐”的另一种表现方法,结合传统,标新立异的拨弦和撞击技术抒情的大提琴技术的先驱。 他出生并仍然驻留在犹他州的盐湖城。 他于8岁开始学习演奏大提琴,12岁开始学习打击乐器,而从17岁开始学习吉他。他结合了这三种乐器的特色元素,创造出一种新颖的演奏大提琴的方式。
他曾在Ryan Selberg, Stephen Emerson和John Eckstein门下学习大提琴。尼尔森于2002年获得音乐专业学士学位,从犹他音乐大学毕业。
尼尔森的大提琴事业真正起步于15岁。他被Peter Breinholt招至麾下负责弦乐部门的编曲工作并且与Breinholt的乐队“Big Parade”共同演奏。打那时起,他共录制了100多张从民谣、兰草音乐到嘻哈等各种风格迥异的专辑。他也开始了作为独奏大提琴演奏家的职业生涯。他的首张个人录音室专辑《Sacred Cello》(2006)就一举登上Billboard榜单。之后,他又发行了两张大提琴独奏专辑《Tender Mercies》(2008), 《Christmas Cello》(2010)并大获好评。
尼尔森也因为他与钢琴家Jon Schmidt的合作而名声大噪,尤其是他们合奏了重新编曲的Taylor Swift的《Love Story》和Cold Play的《Viva La Vida》的混搭曲,在Youtube受到追捧。Schmidt和Nelson经常在全美和世界各地合作公开演出。
尼尔森还经常与钢琴家Paul Cardall合作。他给Cardall的大部分作品编写配器。
值得一提的是,尼尔森与钢琴家Marshall McDonald也有合作演出及作曲。Nelson与McDonald共同创作了两首交响曲《Spanish Trail Suite》(2006), 《Africa》(2008)。其中《Africa》曾被世界第一的古典音乐博客推荐,并且被下载超过三千万次。这两首交响曲是由南犹他大学委托创作的,2006年2月首演时也是由南犹他大学管弦乐团演奏。后来被南犹他大学管弦乐团指挥,当地华人Xun Sun将"Spanish Trail Suite"带到中国,并且指挥湖南交响乐团演奏。之后这首曲目又由中国爱乐乐团演奏并录音,收录在一张只在中国大陆发行的专辑《American Journey》上。
尼尔森的作曲演奏风格受到包括Victor Borge, Bobby McFerrin, Peter Schickele, 马友友, U2, Sting以及James Taylor在内的影响。他的演奏总是包含戏仿、喜剧以及音乐“滑稽场面”这些标志风格。
Sacred Cello(2006)专辑
Tender Mercies: The Sacred Cello Series(2008)专辑
Christmas Cello(2010)专辑
The Cello Song(巴赫G大调第一号大提琴组曲)(2011)EP
Grace: A Sacred Cello Collection(2014)精选集
Life and career
Steven Sharp Nelson is an American cellist, best known as "The Cello Guy" of The Piano Guys, a YouTube music video channel, as well as a touring band.
When Nelson was seven, his father decided that each of his children would learn to play an instrument invented earlier than the 1800s. He initially tried the violin but instead found his passion for the cello. In 2002 he graduated from the University of Utah with a bachelor's degree in music and later earned his master's degree in public administration. Prior to joining The Piano Guys, he worked in real estate.
Nelson credits his father with instilling his passion for music by his father displaying his own passion often. He openly credits God for his success but says that he does not want to push his beliefs on others or make others feel pressured by his music.As part of his faith, Nelson participated in a mission to South Korea.
As of 2006, Nelson was a real estate developer and described his music as an escape rather than a vocation. He never intended for music to become his primary income. Nelson signed with Stone Angel Music, an independent record label formed in 1999 by Paul Cardall, and released his first solo album, ‘Sacred Cello’, in 2006 earning him the Pearl Award for Best Instrumental Classical Album. The song reached the top 20 on the Billboard charts top 20 classical recordings. Nelson, and the rest of the Piano Guys, signed a contract with Sony Masterworks in 2012 that allowed them to retain artistic control of the group. He has also played with the China Philharmonic Orchestra. Nelson released two other solo albums: ‘Tender Mercies’ in 2008, followed by ‘Christmas Cello’ in 2010.
EP album ‘Moonlight’ was released in July 2011.
Compilation ‘Grace: A Sacred Cello Collection’ was released in March 2014.
外文名 Steven Sharp Nelson
中文名 史蒂芬·夏普·尼尔森
出生地 美国犹他州盐湖城
职 业 大提琴手
史蒂芬·夏普·尼尔森(Steven Sharp Nelson),出生于美国犹他州盐湖城,大提琴手。
史蒂芬·夏普·尼尔森(Steven Sharp Nelson) 是在“大提琴,打击乐”的另一种表现方法,结合传统,标新立异的拨弦和撞击技术抒情的大提琴技术的先驱。 他出生并仍然驻留在犹他州的盐湖城。 他于8岁开始学习演奏大提琴,12岁开始学习打击乐器,而从17岁开始学习吉他。他结合了这三种乐器的特色元素,创造出一种新颖的演奏大提琴的方式。
他曾在Ryan Selberg, Stephen Emerson和John Eckstein门下学习大提琴。尼尔森于2002年获得音乐专业学士学位,从犹他音乐大学毕业。
尼尔森的大提琴事业真正起步于15岁。他被Peter Breinholt招至麾下负责弦乐部门的编曲工作并且与Breinholt的乐队“Big Parade”共同演奏。打那时起,他共录制了100多张从民谣、兰草音乐到嘻哈等各种风格迥异的专辑。他也开始了作为独奏大提琴演奏家的职业生涯。他的首张个人录音室专辑《Sacred Cello》(2006)就一举登上Billboard榜单。之后,他又发行了两张大提琴独奏专辑《Tender Mercies》(2008), 《Christmas Cello》(2010)并大获好评。
尼尔森也因为他与钢琴家Jon Schmidt的合作而名声大噪,尤其是他们合奏了重新编曲的Taylor Swift的《Love Story》和Cold Play的《Viva La Vida》的混搭曲,在Youtube受到追捧。Schmidt和Nelson经常在全美和世界各地合作公开演出。
尼尔森还经常与钢琴家Paul Cardall合作。他给Cardall的大部分作品编写配器。
值得一提的是,尼尔森与钢琴家Marshall McDonald也有合作演出及作曲。Nelson与McDonald共同创作了两首交响曲《Spanish Trail Suite》(2006), 《Africa》(2008)。其中《Africa》曾被世界第一的古典音乐博客推荐,并且被下载超过三千万次。这两首交响曲是由南犹他大学委托创作的,2006年2月首演时也是由南犹他大学管弦乐团演奏。后来被南犹他大学管弦乐团指挥,当地华人Xun Sun将"Spanish Trail Suite"带到中国,并且指挥湖南交响乐团演奏。之后这首曲目又由中国爱乐乐团演奏并录音,收录在一张只在中国大陆发行的专辑《American Journey》上。
尼尔森的作曲演奏风格受到包括Victor Borge, Bobby McFerrin, Peter Schickele, 马友友, U2, Sting以及James Taylor在内的影响。他的演奏总是包含戏仿、喜剧以及音乐“滑稽场面”这些标志风格。
Sacred Cello(2006)专辑
Tender Mercies: The Sacred Cello Series(2008)专辑
Christmas Cello(2010)专辑
The Cello Song(巴赫G大调第一号大提琴组曲)(2011)EP
Grace: A Sacred Cello Collection(2014)精选集
Life and career
Steven Sharp Nelson is an American cellist, best known as "The Cello Guy" of The Piano Guys, a YouTube music video channel, as well as a touring band.
When Nelson was seven, his father decided that each of his children would learn to play an instrument invented earlier than the 1800s. He initially tried the violin but instead found his passion for the cello. In 2002 he graduated from the University of Utah with a bachelor's degree in music and later earned his master's degree in public administration. Prior to joining The Piano Guys, he worked in real estate.
Nelson credits his father with instilling his passion for music by his father displaying his own passion often. He openly credits God for his success but says that he does not want to push his beliefs on others or make others feel pressured by his music.As part of his faith, Nelson participated in a mission to South Korea.
As of 2006, Nelson was a real estate developer and described his music as an escape rather than a vocation. He never intended for music to become his primary income. Nelson signed with Stone Angel Music, an independent record label formed in 1999 by Paul Cardall, and released his first solo album, ‘Sacred Cello’, in 2006 earning him the Pearl Award for Best Instrumental Classical Album. The song reached the top 20 on the Billboard charts top 20 classical recordings. Nelson, and the rest of the Piano Guys, signed a contract with Sony Masterworks in 2012 that allowed them to retain artistic control of the group. He has also played with the China Philharmonic Orchestra. Nelson released two other solo albums: ‘Tender Mercies’ in 2008, followed by ‘Christmas Cello’ in 2010.
EP album ‘Moonlight’ was released in July 2011.
Compilation ‘Grace: A Sacred Cello Collection’ was released in March 2014.