Lyrissa - Vocals
Jarlaath - Vocals, oboe
Neo - Guitars
Loic - Guitars
Agone - Bass (also in Lux Incerta,Synoptia)
Zoltan - Keyboards
Arathelis - Drums
Penumbra (半阴影)组建于1996年实属偶然:1996年的一天,参加一场音乐会的Dorian(吉他手)遇上了 Jarlaath (主唱),之后他们彼此介绍一番,发现他们大体上都以哲学的观点独特地思考金属乐。他们意识到彼此对音乐的想法是如此地不谋而合。两人都持这种观点:周围太多的乐队听起来或多或少是一样的,但对他们来说,还是没充分运用古典音乐的影响。于是他们加上女高音和合成器,安排了一个试演。同时Jarlaath还演奏双簧管。这次试演狂暴得极好以至于没有丝毫的犹豫他们就决定离开乐队并组建Penumbra(此时他们叫Imperatoria)。
1997年,与Misanthrope(厌世者)在巴黎音乐会上的第一张小样发行。大约在96年的11月Imperatoria解散,Dorian 和Herr Rikk很快加入Jarlaath并与其他三人组建Penumbra.他们的首次露面是在圣丹尼斯大学节日上,那里有很多金属乐队的演出。当地人出乎意料的对他们无取胜希望者充满了热情。在第一次现场经历后不久,乐队有机会和法国金属乐队Misanthrope(厌世者)一同演出,再一次受到了大家的积极肯定。
半阴影很快意识到虽然他们演出的视觉方面起了一个很重要的角色。因此他们用戏服,烟火桩来达到演出的戏剧性效果.同年发行了第一张小样《Falling into my soul》,卖得很好,受到广泛的注意。
98年夏天,Emanate专集的发行开始。Bénédicte离开乐队,加入Misanthrope,她的键盘位置由Zoltan取代。两位女高音Medusa, Elise加上一个男中音Aramis参与了这张唱片的录制。
98年末Nicolas 离开乐队,加入Forest of Souls(灵魂森林)。他的位置暂时由Herr Rikk'的兄弟David取代。女高音Scyllia加入乐队。99年初,Herr Rikk成为了Temple of Baal的鼓手,离队到Hekchen。此时,新贝司手Aldric加入。乐队参加了布伦、巴黎、奥尔良(法国),Pratteln(瑞士)以及第九届莱比锡音乐节等的演出,他们是唯一表演的法国乐队。
2001年,第二张唱片The Last Bewitchment发行.年初,Scyllia决定加入另外一个组合因而离开了 Penumbra.Hekchen 与 Aldric也离开了乐队.同年四月Garlic(鼓手)和Agone(贝司、和声)加入乐队。此时唱片的准备工作开始。到了年底,唱片才制作完成。Medusa因私人原因离队。2002年第二张唱片开始发行,乐队来回的现场演出。前三个月,乐队找到了一新吟诗歌手Kyrste。乐队带在嘉宾歌手Stephanie参加了荷兰的三场音乐会,与Within Temptation乐队一起法国之旅。
Penumbra is a French gothic metal band. They have released their last two albums through Season of Mist.
Formation of Penumbra
The original founders of Penumbra were Jarlaath and Dorian, who met at a concert in 1996. They found that they had similar views and philosophies regarding music; both agreed that there were too many bands who had similar sounds, and not enough bands using classical influences. At this point, they agreed to rehearse together, and shortly thereafter left their original bands to form Imperatoria.
Around November 1996, Imperatoria split, and Jarlaath created a new band known as Penumbra. He was joined once again by Dorian, along with Herr Rikk and three other musicians. They first appeared at the St. Denis University Festival in 1997, where they were received well. Shortly after this, they got the offer to play with the French metal band Misanthrope. The same year, they released their first demo, "Falling Into My Soul".
Recording of Emanate
In mid-1998, Penumbra's keyboardist, Benedicte, left the band to join Misanthrope. She was replaced by Zoltan. Medusa and Elise joined the band as sopranos, and Amaris joined as a baritone. With this formation, the band recorded their first full-length album, Emanate, throughout the second half of 1998.
Throughout 1999 and 2000, Penumbra played various live shows in France and Switzerland, as well as playing at the Leipzig Festival.
Lyrissa - Vocals
Jarlaath - Vocals, oboe
Neo - Guitars
Loic - Guitars
Agone - Bass (also in Lux Incerta,Synoptia)
Zoltan - Keyboards
Arathelis - Drums
Penumbra (半阴影)组建于1996年实属偶然:1996年的一天,参加一场音乐会的Dorian(吉他手)遇上了 Jarlaath (主唱),之后他们彼此介绍一番,发现他们大体上都以哲学的观点独特地思考金属乐。他们意识到彼此对音乐的想法是如此地不谋而合。两人都持这种观点:周围太多的乐队听起来或多或少是一样的,但对他们来说,还是没充分运用古典音乐的影响。于是他们加上女高音和合成器,安排了一个试演。同时Jarlaath还演奏双簧管。这次试演狂暴得极好以至于没有丝毫的犹豫他们就决定离开乐队并组建Penumbra(此时他们叫Imperatoria)。
1997年,与Misanthrope(厌世者)在巴黎音乐会上的第一张小样发行。大约在96年的11月Imperatoria解散,Dorian 和Herr Rikk很快加入Jarlaath并与其他三人组建Penumbra.他们的首次露面是在圣丹尼斯大学节日上,那里有很多金属乐队的演出。当地人出乎意料的对他们无取胜希望者充满了热情。在第一次现场经历后不久,乐队有机会和法国金属乐队Misanthrope(厌世者)一同演出,再一次受到了大家的积极肯定。
半阴影很快意识到虽然他们演出的视觉方面起了一个很重要的角色。因此他们用戏服,烟火桩来达到演出的戏剧性效果.同年发行了第一张小样《Falling into my soul》,卖得很好,受到广泛的注意。
98年夏天,Emanate专集的发行开始。Bénédicte离开乐队,加入Misanthrope,她的键盘位置由Zoltan取代。两位女高音Medusa, Elise加上一个男中音Aramis参与了这张唱片的录制。
98年末Nicolas 离开乐队,加入Forest of Souls(灵魂森林)。他的位置暂时由Herr Rikk'的兄弟David取代。女高音Scyllia加入乐队。99年初,Herr Rikk成为了Temple of Baal的鼓手,离队到Hekchen。此时,新贝司手Aldric加入。乐队参加了布伦、巴黎、奥尔良(法国),Pratteln(瑞士)以及第九届莱比锡音乐节等的演出,他们是唯一表演的法国乐队。
2001年,第二张唱片The Last Bewitchment发行.年初,Scyllia决定加入另外一个组合因而离开了 Penumbra.Hekchen 与 Aldric也离开了乐队.同年四月Garlic(鼓手)和Agone(贝司、和声)加入乐队。此时唱片的准备工作开始。到了年底,唱片才制作完成。Medusa因私人原因离队。2002年第二张唱片开始发行,乐队来回的现场演出。前三个月,乐队找到了一新吟诗歌手Kyrste。乐队带在嘉宾歌手Stephanie参加了荷兰的三场音乐会,与Within Temptation乐队一起法国之旅。
Penumbra is a French gothic metal band. They have released their last two albums through Season of Mist.
Formation of Penumbra
The original founders of Penumbra were Jarlaath and Dorian, who met at a concert in 1996. They found that they had similar views and philosophies regarding music; both agreed that there were too many bands who had similar sounds, and not enough bands using classical influences. At this point, they agreed to rehearse together, and shortly thereafter left their original bands to form Imperatoria.
Around November 1996, Imperatoria split, and Jarlaath created a new band known as Penumbra. He was joined once again by Dorian, along with Herr Rikk and three other musicians. They first appeared at the St. Denis University Festival in 1997, where they were received well. Shortly after this, they got the offer to play with the French metal band Misanthrope. The same year, they released their first demo, "Falling Into My Soul".
Recording of Emanate
In mid-1998, Penumbra's keyboardist, Benedicte, left the band to join Misanthrope. She was replaced by Zoltan. Medusa and Elise joined the band as sopranos, and Amaris joined as a baritone. With this formation, the band recorded their first full-length album, Emanate, throughout the second half of 1998.
Throughout 1999 and 2000, Penumbra played various live shows in France and Switzerland, as well as playing at the Leipzig Festival.