Boyce Avenue
中 文 名 博伊斯大道
外 文 名 Boyce Avenue
创 立 者 Manzano brothers
风 格 pop rock,alternative rock,pop
主 唱 Alejandro Manzano
创建时间 2004
唱片公司 3 Peace Records
Boyce Avenue是一个由Alejandro Manzano、Daniel Manzano、Fabian Manzano三兄弟于佛罗里达州萨拉索塔建立的流行乐队,正式组建于2004年。乐队名取自于他们几个小时候所住之处两条街的名字。2010年1月,Boyce Avenue曾签约Universal Republic唱片公司,并于2011年8月与其解约,回到了自己创立的3 Peace Records旗下。BA在与许多油管艺人合作翻唱经典老歌和当红新歌的同时也在发布原创歌曲。于此之外,Boyce Avenue经常在美国,加拿大,欧盟国家,澳大利亚和东南亚巡演。
Boyce Avenue,一支来自佛罗里达的流行乐队,以其强有力的和弦以及有节奏的摇滚乐著称,乐队正式成员为Alejadro Manzano、Fabian Manzano、Daniel Manzano三兄弟。乐队成形于2000年,当时的Alejandro(主唱,吉他手,钢琴手)和Fabian(吉他手)分别只有14和16岁,在之后的三个月内,Alejandro、Fabian和他们20岁的哥哥Daniel(贝斯手,打击乐)在PIne Wiew高中进行小规模的演出,当时观众人数达到350多人。这开启了他们在学生生涯中众多演出的序幕。
在接下来的几年中,乐队成员奔赴美国各地求学,Fabian在佛罗里达大学攻读建筑学学位,Daniel远赴马萨诸塞州攻读哈佛大学法学学位。尽管成员分布各地,但这期间,Boyce Avenue总是能利用各种机会聚在一起进行音乐创作。所以,直到2004年10月,乐队才在真正意义上的得以组建。因为这时,Daniel已经从法学院毕业,在佛罗里达重新集结了乐队成员,并正式担任乐队的全职贝斯手,同时,此时只有18岁的Alejandro开始创作乐队的第一首歌曲《Find Me》。在接下来的几个月里,乐队开始了在他们家乡Sarasota的演出。2005年4月,乐队最后一次造访Pine View高中。在争夺Mr. Pine View的竞赛中,乐队的演出得到了当地媒体的关注。
Alejandro从高中毕业后,他就读于佛罗里达大学。在Gainesville,乐队为了提高自己的知名度而在街边进行演出,这得到了鼓手Stephen Hatker很大的帮助。2006年10月,乐队在NIckel and Dime Studios录制了三首单曲。接下来的两年间,在几个歌曲创作大赛中,Boyce Avenue收到了一些音乐家,音乐人和音乐公司的赞誉:在2007年IMWS比赛中,乐队闯进了东南赛区半决赛;凭借单曲《All The While》闯入2007年国际歌曲创作大赛的半决赛;在2007届John Lennon 歌曲创作大赛中,入选前12强;凭借歌曲《Find Me》进入了全美歌曲创作大赛流行组的总决赛;在IAMA和2008年国际歌曲创作大赛中,凭借《Hear Me Now》闯入总决赛。
为了完成第一张专辑,忙于创作歌曲、录制新单曲的Boyce Avenue从公众的视野中消失了一段时间。2007年七月,乐队回到亚特兰大,在Electron Gardens Studio录制三首单曲,并且入住历史悠久的Biltmore Hotel。同年十月,在朋友Stephen Hatker的帮助下,乐队在佛罗里达州奥兰多市完成了专辑照片的摄影,并在RMP Studios录制了两首歌曲。专辑的最后三首歌也是在RMP Studios进行录制的,这期间,Stephen Hatker正式加入乐队,并担任乐队的全职鼓手,接下来,乐队迁移到佛罗里达州的萨拉索塔。
专辑《All You‘re Meant To Be》在2008年3月25日作为乐队第一张原创专辑正式发行。
2007年,他们决定开始以录制歌曲并上传到油管的方式,把他们的声音分享给全世界。第一期的翻唱曲目包括不插电版本的若干歌曲,其中包括Justin Timberlake的LoveStoned、Rihanna的Umbrella、Coldplay的Viva La Vida等。虽然因为早期设备简陋,视频音频都显得模糊,但这些视频仍然在网上很快的得到了不错的反响。放眼至今,Boyce Avenue在油管已经拥有超过2,084,698,032(二十亿)的播放量和7,388,178(七百万)位订阅用户(截至2015年8月),翻唱专辑已发行了十余张,乐队业已发展成为设备、体系完善的独立乐队。
然而,Boyce Avenue并不满足于此,乐队想更直接的让人们感受到他们音乐的魅力。于是,2009年,Boyce Avenue预订了一场在纽约举办的演唱会。虽然有人认为这有可能点冒险,但是Boyce Avenue相信自己拥有大量粉丝群体的支持。正是这场异常成功的演唱会,开启了乐队的世界巡演之路。同年,乐队在费城举办了一场25000人规模的演唱会并获得成功,借着此次成功,乐队又在美国、加拿大和欧洲的大场馆进行巡演,他们的足迹遍布旧金山的菲尔莫音乐厅、纽约的韦伯斯特大厅、芝加哥的里维埃拉剧院、多伦多桑德学院、都柏林奥林匹亚剧院等各个演出场馆。
2010年1月,Boyce Avenue与唱片公司Universal Republic签约,同年6月发行了专辑《All We Have Left》,专辑中所有曲目的制作以及融资在签约Universal Republic之前都已完成。
2011年8月,Boyce Avenue脱离了唱片公司Universal Republic,回到了属于自己的3 Peace Record旗下,做到了乐队的彻底独立。同时,3 Peace Records还签约了歌手Hannah Trigwell。
2012年,Boyce Avenue成为选秀节目《X音素》的声乐导师。
2013年8月,乐队发行了首张现场专辑,名为《Live In Los Angeles》。
2014年4月,乐队的EP《No Limits》正式发行,比起先前专辑,这张EP加入了更多欢快的流行元素。
2016年发行录音室专辑《Road Less Traveled》。
Boyce Avenue is an American rock band formed in Sarasota, Florida, by Alejandro Luis Manzano and his brothers Daniel Enrique Manzano, Fabian Rafael Manzano. The band is named after a combination of two streets the brothers lived on as children. As of August 9, 2011, they are no longer signed to Universal Republic and have started their own independent record label called 3 Peace Records. Boyce Avenue releases original music as well as covers of contemporary and classic songs on YouTube. Boyce Avenue has also collaborated with other YouTube artists such as Hannah Trigwell, Kina Grannis, Tiffany Alvord, Megan Nicole, Alex Goot, Megan & Liz, David Choi, Tyler Ward, Savannah Outen, Cobus Potgieter, John Robby Deleon and DeStorm Power as well as The X Factor season two finalists Fifth Harmony, Beatrice Miller, Diamond White and Carly Rose Sonenclar.
Boyce Avenue frequently tours in the United States, Canada, the European Union, Australia, and Southeast Asia.
Boyce Avenue formed in 2004 when Daniel moved back to Florida after graduating from Harvard Law School. Alejandro and Fabian were both attending classes at the University of Florida. Both tried to graduate before leaving the university, but couldn't.
In 2007 million views and have been released as digital EPs by 3 Peace Records. Their two YouTube channels, BoyceAvenue and BoyceAvenueExtras have had a total of over 1 billion views as of 2014.While producing the videos for YouTube, Boyce Avenue continued to create original material for their album, All You’re Meant to Be, which was released on March 3, 2008. In January 2009, the band performed a stand-alone sold-out show in New York City at the Mercury Lounge. On October 2, 2009 WWE featured their single "Hear Me Now" in a video tribute to Eddie Guerrero on their decade of SmackDown show.
In early 2010, they returned to the Philippines to play festivals with Kris Allen and the Jabbawockeez. This was followed by a spring revisit tour of Europe in 2010.
On January 23, 2010, the band signed with Universal Republic and had a debut album, entitled All We Have Left, released on June 15, 2010. The album was produced and financed entirely by Boyce Avenue prior to being signed to Universal Republic. The album contains reworked songs from All You're Meant To Be and new songs written for the album. The album's first single, "Every Breath", was released digitally on March 16, 2010. The music video for "Every Breath" was released on March 20, 2010.
In November 2011, they released their original music video, "Dare to Believe." In December 2011 they received one million subscribers on YouTube and thanked the subscribers by posting the official music video of "Find Me", from their album All We Have Left. On April 16, 2012, Boyce Avenue released the official video for their song "Broken Angel" as a worldwide debut through Q Magazine and YouTube. The most currently released music video was "On My Way" on November 18, 2012.
In 2012, Boyce Avenue worked on the American version of The X Factor as vocal coaches.
In May 14, 2013, Boyce Avenue announced a World Tour in Fall. The first 4 countries they visit are Canada, USA, UK and Ireland.
By the end of August 2013, Boyce Avenue had hit 1 billion views and 4 million subscribers on YouTube, making them the fourth most popular band on that medium.
On August 6, 2013, they released their first live album, from their world tour, called Live in Los Angeles.
On March 2014, they performed for the first time in Madrid and Barcelona (Spain), both concerts sold out.
The band's EP, No Limits, was released April 22, 2014, with a full-length album planned for later in the year. The EP contains more upbeat pop tracks than their previous work. On March 24, Boyce Avenue announce they will be teaming up with Vessel, a subscription video service launched by the early team behind Hulu, including former CEO Jason Kilar.
Road Less Traveled was released on April 2016.
中 文 名 博伊斯大道
外 文 名 Boyce Avenue
创 立 者 Manzano brothers
风 格 pop rock,alternative rock,pop
主 唱 Alejandro Manzano
创建时间 2004
唱片公司 3 Peace Records
Boyce Avenue是一个由Alejandro Manzano、Daniel Manzano、Fabian Manzano三兄弟于佛罗里达州萨拉索塔建立的流行乐队,正式组建于2004年。乐队名取自于他们几个小时候所住之处两条街的名字。2010年1月,Boyce Avenue曾签约Universal Republic唱片公司,并于2011年8月与其解约,回到了自己创立的3 Peace Records旗下。BA在与许多油管艺人合作翻唱经典老歌和当红新歌的同时也在发布原创歌曲。于此之外,Boyce Avenue经常在美国,加拿大,欧盟国家,澳大利亚和东南亚巡演。
Boyce Avenue,一支来自佛罗里达的流行乐队,以其强有力的和弦以及有节奏的摇滚乐著称,乐队正式成员为Alejadro Manzano、Fabian Manzano、Daniel Manzano三兄弟。乐队成形于2000年,当时的Alejandro(主唱,吉他手,钢琴手)和Fabian(吉他手)分别只有14和16岁,在之后的三个月内,Alejandro、Fabian和他们20岁的哥哥Daniel(贝斯手,打击乐)在PIne Wiew高中进行小规模的演出,当时观众人数达到350多人。这开启了他们在学生生涯中众多演出的序幕。
在接下来的几年中,乐队成员奔赴美国各地求学,Fabian在佛罗里达大学攻读建筑学学位,Daniel远赴马萨诸塞州攻读哈佛大学法学学位。尽管成员分布各地,但这期间,Boyce Avenue总是能利用各种机会聚在一起进行音乐创作。所以,直到2004年10月,乐队才在真正意义上的得以组建。因为这时,Daniel已经从法学院毕业,在佛罗里达重新集结了乐队成员,并正式担任乐队的全职贝斯手,同时,此时只有18岁的Alejandro开始创作乐队的第一首歌曲《Find Me》。在接下来的几个月里,乐队开始了在他们家乡Sarasota的演出。2005年4月,乐队最后一次造访Pine View高中。在争夺Mr. Pine View的竞赛中,乐队的演出得到了当地媒体的关注。
Alejandro从高中毕业后,他就读于佛罗里达大学。在Gainesville,乐队为了提高自己的知名度而在街边进行演出,这得到了鼓手Stephen Hatker很大的帮助。2006年10月,乐队在NIckel and Dime Studios录制了三首单曲。接下来的两年间,在几个歌曲创作大赛中,Boyce Avenue收到了一些音乐家,音乐人和音乐公司的赞誉:在2007年IMWS比赛中,乐队闯进了东南赛区半决赛;凭借单曲《All The While》闯入2007年国际歌曲创作大赛的半决赛;在2007届John Lennon 歌曲创作大赛中,入选前12强;凭借歌曲《Find Me》进入了全美歌曲创作大赛流行组的总决赛;在IAMA和2008年国际歌曲创作大赛中,凭借《Hear Me Now》闯入总决赛。
为了完成第一张专辑,忙于创作歌曲、录制新单曲的Boyce Avenue从公众的视野中消失了一段时间。2007年七月,乐队回到亚特兰大,在Electron Gardens Studio录制三首单曲,并且入住历史悠久的Biltmore Hotel。同年十月,在朋友Stephen Hatker的帮助下,乐队在佛罗里达州奥兰多市完成了专辑照片的摄影,并在RMP Studios录制了两首歌曲。专辑的最后三首歌也是在RMP Studios进行录制的,这期间,Stephen Hatker正式加入乐队,并担任乐队的全职鼓手,接下来,乐队迁移到佛罗里达州的萨拉索塔。
专辑《All You‘re Meant To Be》在2008年3月25日作为乐队第一张原创专辑正式发行。
2007年,他们决定开始以录制歌曲并上传到油管的方式,把他们的声音分享给全世界。第一期的翻唱曲目包括不插电版本的若干歌曲,其中包括Justin Timberlake的LoveStoned、Rihanna的Umbrella、Coldplay的Viva La Vida等。虽然因为早期设备简陋,视频音频都显得模糊,但这些视频仍然在网上很快的得到了不错的反响。放眼至今,Boyce Avenue在油管已经拥有超过2,084,698,032(二十亿)的播放量和7,388,178(七百万)位订阅用户(截至2015年8月),翻唱专辑已发行了十余张,乐队业已发展成为设备、体系完善的独立乐队。
然而,Boyce Avenue并不满足于此,乐队想更直接的让人们感受到他们音乐的魅力。于是,2009年,Boyce Avenue预订了一场在纽约举办的演唱会。虽然有人认为这有可能点冒险,但是Boyce Avenue相信自己拥有大量粉丝群体的支持。正是这场异常成功的演唱会,开启了乐队的世界巡演之路。同年,乐队在费城举办了一场25000人规模的演唱会并获得成功,借着此次成功,乐队又在美国、加拿大和欧洲的大场馆进行巡演,他们的足迹遍布旧金山的菲尔莫音乐厅、纽约的韦伯斯特大厅、芝加哥的里维埃拉剧院、多伦多桑德学院、都柏林奥林匹亚剧院等各个演出场馆。
2010年1月,Boyce Avenue与唱片公司Universal Republic签约,同年6月发行了专辑《All We Have Left》,专辑中所有曲目的制作以及融资在签约Universal Republic之前都已完成。
2011年8月,Boyce Avenue脱离了唱片公司Universal Republic,回到了属于自己的3 Peace Record旗下,做到了乐队的彻底独立。同时,3 Peace Records还签约了歌手Hannah Trigwell。
2012年,Boyce Avenue成为选秀节目《X音素》的声乐导师。
2013年8月,乐队发行了首张现场专辑,名为《Live In Los Angeles》。
2014年4月,乐队的EP《No Limits》正式发行,比起先前专辑,这张EP加入了更多欢快的流行元素。
2016年发行录音室专辑《Road Less Traveled》。
Boyce Avenue is an American rock band formed in Sarasota, Florida, by Alejandro Luis Manzano and his brothers Daniel Enrique Manzano, Fabian Rafael Manzano. The band is named after a combination of two streets the brothers lived on as children. As of August 9, 2011, they are no longer signed to Universal Republic and have started their own independent record label called 3 Peace Records. Boyce Avenue releases original music as well as covers of contemporary and classic songs on YouTube. Boyce Avenue has also collaborated with other YouTube artists such as Hannah Trigwell, Kina Grannis, Tiffany Alvord, Megan Nicole, Alex Goot, Megan & Liz, David Choi, Tyler Ward, Savannah Outen, Cobus Potgieter, John Robby Deleon and DeStorm Power as well as The X Factor season two finalists Fifth Harmony, Beatrice Miller, Diamond White and Carly Rose Sonenclar.
Boyce Avenue frequently tours in the United States, Canada, the European Union, Australia, and Southeast Asia.
Boyce Avenue formed in 2004 when Daniel moved back to Florida after graduating from Harvard Law School. Alejandro and Fabian were both attending classes at the University of Florida. Both tried to graduate before leaving the university, but couldn't.
In 2007 million views and have been released as digital EPs by 3 Peace Records. Their two YouTube channels, BoyceAvenue and BoyceAvenueExtras have had a total of over 1 billion views as of 2014.While producing the videos for YouTube, Boyce Avenue continued to create original material for their album, All You’re Meant to Be, which was released on March 3, 2008. In January 2009, the band performed a stand-alone sold-out show in New York City at the Mercury Lounge. On October 2, 2009 WWE featured their single "Hear Me Now" in a video tribute to Eddie Guerrero on their decade of SmackDown show.
In early 2010, they returned to the Philippines to play festivals with Kris Allen and the Jabbawockeez. This was followed by a spring revisit tour of Europe in 2010.
On January 23, 2010, the band signed with Universal Republic and had a debut album, entitled All We Have Left, released on June 15, 2010. The album was produced and financed entirely by Boyce Avenue prior to being signed to Universal Republic. The album contains reworked songs from All You're Meant To Be and new songs written for the album. The album's first single, "Every Breath", was released digitally on March 16, 2010. The music video for "Every Breath" was released on March 20, 2010.
In November 2011, they released their original music video, "Dare to Believe." In December 2011 they received one million subscribers on YouTube and thanked the subscribers by posting the official music video of "Find Me", from their album All We Have Left. On April 16, 2012, Boyce Avenue released the official video for their song "Broken Angel" as a worldwide debut through Q Magazine and YouTube. The most currently released music video was "On My Way" on November 18, 2012.
In 2012, Boyce Avenue worked on the American version of The X Factor as vocal coaches.
In May 14, 2013, Boyce Avenue announced a World Tour in Fall. The first 4 countries they visit are Canada, USA, UK and Ireland.
By the end of August 2013, Boyce Avenue had hit 1 billion views and 4 million subscribers on YouTube, making them the fourth most popular band on that medium.
On August 6, 2013, they released their first live album, from their world tour, called Live in Los Angeles.
On March 2014, they performed for the first time in Madrid and Barcelona (Spain), both concerts sold out.
The band's EP, No Limits, was released April 22, 2014, with a full-length album planned for later in the year. The EP contains more upbeat pop tracks than their previous work. On March 24, Boyce Avenue announce they will be teaming up with Vessel, a subscription video service launched by the early team behind Hulu, including former CEO Jason Kilar.
Road Less Traveled was released on April 2016.