1982年生于伊利诺斯。在他的父母离异并跟随父亲搬至约旦的安曼后,Ferras这位来自洛杉矶的歌手五岁起就开始接触键盘。仅仅过了几个月,Ferras 最后又搬回美国与母亲同住,并开始集中于在音乐方面展示其创作才能。 10多岁的时候跟随其母再次搬到了加州城镇 Santa Barbara。作为一个有灵气的歌曲写手和表演家,Ferras 引起了Limp Bizkit 的掌门人Fred Durst 的注意,后者邀请 Ferras 加入他刚起步的个人厂牌。 最终,Ferras 还是受雇于波士顿的伯克利音乐学院。同时,Durst 为 Ferras 安排了 Capitol Records 的一次试听会,最终促成了Ferras 与该唱片公司的签约合同。Ferras 的首张专辑 Aliens & Rainbows 将在08年发行) [1].Alterno 貌似是一种爵士的音乐风格,待考 [2].Four to the floor 或 four-on-the-floor 是一种有着稳定的、非正式的4/4拍的重节奏舞曲或这一类音乐风格的总称,流行于60年代,后来衍变为70年代的 Disco... 美国偶像第七季淘太曲"Hollywood's Not America"即是出自於"Ferras"这位歌手,在还没发片就已经家喻户晓的ferras终於在4月1日即将发行第一张专辑"Aliens & Rainbows" 歌手兼作曲家 Ferras 有着能够掀起风浪的出众才能,而制作人组合 the Matrix 和 Gary Clark 的加入使得Ferras的才能显得愈发突出,在他们的合力协作下,诞生了这张有着让人叹为观止的深度和美感的流行大碟。他们合作的第一批被带到全国观众面前的成果就是Ferras 的那首让他在美国偶像中脱颖而出、光受欢迎的“Hollywood's Not America”。虽然如此,但事实上还是那首让人屏息的“Take My Lips”为 Ferras 赢得了与 Capitol Records 的合约。通过自己的钢琴伴奏, Ferras 在唱片公司的老总面前表演了这首充满感情带有浪漫色彩的情歌,结果这首歌也出现在他的首张专辑 Aliens & Rainbows 中,这些全都要归功于制作人刻意加重的戏剧化的弹奏成份。这种戏剧化的效果确立了这张专辑的主要感情色彩。就像Lips,“Rush”也是一首只用原声乐器演绎的带有浪漫色彩的歌谣,感觉却十分大气。在 Ferras 兼具真情实感和看似轻松的演绎,体现出的却是一种歌者本人被排斥在外、安全缺失的无助感受。内涵非常丰富的“Liberation Day”,打个比方说,是一首带着在“Space Oddity”时代 David Bowie 式的强劲火力和“Goodbye Yellow Brick Road”时代 Elton John 式的颤颤微微,他在写实风格的歌词中唱道“What a wonderful day to throw your illusions away”,这首“Liberation Day”似乎有着所有以往热门单曲的动人特质。这种特点同样在另类摇滚风格的靓曲“Everybody Bleeds the Same”有着舞曲式的节奏和集体庆典中独唱般的演唱方式。新浪漫主义/新浪潮风格的“Something About You”带来一阵Alterno[1].风格的狂风暴雨,而“Don't Give Up”的那种 four-on-the-floor[2].风格的舞曲节奏和令人欣喜的人声演绎,注定将成为 Club 舞曲的经典作。每一首歌都展现了Ferras个人音乐才能的同等水平发挥,唯一美中不足的是,程式化的节奏使这张专辑中作者流露出的真情实感被逐渐削弱。 “Soul Rock”中,Ferras 的表现自始至终都让人相当惊喜,歌词体现出了一种深思熟虑和雅致,歌曲的主题大多都是个人化和那种常见的质问(诸如“Dear God”和“My Beautiful Life”),甚至是那些浪漫风格的作品也能体现出一些新意。编曲采用的是让人惊异的、近乎完满的氛围电子。但问题就来了,有了如此出色的第一张,Ferras 的下一步该怎么走呢? 记得21金维他的广告吗,伴着那个很有磁性的男声“我们支持你的爱”一起出现在耳边的,正是这首温馨感人的歌。据不可靠消息,演唱歌手是来自美国的新人Ferras,今年四月他发行了个人第一张唱片《Aliens And Rainbows》,不过这首歌没有收录在唱片中。 很有磁性的男声,旋律不错、歌词励志。这首歌前面的一小段是最打动人的一段,之后的副歌和第二段,比较一般。或许最开始的那种感动是来自于广告画面同音乐两者相互结合而让人印象深刻。
by Matt Collar
Born Ferras Alquasi in Illinois in 1982, Los Angeles-based singer/songwriter Ferras began playing the keyboard at age five after his parents divorced and he moved with his father to Amman, Jordan. There for only five months, Ferras ultimately moved back to the States to live with his mother and quickly began focusing his creative energy on music. By his teens, Ferras moved once again with his mother to Santa Barbara, CA. Already an aspiring songwriter and performer, Ferras caught the ear of Limp Bizkit frontman Fred Durst, who wanted to sign him to his burgeoning label. Ultimately, though, Ferras enrolled for classes at the Berklee School of Music in Boston. While there, Durst facilitated an audition for Ferras with Capitol Records, which led to a recording deal. Ferras' debut album, Aliens & Rainbows, dropped in 2008.
by Matt Collar
Born Ferras Alquasi in Illinois in 1982, Los Angeles-based singer/songwriter Ferras began playing the keyboard at age five after his parents divorced and he moved with his father to Amman, Jordan. There for only five months, Ferras ultimately moved back to the States to live with his mother and quickly began focusing his creative energy on music. By his teens, Ferras moved once again with his mother to Santa Barbara, CA. Already an aspiring songwriter and performer, Ferras caught the ear of Limp Bizkit frontman Fred Durst, who wanted to sign him to his burgeoning label. Ultimately, though, Ferras enrolled for classes at the Berklee School of Music in Boston. While there, Durst facilitated an audition for Ferras with Capitol Records, which led to a recording deal. Ferras' debut album, Aliens & Rainbows, dropped in 2008.