Max Graham
2001年,当Kinetic唱片宣布Max Graham为其第四张Transport Mix CD混音制作人后,DJ界似乎已经看到了一颗新星的诞生。因为负责该专辑的前三位DJ都是业界极负盛名的重量级人物,分别是Paul Oakenfold,Dave Ralph和Sandra Collins。而Max也没让Kinetic唱片和他的前辈们失望,transport Mix第四张专辑当年即进入DJ Magazine的Top 100,排名23位,是当年新出唱片排名最高的一张。Paul Oakenfold在听过这张专辑后更亲自邀请Max参加他从美国到Ibiza的巡回演出。Max迅速地崛起与其创作的天分是分不开的,他的原创曲"Airtight"同时被Tiesto和Oakenfold收录在各自的精选混音碟中,受欢迎程度可见一斑。
广泛地选择各类舞曲以及独特的混音技巧,让人很难将Max的音乐风格进行分类,但可以肯定的是绝对令人疯狂,因为由Max主持的SHINE派对每次都能令 来自世界各地的Clubber们跳上十个钟头后还不愿离去。进入2004年。Max推出了自己的第一张大碟"Shine",同时也成立了自己的音乐厂牌"Shinemusic"。Shine---可能这就是Max对自己音乐的总结,也代表了一种全新的极致浦感。
Canadian DJ Max Graham started as a cut and scratch DJ before he switched to the genre of trance and progressive house. Starting at the turntables in 1986 at 15, Graham went from cut and scratch to house, at a time when house music was going through a renaissance period. Around 1992, when progressive house was at its beginning stages, Graham was exposed to the sounds of BT and Underworld. He was inspired by the selections of DJs like Paul Oakenfold and Sasha and decided to turn his music attention to spreading their sound throughout Canada. Though trance was spreading in Europe, only a few DJs were playing it in Canada. Though it took a few years, Canada caught on and made Graham one of its busiest progressive DJs. Kinetic Records took notice of Graham, giving him the helm for volume four of their Tranceport series, released in May of 2001. A bit prior to the mix albums release, Graham started producing in a small studio, with three of four of the tracks appearing on dance music charts in the U.K. and Europe. In 2003 Graham started hosting a monthly show on the internet-only Proton Radio and released the mix-CD Shine a year later on System.
广泛地选择各类舞曲以及独特的混音技巧,让人很难将Max的音乐风格进行分类,但可以肯定的是绝对令人疯狂,因为由Max主持的SHINE派对每次都能令 来自世界各地的Clubber们跳上十个钟头后还不愿离去。进入2004年。Max推出了自己的第一张大碟"Shine",同时也成立了自己的音乐厂牌"Shinemusic"。Shine---可能这就是Max对自己音乐的总结,也代表了一种全新的极致浦感。
Canadian DJ Max Graham started as a cut and scratch DJ before he switched to the genre of trance and progressive house. Starting at the turntables in 1986 at 15, Graham went from cut and scratch to house, at a time when house music was going through a renaissance period. Around 1992, when progressive house was at its beginning stages, Graham was exposed to the sounds of BT and Underworld. He was inspired by the selections of DJs like Paul Oakenfold and Sasha and decided to turn his music attention to spreading their sound throughout Canada. Though trance was spreading in Europe, only a few DJs were playing it in Canada. Though it took a few years, Canada caught on and made Graham one of its busiest progressive DJs. Kinetic Records took notice of Graham, giving him the helm for volume four of their Tranceport series, released in May of 2001. A bit prior to the mix albums release, Graham started producing in a small studio, with three of four of the tracks appearing on dance music charts in the U.K. and Europe. In 2003 Graham started hosting a monthly show on the internet-only Proton Radio and released the mix-CD Shine a year later on System.