每个人都置身世风日下间,生活中每个人都有不顺的时候,心态总是随着自身糟糕的遭遇而颠簸,很多人习惯在夜里独自沉沦。有人问Matt:“The Dark Ages(黑暗年代)真实的含义是什么?对我来说,表达了非常消极的态度,甚至不管你做什么,黑暗的情绪都在那里,听这首歌总会让我有漂浮在空中的感觉,这到底表达了什么?”
对于这个屡见不鲜的问题Bedhead当然无从答起,坚如磐石的信仰已根植在音乐中,在生活的不尽疲惫里却又无伸张着对未来的希冀。他们不怎么喜欢以宣泄的噪音为主基调, 但可以明确的是,里面很多歌曲在平静间瞬间爆发到宣泄状态时让人感觉到泻闸般的力量,轻易地煽起了听者周身血液的激流。那融合力量和控制力的吉它令他们出奇制胜,Bubba那几乎听不清的演唱也使Bedhead的音乐产生巨大的矛盾感。大多数时候Bedhead在情绪上却是安静有时甚至是忧郁的,尤其在演唱上Matt那柔软,随意,半带懒洋洋的演唱并未落入俗套,使之音乐构造上饱满而又深情款款。这些都为那些后来走另类路径的独立乐队指明了煽情的成功范例。
在喧嚣和浮躁面前,音乐是至上的,并不高产的Bedhead11年来他们只有3张专辑——《What Fun Life Was》1994年、《Beheaded》1996年、《Transaction de Novo》1998年,他们低调行事,连《滚石》对他们一直抱有做专访的兴趣却未能如愿。关于Bedhead的延拓性话题我想还有很多,我最早也是被“Haywire”史诗般的吉他演奏而吸引得目眩神迷,接下来“Wind Down”末尾的磅礴大气也让人胸襟宽畅,有些像香港导演杜琪峰的《暗战》的电影配乐。
Bedhead没有想去打破什么既有的规则,他们简单的音乐里没有怪异的器乐和不可思议的采样。主唱Matt Kadane和Bubba Kadane的声音也没什么特别的地方,吉他也没刻意去发出表面上听起来尖利的音色。可是,你从他们音乐里感受到的多是摇滚乐内核的根本精神,还有些淡淡的民谣和缓慢而忧郁的步履,非常容易得到喜新厌旧的乐迷们共鸣。Bedhead不需要在音乐里撕裂的吼叫来获取巨大的能量。他们从不会伤害你的耳朵,却淌进了我们无援的心灵,在这个什么看起来都那么焦躁的无语年月,这是多么难得的幸事。 在Bedhead的官方网站上有这样一段激昂人心的话:“有的时候你可能会觉得所有的东西你都听过,这让你觉得疲惫不堪和厌倦,并且认为不会有什么好的东西再出现,可这个时候有个新的声音出现了,那么他就是——Bedhead。
by Jason Ankeny
Slowcore pioneers Bedhead were led by guitarist siblings Matt and Bubba Kadane, whose musical collaboration dated back to their years spent growing up in Wichita Falls, TX. The brothers continued writing and recording together even after Matt left home in 1985 to attend school in Dallas, and by 1990 they were playing in a band which also included drummer Trini Martinez and, on occasion, guitarist Tench Coxe. This line-up evolved into Bedhead in 1991 with the addition of bassist Kris Wheat, and early the following year the quintet played its debut live show in Austin; their debut single, Bedside Table, followed that spring. Impressed by the single, the Butthole Surfers King Coffey signed Bedhead to his Trance Syndicate label, and in April 1994 the group issued their full-length debut WhatFunLifeWas, followed in the autumn by 4-songEP19:10. Despite universal critical praise for their intricate, hauntingly intimate sound, Bedhead was unable to mount any kind of tour until mid-1995 — Matt Kadane had since relocated to New York, while Coxe was teaching English in Russia; concurrently, they also recorded enough new material for an EP, The Dark Ages, as well as an LP, Beheaded. Transaction de Novo followed in early 1998, but continued logistical problems forced Bedhead to announce their break-up that August; the Lepidoptera/Leper ten-inch appeared posthumously, as did a split release with Macha. The Kadane brothers later reunited in the New Year. In 2001 the band reissued WhatFunLifeWas, Bedhead and Transaction De Novo.
每个人都置身世风日下间,生活中每个人都有不顺的时候,心态总是随着自身糟糕的遭遇而颠簸,很多人习惯在夜里独自沉沦。有人问Matt:“The Dark Ages(黑暗年代)真实的含义是什么?对我来说,表达了非常消极的态度,甚至不管你做什么,黑暗的情绪都在那里,听这首歌总会让我有漂浮在空中的感觉,这到底表达了什么?”
对于这个屡见不鲜的问题Bedhead当然无从答起,坚如磐石的信仰已根植在音乐中,在生活的不尽疲惫里却又无伸张着对未来的希冀。他们不怎么喜欢以宣泄的噪音为主基调, 但可以明确的是,里面很多歌曲在平静间瞬间爆发到宣泄状态时让人感觉到泻闸般的力量,轻易地煽起了听者周身血液的激流。那融合力量和控制力的吉它令他们出奇制胜,Bubba那几乎听不清的演唱也使Bedhead的音乐产生巨大的矛盾感。大多数时候Bedhead在情绪上却是安静有时甚至是忧郁的,尤其在演唱上Matt那柔软,随意,半带懒洋洋的演唱并未落入俗套,使之音乐构造上饱满而又深情款款。这些都为那些后来走另类路径的独立乐队指明了煽情的成功范例。
在喧嚣和浮躁面前,音乐是至上的,并不高产的Bedhead11年来他们只有3张专辑——《What Fun Life Was》1994年、《Beheaded》1996年、《Transaction de Novo》1998年,他们低调行事,连《滚石》对他们一直抱有做专访的兴趣却未能如愿。关于Bedhead的延拓性话题我想还有很多,我最早也是被“Haywire”史诗般的吉他演奏而吸引得目眩神迷,接下来“Wind Down”末尾的磅礴大气也让人胸襟宽畅,有些像香港导演杜琪峰的《暗战》的电影配乐。
Bedhead没有想去打破什么既有的规则,他们简单的音乐里没有怪异的器乐和不可思议的采样。主唱Matt Kadane和Bubba Kadane的声音也没什么特别的地方,吉他也没刻意去发出表面上听起来尖利的音色。可是,你从他们音乐里感受到的多是摇滚乐内核的根本精神,还有些淡淡的民谣和缓慢而忧郁的步履,非常容易得到喜新厌旧的乐迷们共鸣。Bedhead不需要在音乐里撕裂的吼叫来获取巨大的能量。他们从不会伤害你的耳朵,却淌进了我们无援的心灵,在这个什么看起来都那么焦躁的无语年月,这是多么难得的幸事。 在Bedhead的官方网站上有这样一段激昂人心的话:“有的时候你可能会觉得所有的东西你都听过,这让你觉得疲惫不堪和厌倦,并且认为不会有什么好的东西再出现,可这个时候有个新的声音出现了,那么他就是——Bedhead。
by Jason Ankeny
Slowcore pioneers Bedhead were led by guitarist siblings Matt and Bubba Kadane, whose musical collaboration dated back to their years spent growing up in Wichita Falls, TX. The brothers continued writing and recording together even after Matt left home in 1985 to attend school in Dallas, and by 1990 they were playing in a band which also included drummer Trini Martinez and, on occasion, guitarist Tench Coxe. This line-up evolved into Bedhead in 1991 with the addition of bassist Kris Wheat, and early the following year the quintet played its debut live show in Austin; their debut single, Bedside Table, followed that spring. Impressed by the single, the Butthole Surfers King Coffey signed Bedhead to his Trance Syndicate label, and in April 1994 the group issued their full-length debut WhatFunLifeWas, followed in the autumn by 4-songEP19:10. Despite universal critical praise for their intricate, hauntingly intimate sound, Bedhead was unable to mount any kind of tour until mid-1995 — Matt Kadane had since relocated to New York, while Coxe was teaching English in Russia; concurrently, they also recorded enough new material for an EP, The Dark Ages, as well as an LP, Beheaded. Transaction de Novo followed in early 1998, but continued logistical problems forced Bedhead to announce their break-up that August; the Lepidoptera/Leper ten-inch appeared posthumously, as did a split release with Macha. The Kadane brothers later reunited in the New Year. In 2001 the band reissued WhatFunLifeWas, Bedhead and Transaction De Novo.